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Ando Haketuro

The gods have great power over Covenant. Naturally, this means so, too do their servants, the priests who wield their power in their name. Sometimes a priest can use their divinely given power to perform great deeds, and sometimes they are even marked as heroes. The Sokokan hero Ando Haketuro is such a man.

Physical Description

Body Features

Physically, Ando had the traits common to the goblinoids of Duanjia. He had green eyes with a slightly bulging quality. His skin was a dull red, with a few noticeable battle scars, including a deep gouge across his cheek. He had straight, black hair that hung down to his shoulders without any other styling.   He was exceptionally large compared to his peers, both in height and build. Despite him towering over those around him, he carried himself in a very humble manner. This made him seem far less threatening, and often put others at ease.

Apparel & Accessories

When he was expecting battle, Ando would be seen in his armor, a suit of battle-worn, but well cared-for scale mail. Otherwise, he would be wearing a set of simple robes, vestments denoting his role as a priest of Amaterasu.   His weapon of choice was a club-like weapon the Sokokans refer to as a kanabo, a thick wooden shaft covered in large metal studs. He went through several of these weapons, each more enchanted than the last, but they have always been very simple in design.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ando Haketuro was likely born in the city of Oketura, however his exact origins are unclear. As an infant he was left in a temple to the sun goddess Amaterasu. He grew up among the priests, being trained to serve the goddess, and through her the glorious empire of Sokoku.   Now a young man, his superiors recognized that his strength and wisdom was a great asset to them. He was one of many priests directly sworn into the service of the empire. Like any other with the misfortune of being marked as a hero, his life was changed forever when the Weird Sisters appeared before him.   Unfortunately for him, the Sisters' strange manner and unclear bickering meant he didn't understand just what problems he would be facing. To him, life carried on as normal. Eventually, the orders of the emperor became more brutal, but he had sworn an oath of loyalty and so carried them out anyway.   Then, by chance he witnessed the emperor-- thinking he was alone-- change shape and reveal himself as a t'ien lung dragon. The words of the Weird Sisters became much clearer that day, and he knew what must be done. The dragon would have to be defeated for the death of the emperor, but she was far too powerful for him alone.   Though it pained him to dishonor himself with underhanded tactics, he revealed the treachery of the Dragon Empress to those who had fallen victim to her. With these companions on tow, he fought against her plots, foiling them one by one as the group grew in power.   Eventually, he and his comrades had grown in power enough to fight her directly. Using his magic, he exposed the imposter as she appeared before all of Oketura. Enraged, she attacked the party with everything she had, bringing death and destruction through the streets of the city.   In the end, Ando dealt the killing blow on the dragon, saving Sokoku from her tyranny. Since the dragon had slain the imperial family, Sokoku was left without a ruler. However, in the aftermath, Amaterasu herself descended from the sky and declared Ando would be the new emperor. He ruled until his death, and his decedents still rule Sokoku to this day.


Among the stories told about Ando Haketuro, none are quite so uncertain as his birth. While most serious scholars believe he was an orphan or simply unwanted, not all believe in such a humble origin. It is occasionally said that he had the blood of dragons in his veins.   This is not the most common story, however. The most common state that he was born from Amaterasu, herself. This is believed to be why she favored him so highly, and handily ties the current imperial family to the goddess. Indeed, Amaterasu is listed in the official genealogy of the Haketuro Dynasty.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor of Sokoku, Chosen of the Sun, Dragonslayer, Hero of Sokoku
Circumstances of Death
Natural causes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft. 5 in.
265 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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