
Clara is a bard from a Xahir tribe called the Travelers, entrusted with guarding a powerful and ancient composition called the Traveler's Song, with the power to alter the flow of time and rewrite history. The Traveler's used their song to heal rifts in time, a duty whihc they viewed as sacred.   She was dispatched to Mons Mirror when a former member of her tribe, Ezra, had played the Traveler's Song to win a music contest. Years later, his jealous rival Lorian got a hold of the song and used it to create an alternate reality where society valued music above all else. With Ezra and the Party's help, Lorian was defeated and histsory brought back to its original state. Clara returned successful, and even found a new recruit for their tribe--an eccentric musician who plays music using a choir of cats named Murphy.


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