
Liam is Simon Albrecht's younger brother and heir to the throne of the Ioan moon Diamond. He grew up idolizing his older brother, but often found himself coming up short of the ideals Simon set for him. A cruel boy by temperament, what some might call a sociopath, Liam strugged with the difference between right and wrong.   His difficult childhood led him to neglect his studies, and resulted in a rare case of a noble being sent to the Lunar Brigade. The traumas of military service only poured kerosne in the fires of his psyche, and Liam returned a scarred man.   However, his return harm was marked by the news that his brother had joined the corsairs, thus forfeiting his title. In addition to his place in the line of succession, Liam also inherited Simon's bethrothed, his cousin, Collette.   As an arranged bride, Collete was under no obligations to love Liam. Yet she still did, despite his many shortcomings. Her father, Cecil Rosmund, however, did not approve. From the moment stood to inherit the throne, he schemed to upset the alliance between the Rosmund's and Albrecht that supplied Diamond with the lumber necessary for its shipbuilding trade. Cecil capitalized on a clause in the dowry agreement requiring his father to marry his "heir and oldest living child" to Collette to try to breka free from it. When Liam learned that his father had contracted a deadly illness, he stood poised to assume a title for which he was not ready to rule a moon that seemed on the brink of collapse.   Liam began to place blame on Simon, believing him to be in league with his uncle and father-in-law to sabotage his rule. He did the unthinkable and placed a bounty on Simon's head, hoping his death would right the contractual issue and save the moon. However, Simon proved difficult to kill, easily dispatching two bounty hunters Liam sent. Finally, Liam confronted Simon personally, informing him of their father's impending death and beckoning him back home for a final showdown.   To force Simon's hand, Liam kidnapped his uncle Cecil and bade him meet at a dock filled with mercenaries under his control. But Simon proved Liam's better, getting the mercenaries to call of their men. With Simon victorious, Collette surprised Liam by offering him marriage in an effort to save the family alliance. But Simon surprised Liam more, by returning his younger brother's scorn with compassion and aid, convincing Cecil to stand down his efforts.   With Simon and Cecil's blessing, Liam wed Collette and now stands to inherit Diamond. As a sign of gratitude, he presented Simon with his ancestral sword, the Sword of Kings, and offered the Party a patronship that would allow them to hire mercenaries and gave them an escort galleon from the Adamant fleet called the Diamond Wall.


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