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Lung Dragon

"Show some respect, outlander! This isn't a beast to be slain for glory, but a vital part of the spirit of this world."   -Hiro Musekatura, Sokokan monk
Dragons are sometimes said to be creatures of purest magic. This is true of the "common" dragons found in Acitern, Nahrica, and Polisia, and it's true of the savage linnorms found in the wilds of Skogsmark. Still, as magical as these creatures are, they can't quite claim the same as the dragons found in the lands of Duanjia.   These are known as lung dragons-- tied to the very world, itself in a way few creatures are. These are nearly sacred beings, met with awe wherever they might be found. They are used as symbols of the land and the heavens by the people of both Jiayuan and Sokoku, seen as perfect examples of harmony and authority.

Basic Information


The appearance and anatomy of lung dragons vary wildly based on their individual type. Indeed, most would assume that many of these creatures are completely unrelated to the rest. One trait nearly all such creatures have in common is a large size and scaly hide.   Lung dragons are creatures made more of magic than of flesh. All such creatures have incredible magical powers such as the ability to take humanoid form, or turn invisible at will. All lung dragons have powers similar to spells, and some even have breath weapons like other dragons, although this is relatively rare.


Yu Lung (Carp Dragon)

While most lung dragons are grand and awe inspiring, yu lung are not. They resemble carp with blue-gray scales, short arms ending in clawed hands, and whiskers resembling a beard. In addition, they do not grow very large and have no real magical power.   There is, however, a reason that these creatures are so humble compared to the rest: they are the young of all lung dragons. Two dragons of opposite sexes will sometimes be compelled to seek out one another and mate near a body of fresh water. The young will then live there as a bottom feeder until it leaps into the air and-- announced by a crack of thunder-- instantly transforms into another type of lung dragon.   Yu lungs are very shy creatures, trying very hard to avoid the dangers of the world around them. They do sometimes speak with those that cross their path, however, especially children. They can even sometimes form friendships with mortals that last even after the dragon has transformed into a greater form.

Chiang Lung (River Dragon)

The chiang lung are guardians of the fresh waters of Duanjia, especially rivers. Like many others of their kind, they have a slender serpentine form. They have four short legs as well as large, curling horns and a fish-like tail. Their bodies are covered in shimmering scales that seem to shift in dazzling displays of blue and green.   These dragons are in many ways the artists of their kind, often collecting and creating works of great beauty. They are one of the most sociable and curious variety of lung dragon, often hosting mortals in the great palaces they keep in the Otherworld versions of the rivers they call home.   These creatures have an incredible control over water, often creating rainstorms as the lands around need. Older dragons can even create violent floods if necessary. They also gain great powers of divination as they age, aiding in their eternal search for knowledge.

Li Lung (Earth Dragon)

Of all the lung dragons, the li lung, resemble others of their kind the least. They have more in common with manticores than other dragons, although they can grow far larger. They have a leonine body, human-like face and wings whose feathers resemble the elaborate beauty of a peacock's tail feathers.   Guardians of the deep earth, they most closely resemble foreign dragons in personality. They see themselves as the inherentors of the wealth of the earth, and are very reclusive, even by the standards of their kin. Still, they are capable of showing generosity to those they feel rightfully deserve their wealth.   These dragons have and incredible control over earth and stone, capable of easily molding it to their will. Even relatively young li lung can create vast earthquakes, as well as being entirely immune to their effects. If threatened, they can deafen their attackers with a powerful roar.

Lung Wang (Sea Dragon)

Lung wang are also very unlike their kin, more resembling another, more unique dragon: the fearsome dragon turtle. They have a massive shell, dark green with shimmering silver flecks. Their hide is lighter and flecked with gold. It has long whiskers that would make it resemble a catfish if it weren't for their shining golden color.   Mostly nomadic creatures, lung wang are rarely seen in the same place twice. They protect wide areas of the vast oceans, rather than keeping a single lair. While they are most often peaceful, they can be quite unpredictable, occasionally capsizing ships with very little provocation.   Similarly to their foreign kin, these dragons can breathe a destructive jet of steam. Unlike them, however, they have far more magical control over their oceanic homes, allowing them to create clouds of fog, animate the water around them, or even draw water from living creatures.

