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The sea is a powerful force for any port city. Still, few can claim as much as the Polisian city-state of Pasedonis. This is the city of Poseidon, god of the sea, under the flag of the hippocamp. The ocean isn't just the city's livelihood, it's its beating heart-- its very soul. Few people, in Polisia and out, take to the sea quite as quickly or easily as the Pasedonens.


Much like the rest of the Polisian city-states, Pasedonis has a very distinctive culture. The most important part of their culture is the city's patronage by Poseidon. Spiritually, the center of the city is the temple to the god. Ceremonies such as sacrifices are attended by a vast majority of the population.   Even the least devout of Pasedonens are close to the ocean. Young citizens are swimming almost as long as they've been walking. Many have boats and sail into the sea, even those who don't depend on the ocean for their livelihoods. Pasedonen poetry and art also keep the sea as the central focus.   Symbolism common to Pasedonis is, of course, nautical in nature. The most sacred symbol of the city is the hippocamp, a horse-fish hybrid common to Pasedonen waters and sacred to Poseidon. Others include the cetus, often used by the navy to symbolize power at sea and the neried, which symbolizes the beauty of the ocean.   On a more personal level, Pasedonen culture is very martial. This isn't on the level of Aresene, but Pasedonens value strength and skill in battle. They also tend to have a very strong work ethic, and have a low opinion of those who avoid manual labor. This has led to a certain respect for Pasedonens, even among their enemies.


Polisia is a land that is primarily human, and as with many places, this extends to Pasedonis as well. There is a higher population of minotaurs than anywhere else in Polisia. Pasedonis also has the highest population of half-nymphs, a vast majority of these half-neried.   As the largest port in the Polisian islands, there are also many travelers that can be found here, usually from Acitern, Sakkal, or Kemet. These travelers are overall more diverse than the population, including halflings, gnomes, tabaxi, and minotaurs. Just as many of these are adventurers as merchants, stopping here on the way to exploring mysterious islands.


The Pasedonen government is a thing split in two, divided between the church of Poseidon and the navy. These entities don't formally share power, but do create a balance of power by their mere presence. Between the both of them, they create and enforce their own laws, making up all laws in Pasedonis.    The temple of Poseidon has a much looser hierarchy and the priests tend to come from everywhere in Polisia, mostly Eratheon, Thetera, or any number of small fishing communities. Those native to Pasedonis tend to rise higher, however, to the point that there has never been a hierophant from anywhere else.   The navy is the only part of the Pasedonen military, although they are capable of marching on land. In many ways, this navy is effectively a military dictatorship, as the highest ranking member, the grand admiral is effectively the secular ruler of the city. Unlike Aresene, the navy is still the minority of the population.


Much of the defenses of Pasedonis hinge on the fact that the city rests on an island. Ships patrol its shores at all times, serving as the first line of defense. Invading forces have landed on the island in spite of this, but never entirely without the notice of the mighty Pasedonen navy.   The city, itself is primarily protected by way of its layout. The docks closest to the ocean belong to the navy specifically to protect the citizenry from an attack by sea. Even if they do land, the tight streets and numerous bridges make fighting through the streets a difficult prospect at best.   While the average Pasedonen isn't much of a threat, there are enough soldiers to serve as an effective defensive force. Pasedonen hoplites can create a blockage in the streets only for archers and battlemages to rain death on the unfortunate attackers.

Industry & Trade

As a port city, Pasedonis lives on trade more than anything else. Ships come in from across Polisia and beyond. Most foreign vessels come from Sakkal, Kemet, and Acitern. Some rare few come from Bjornland or Jiayuan. Foreign goods are cheaper and more common as a result.   Of all craftsmen, it is naturally the Pasedonen shipwrights who are most famous and in demand. The best of them are reserved for the navy, but many others work privately, even for other city-states. Even moderately skilled experts in such a field can earn a great deal of coin from the right source.


Its location makes Pasedonis very distinctive among the cities of Covenant. Built on a river delta, canals cut through the city along with its streets. Only Teotlticlan in Cipactli has a similar layout. The islands created by these waterways are connected by a series of bridges, allowing citizens to go anywhere in the city by foot if need be.   Many of the most important places are on the outermost waterfront. Docks and boathouses here are usually reserved for the navy to better protect the city. The Cathedral of Protector Poseidon, the largest and most important temple of Poseidon is also here open to the ocean, deliberately built to flood slightly during the high tide.   Next closest to the ocean is the more common part of town, home to the craftsmen, fishermen, and the like that serve as the lifeblood of the city. Many fishing boats are moored in the largest canals here. Visitors also find this part of town most welcoming and tend to stay in inns and visit markets in this part of the city.   Furthest from the sea is the upper-class part of town. High-ranking naval officers and especially wealthy merchants make up most of the population, as high-ranking priests of Poseidon prefer to live closer to the ocean. The grandest of these homes is a palace known as Navarchos, the home of the grand admiral. Visitors are not barred from this part of the city, but are rarely met with enthusiasm.


According to legend, a half-nymph fisherman named Iomedes was a lover of Poseidon. Such was the god's favor that when he asked for a home, Poseidon provided him an entire island complete with a city. Iomedes was made the king and led the newly-created city to prosperity.   Unfortunately, Iomedes enjoyed that prosperity, but refused to give thanks to Poseidon. The sea rose and engulfed the entire city, breaking it into pieces. Despite the sea god's wrath, some survived. Never again did they fail to honor Poseidon and never again did Pasedonis have a king.   Since that time, Pasedonis has worked to secure its control over the seas. They've fought off and on with the city-states of Eratheon and Thetera towards that end. Due to Poseidon's patronage, neither has been able to stand up to the might of the Pasedonen navy.   The greatest war Pasedonis was engaged in is the same as the rest of Polisia: the War of the Apple. During the Enotitia Games, Eris, goddess of discord lost possession of the Apple of Discord. All who saw it wanted nothing more than to possess it for their own, including the rulers of all city-states.   As a hero, one mercenary named Athiope the Swift was immune to its power. She sold it to one leader after the other, taking the war with her. Eventually, it came to the grand admiral, a woman named Illaphne. As others before her, she paid most of her fortune just to get her hands on it.   Pasedonis was blockaded by the combined navies of the entire rest of Polisia. Her rule was about to fall apart around her and Illaphne didn't care. She had the Apple and it promised power. The power of the gods, themselves would be hers if only she could figure out just what the Apple wanted from her.   As Pasedonis was crumbling, Poseidon's hierophant, Demnestes swore to prevent it. He killed Illaphne himself to liberate the Apple from her grasp. He attempted to throw it in the sea in an attempt to keep it away from mortal hands. Still, it had power over him, and he couldn't let it go.   He didn't hold it for long, as he was killed right after. The Apple was then on a ship on the way to Eratheon. The new rulers continued to chase it across Polisia, but the Apple of Discord never again came to Pasedonis. The city was rebuilt and tried to find their place in Polisia.   Wars were still fought, and trade still flowed. Life always changed in Pasedonis, but never again did such monumental events ever come to the city of Poseidon.


The grander buildings of Pasedonis, such as Navarchos or the Cathedral are made in a very traditional Polisian style. These wondrous buildings are made of white marble imported from the main island with sloped, tiled roofs and ornate columns. Both of these buildings, and many more also include water features in praise of Poseidon.   The other structures are made of a form of white plaster. The roofs are tiled much like other Polisian buildings, but a dye is worked into the clay that creates a very dramatic blue color. This combination creates a very distinctive, very scenic view many visitors find unforgettable.
Approx. 25,000
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