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Even the deserts of Nahrica have life, even civilization. In the nation of Sakkal on the banks of the River Likkus, lies the city of Enkidd. Most foreigners would think this is a grim place. However, this is a prosperous community-- a haven of green among the dull brown of the desert.


The vast majority of Enkiddans are human, as is the norm in Sakkal. Still, the city has the largest non-human population in the entire country. The vast majority of these are minotaurs, although there is a not insignificant population of tabaxi. Even so, this population of the cat-folk is relatively small so far from their native Kemet.   Sakkal in general doesn't recieve as many travelers as other places in Covenant, and Enkidd is no exception. This is, however, where most merchants and adventurers find themselves. Most of these come from Kemet and Polisia, mostly human but also including tabaxi and minotaurs. Rarely, other travelers come from further, such as Bjornland, Jiayuan, or Acitern.


Originally, Enkidd was ruled by its nobility, but since Ishtar's coup the city has become the center of Sakkal's ruling theocracy. The high priestess is the absolute ruler of the city just as she is the ruler of the nation. In practice, however, city matters are handled by a governor-priestess appointed by the high priestess.   The laws are enforced by warriors in service to the temple. The watch are technically a branch of the church of Ishtar, but they have their own hierarchy. Their ranks are theoretically based on merit, but promotion is determined by the watch's leadership, and so is vulnerable to corruption.


The city of Enkidd is surrounded by by a high wall protecting it from invasion by land. A series of chains can be raised to prevent unauthorized boats from coming downriver. The city's location also goes a long way to protect it from overland attack, as few armies want to march across the harsh desert.   In addition, the city is protected by both the Sakkalan military and the city watch. These forces aren't especially talented, but they are very numerous. They are supplemented by a great many spellcasters, both priests and mages. Most of these are specialized in combat magic, and are quite capable of turning their talents against invaders.

Industry & Trade

Enkidd is where the best craftspeople in all of Sakkal can be found. As the nation is most known for the quality of its goldsmiths, the best of them can be found here. It is also home to the finest weavers, sculptors, and artisans in the nation. Sakkalans often travel here to master their craft.   Naturally, these goods are the most common exports from the city. Usually, these go to Kemet and Polisia. Imports naturally also come from these places. They are most often more practical things, especially wooden crafts, but they also include Polisian wine.


Enkidd was built on the widest part of the River Likkus. There are docks for riverboats on both sides of the river. On a small island in the middle of the river lies the palace of the high priestess, doubled with the Grand Cathedral of Ishtar. For the most part, the everyday populace is not allowed on this island.   Closest to the river are the neighborhoods of the lower and middle classes, such as the workers at the docks, and the merchants that keep the markets lively. Most inns, shops, and temples visitors will find themselves in are in this part of town, and this is by far the most vibrant place in the city.   Further out towards the desert are the palaces of the upper class, which include both the most powerful mages and priests and the most successful merchants. There are also several gardens kept by the very rich that serve as their own private sanctuaries. Naturally, trespassing is not tolerated in these places.


Along with Gilgesh, its counterpart on the River Eunaric, Enkidd was one of the first communities in Sakkal. Also like its counterpart, it was named after one of the heroes of the Sakkalans' former world. In this case, that hero was Enkidu, a wild man created to destroy the divine king Gilgamesh, who ended up becoming his dear friend.   For the earliest parts of Sakkal's history, Gilgesh was its capital and the center of its society. All of this changed when Ishtar became queen of the gods. Gilgesh was then destroyed by her wrath, leaving Enkidd the most important city in the entire nation. In Enkidd, the nobility fled, fearing the wrath of Ishtar. This left her priesthood to rule Sakkal.   Protected by its walls, Enkidd was an important place for refugees to gather when demons invaded from the sea, itself. These were the servants of a demon lord who stole the name of Dagon, god of wheat and prosperity. The False Dagon attempted to slay all of the god's followers to erase him from all of existence.   To this end, it was rural communities most often attacked. What few survivors the fiends left most often made their way to Enkidd. This included one that didn't exactly survive the onslaught. This man would be known as Ur-Sharadin, a warlock in service to Erishkigal, goddess of the underworld.   The city became Ur-Sharadin's sanctuary as he waged his war on the False Dagon. When the creature was at last slain, the hero who killed him then settled down to a rural town much like his former one. The townspeople built a large statue of him, but he never again returned to thr city.


A vast majority of the city's buildings are made of sandstone, or a form of plaster made of the desert sands that very much resembles it. Many of its buildings include teirs and spires, especially those of the upper-class. A great many towers rise above the cityscape providing a great view of the city and surrounding dessert.   The city is also filled with greenery, especially when compared to the drab brown of the Sakkalan desert. The gardens of the rich and the natural trees and reeds by the river gives the city a sense of life rarely seen in the area. The city walls are carved with massive scenes, mostly religious in nature, often glorifying Ishtar above all others.
Large city
Approx. 40,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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