
Cloudheads are mountainous artificial clouds created and controlled using alchemy. They were originally developed by Professor Alyn Arkades at a laboratory on Nimbus called The Weathervane. Their original intended purpose was to uplift the Moku people on Nimbus who suffered from a condition called Helioschosis that turned their skin to stone when exposed to sunlight. As development progressed, the Homyn Kingdom saw a number of other applications for the technology that could be adapted to other uses.   In total, Alyn Arkades and his pupils developed three cloudheads during his time on Nimbus:   --Stratus, a cloudhead designed to maximize the are of shade produced to cover an entire city. This was given to the Moku people to allow them to establish a permanent settlement in a location of their choice.   --Cumulus, a cloudhead optimized to extract moisture in the air to produce rainfalls for agriculture. It is the only cloudhead that remains operational and in control of the Homyn Kingdom, however they have lent it to the Corsairs for use as an escort when they travel among Io's moons.   --Cirrus, a cloudhead optimized to create thunderstorms and designed for warfare. It was stolen by one of the architects of the Cloudhead project, Shiobhan, in a misguided effort to protect a group of apostate Moku. She destabilized the Cloudhead causing it to become more dangerous and used its lightning to protect her and her subjects who came to worship her as a Goddess in their isolation at Cirrus Castle. The Corsairs managed to infiltrate the castle and dissipate the Cirrus Cloudhead, knocking it out of commission for good.


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