Pan Lung (Guardian Dragon)

Pan lungs are a beautiful sight, even compared to other lung dragons. They have a slender, serpentine form and are covered in shimmering multi-colored scales that change from one bright color to the next as the dragon ages. Their heads are surrounded by a long, gracefully flowing mane of just as many dazzling colors as their scales.   While all lung dragons are guardians of their homes, these creatures are summoned specifically as protectors of sacred places, much like the lammasu and man-scorpions of Sakkal. They particularly enjoy beautifying their charges, often keeping breathtaking gardens in the shrines and temples where they make their homes.   Pan lungs are capable of incredible powers of illusion, and also have abilities that allow them to charm others into not fighting. They are also usually accompanied by priests and monks just as dedicated to the protection of their homes as they are. They can also cover themselves in multi-colored fire that harms those who touch them, which they often use while constricting attackers in their coils.

Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon)

These dragons are relatively small compared to others, and noticeably shorter than their often-serpentine kin. They have spiked tails, long limbs, and a huge finned crest on their backs. Their scales tend to be intricate patterns of dramatic reds, blues, greens, and oranges.   While pan lungs are guardians of places, shen lungs are guardians of beings, usually other dragons, particularly pan lungs, t'ien lungs, and chiang lungs, although some rare mortals recieve this honor, too. These creatures are dedicated servants to their charges and tend to be quite friendly and humble.   These creatures, despite their roles as guardians, prefer to parley rather than fight. Still, they can be fearsome in battle if provoked. They can use a protective aura similar to the fire of a pan lung, and they have an array of magic similar to a wide variety of offensive spells.

Tun Mi Lung (Typhoon Dragon)

While the tun mi lung share the serpentine body of their fellows, they lack their often brilliant coloration. Usually, these creatures have very dark scales, often accented with tones of dark blue or gray. The claws on their arms are longer and sharper. Their whiskers often accentuate a wicked smile rather than a look of sagacious wisdom.   These dragons are by far the most malicious of their kin. While most keep their distance from mortal affairs, these creatures love nothing more than to emerge from their oceanic palaces and unleash storms upon unsuspecting populations. They still care a great deal for the forces of nature they embody, but do so by delighting in its destructive power.   Unlike most lung dragons, the tun mi lungs enjoy engaging in battle. They use their incredible powers over wind and lightning to blow their victims around the battlefield and kill them with elemental power. They are also more than willing to attack with their claws, teeth, and coils if need be.

T'ien Lung (Celestial Dragon)

T'ien lung are the largest and among the most majestic of all lung dragons. Their serpentine bodies are covered in shining golden scales and their manes shine with a rainbow of color. Their beards and whiskers add an air of nobility to their features that their imperious limbs only enhance.   These are the the wisest and most powerful of all lung dragons. These are the servants and messengers of the gods, themselves, descending from their palaces in the clouds to work their will. In Jiayuan, they most often serve Yuhuang, Xiwangmu, and the dragon gods such as Zhulong. In Sokoku, they most often serve Izanagi, Amaterasu, Omoikane, and the dawn goddess Uzume.   While t'ien lung have do have a fire breath similar to many "common" dragons, that is not where most of their power lies. They have access to natural magic that can eventually rival that commanded by an archmage. These dragons can be deadly foes, but are thankfully rarely given a reason to fight.

Ecology and Habitats

Lung dragons of all types live as though they are entirely at one with nature. They are almost exclusively found very far away from civilization, among the elements they are part of. These dragons are as much a part of the Otherworld as much as they are the mortal plane, and often keep lairs in that plane, hidden from mortal eyes.   Most lung dragons subsist on a mineral diet. While individual tastes vary, gems and precious metals are the most popular. Other types supplement their diets with meat, usually that of large animals hunted from their environments. Such creatures never eat intelligent beings.


As with any of their other traits, the personalities of these creatures vary based on their individual varieties. Most lung dragons are wise and sagely creatures, spending much of their long lives in meditation of philosophy. Many are patient creatures, serving to educate those who are capable of seeking them out.   This does not mean that they are strictly benevolent, however. While many types are, freely offering their knowledge to those they deem worthy, others are more destructive and territorial. These types in particular often embody more violent parts of the world around them.
Average Height
Varies by type
Average Weight
Varies by type
Average Length
Varies by type
Geographic Distribution

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