
Tempi is the leader of the Moku people and Mara's ex-boyfriend. He balances his devout faith with an insatiable wanderlust and curiosity about lands beyond his home. Embracing the customs of other cultures with child-like excitement, Tempi can often come off as naive. However, those who get on his bad side should be wary of his imposing stature and martial arts expertise.   After the Homyn Kingdom attempted to kill the Moku sun Goddess and eradicate their religion, the Party helped Tempi lead a rebellion and save their moon. As thanks, Tempi became their patron, offering them spiritual counsel on their adventures.  
Loyalty: 1d12 Influence: 1d6 Faction: The Moku Allies: Vassal Races, Daemons Enemies: Lunar Brigade, Homyn Kingdom   Mediator: Missionaries of the Goddess: The Goddess’ missionaries can reach out to tribal societies to provide a +2 Charisma bonus in negotiations with them. Cool Down 1 week.   Vigil: Moku Prayer Circle: Grants a +2 recurring Bliss for 1 week, +1 to Dream World Powers for one week. Cooldown: 1 week.

Early Life

Tempi grew up among the Moku priesthood and was raised as a monk. His upbringing instilled a deep faith and love for the Moku Sun Goddess. Her commands were at times harsh, as the Moku believed the helioschosis bacteria that plagued them--which turned them to stone when they came in contact with sunlight--was a punishment for using technology made from fire. However, Tempi came to understand the benefits of a society stuck in time, as adherence to their traditions protected the Moku from the tumultuous wars and regime changes that plagued other societies, and ensured the heroes of today and yesterday would be revered by future generations to come.   As a citizen of the nomadic, Hopaku City, Tempi saw much of his moon as his people wandered in step with the clouds. His favorite place was the Moku statuary, where great Moku heroes were put to rest by having their bodies stand upright in the sun. Tempi loved hearing about their heroic exploits and getting to play among his heroes in person. He also enjoyed practicing the Moku martial art of Kapu Lua--whose movements involved exposing parts of their bodies to sunlight for brief periods to enhance their attacks or guard with stone.   As Tempi grew older, he also grew restless with the confines of his moon. He wanted to explore and see other worlds. However, the curse that plagued his people for their hubris seemed to make that dream impossible.  

The Homyn Annexation

Tempi found an opportunity to broaden his horizons when the Homyn Kingdom annexed the Moku, and their new Count, Alyn Arkades, began working to cure them. While most of the Moku priesthood balked at his efforts, Tempi was eager to assist the Count and volunteered to be his bodyguard.   He soon fell in love with the Count's daughter, Mara. Wordly divine, Mara showed Tempi that the worlds beyond his own held pleasures beyond his imagination. Although, their relationship certainly ruffled the feathers of Tempi's betters among the monks.   His connections to outsiders soon grew when the Party, along with Mara's cousin Princess Halle, arrived in Hopaku City. Tempi was assigned to show them around, a job which he eagerly performed.   He went on many adventures with his new friends in Hopaku City. They saved the physical embodiment of the North Wind when it washed up on shore of the city, whom Tempi kept referring to as a "Wizard." They also investigated Tempi's friend's Tyro uncanny luck in the Kapu Lua ring, which turned out to be thanks to secret marttial arts forms created from speeding up their prayer movements. That particular story had a bit of a sad ending, as Tyro was exiled from the city on a mission to fight cultists of the evil kraken, Keli Ki, in order to preserve the integrity of the martial art.   Tempi also celebrated the Homyn holiday, Holly Tide, with the Party. He was extremely excited when he learned that the Spirit of Holly Tide granted gifts to good boys and girls, but became furious when he learned that the spirit was none other than the local brigadier general in costume. However, after Tempi helped the Party foil a White Liona Armada plot to steal the Homyn children's Holly Tide Gifts, the real spirit of Holly Tide rewarded them for their efforts, and it turned out that his sidekick and assistant, Little Miss Holly Tide, was none other than Mara all along.

A Cure for Statues

Affairs grew more serious among the Moku when Simon was captured by pirates in search of Alyn Arkades. Tempi indulged in a bit of Hubris by accompanying his friends and the Count to save him. There, Tempi encountered the disgraced former High Warrior of the Moku, Lagos, who had been exiled for using modern weapons in their early battles against the Homyn. Lagos was the lover of the Pirate Queen Agni, and together they sought a cure for helioschosis.   Tempi challenged Lagos to a duel in order to secure Alyn Arkades' freedom, a prospect which he seemed unlikely to win with his bare fists against an opponent in full armor. Luckily, the Party was able to barter for the Count's freedom by sharing the cure for the pirates and securing the queen a pardon from the Homyn government.   The arrival of the cure came with the shocking revelation that Mara was actually the daughter of a union between Count Arkades and the Goddess. She did not want the Moku to have the cure since it went against her mothers wishes. However, Tempi read the Goddes's will differently and wanted to be cured so he could share her wisdom with the rest of the spheres.   Having emerged victorious from many trials, Tempi became the first of his people to bask in sunlight.  

The Rebellion

Tempi returned to Hopaku City to acts of genocide rather than celebration. The Lunar Brigade had declared martial law in Count Arkades' absence, and was in the process of executing the Moku monks in an effort to kill the Goddess and rid th spheres of her influence.   Tempi helped Wukong free the moku monks set to be executed, while Royce carved a path through the Lunar Brigade's forces to the Goddess's altar. They even found help from unexpected allies when Agni's forces arrived to fight the Lunar Brigade.   Together with Mara and the Party, Tempi ascended the Goddess's altar and got to meet his diety in person. However, her presence was short lived, as she announced the Homyn had tained the Moku people and they were destined to walk the doomed path of technological progress. As such, she would retreat to the Dream World and no longer watch over the Moku people.  

Rise of a New Sun

The Goddess had imparted a myth in the Moku people that when she left she would impart a lotus flower to her chosen successor. She entrusted this flower to the Corsairs to choose the Moku's next leader. It was an easy choice for them, and they happily bestowed Tempi with the honor.   He decided that the would continue the Moku priesthood. While the Goddess might no longer be with them physically, Tempi believed her teachings still held great value for the spheres. He also chose to break away from the Homyn Kingdom, a decision that Count Arkades accepted gracefully and offered to remain as an advisor and to help distribute the cure to those who wanted it.   Tempi enteres his new chapter with a heartfelt goodbye to Mara. Having been cast out from the Dream World by her mother, she broke up with Tempi saying she needed to find herself. She left Hopaku City with the Corsairs, taking on her own mission of self discovery.   After his friends' departure, Tempi began the arduous process of the rites of Moku high priesthood. He learned how to manifest miracles from the dream world--a practice modern warlocks refer to as evocation but that Tempi called (much to his spiritual mentor's chagrin) "magic tricks."   Tempi briefly reunited with Wukong and Itthis on Nimbus during his training, where they ascended Mount Laho together with their new friend Anh in search of rare ores.


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