Osric's Forest

Osric's forest was a tomb located in Jotun's North Sea. The area sports verdant life thanks to the Geit Saint Tormund's patronage to Osric the Hunter, who provided him a forest for his faith and loyalty. He often used it as his personal hunting grounds and placed his tomb there, along his most prized trophy, the Questing Beast. Since Osric's death many millenia ago, the forest has grown wild and overtaken the entire glacial clave that his clan once occupied.  
  Any who seek to defile Osric's tomb must contend not only with his Draugr retainers, but also with the many runic traps he laid to protect the tomb using his hunting knife. The frost ruins freeze enemies on contact, while the wind runes knock enemies backward and prone, and the flash wards create a flash of blinding light and allows any enemies of the target to take an immediate ranged attack against them.   The Party visited Osric's forest while exploring Jotun and came upon a group of poachers trying to loot the tomb. Osric's prized Questing Beast had gotten free in the struggle, along with some of Osric's Draugr. Using their stealth and hunting skills, the Party dispatched the poachers and brought Osric's remains to rest. For their trouble, they received Osric's Hunting Knife and the Questing Beast trophy.


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