
Many winds blow on Jotun, but only one with a name. Though the Shrikevind is quick to scold any Geit foolish enough to mount a sail on his ship or build his mead hall above the ice, it is this same howling torrent that once carved the cracks from Jotun’s glaciers which now protect the Clans from the sphere’s blizzards and fire giants.  

Navigating the Shrikevind's Path

The Shrikevind passes through Jotun's narrow seas unpredictably, making it a reality any who sail on the sphere must hazard. Few ever survive an encounter with the Shrikevind's gales. However, the Geit have found ways to mitigate its dangers. Early clans built a massive fort along the equator of Jotun's moon called the Watchfort, which observes the Shrikevind's path and signals its movements to sailors below through semaphore using massive bonfires. As for Geit who live outside the clans' auspices, the White Druids are said to have a supernatural connection with the Shrikevind that allows them to map its movements.  


The Shrikevind is named after its creator, the Geit Saint of the wind and skies, Shrike. He fought among the first Geit people who opposed the Forger and his fire giants. However, he betrayed his comrades by attempting to seize The Forge for himself. Its ultimate powers of creation proved too much for a mortal to handle, and his meddling created a roving rift in space and time that came to be known as the Shrikevind.   The consequences of Shrike's actions produced more than inclement weather. His gales swallowed the ancient Geit civilization, flinging only a few survivors across time and space who founded the modern Geit clans. However, by the time they returned to Jotun, the Saints and there conquest of The Forge had already faded into legend.  

A Fracture in Time

Many in the spheres believe an encounter with the Shrikevind is a recipe for certain death, as the wind rarely leaves behind remains, and almost never survivors. However, a few in the know understand a more complicated reality. For the Shrikevind blows across space and time, connecting Jotun to its own future. Those who come in contact with the Shrikevind's gales are often flung into the future--or at least whatever is left of them after being battered by its torrents. Occasionally, the Shrikevind will leave behind remnants of ancient peoples or artifacts in its wake, making following its path a profitable, if not dangerous, venture for treasure hunters in the know.   On even rarer occasions, a living person might survive a journey through the Shrikevind. The White Druids are the only individuals known to have any reliable method of travelling this way, but some Geit without such knowledge may find themselves lucky and transported to a distant time rather than meeting their death.


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