
Murphy was a musician who attended the College of Songs with Ezra and Lorian, and competed for his silver pipes in the Orphean on the same night as them. He adopted an unconventional musical style using a chorus of cats as his instrument. Always one to march by the beat of his own drummer (or, rather, his own felines), Murphy never quite found a place where his unique musical talents fit in.   When Lorian used the powers of the Traveler's Song to alter history and install himself as the leader of a music-obsessed world, Murphy became his steward. However, he joined Ezra and the Corsairs in an epic battle of the bands, using his cats to interrupt Lorian's musicians.   In thanks for his help, Murphy was given a position among the Travelers, the Xahir tribe who guarded the Traveler's Song and used it to heal rifts in time.


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