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Many in other lands, especially in Acitern consider Polisia to be a pinnacle of civilization. Many others-- especially the Theterans, themselves-- believe Thetera to be the the greatest of this civilization. It is fitting, then that this city lies under the flag of the owl. This is the sacred animal of Athena, goddess of knowledge and civilization, patron god of the city.


As a city patronized by the goddess of knowledge, Theterans value nothing more than they value learning. This makes the city famous for its mages, scholars, and philosophers. Its prestigious schools, both magical and acedemic, attract students from all across Covenant.   Theteran culture also places almost as much emphasis on storytelling as on learning. Theteran artists have a long tradition of epic poerty. These poems tell of the battles and machinations of gods and heroes both from Polisian history and from times even before the creation of Covenant.   In addition to this poetry, they also have just as much of a tradition of theater. These plays are both great comedies and tragedies. Most often they are performed in a festival known as the Dionysia, a form of praise for Dionysus, god of wine. It is one of the few urban celebrations of this typically wild god.   Although their patron god is a war god, like in Aresene, the Theterans don't emphasize Athena's martial qualities as strongly. They have a certain level of respect for their military, but comparatively few actually join compared to those who prefer acedemic, magical, or artistic pursuits.


Most members of Thetera's citizenry are human, as with the rest of Polisia. However, the city-state's population is more diverse than the rest of Polisia with the exception of of Eratheon due to the number of visitors who visit and stay awhile. The native minotaurs and half-nymphs are a definite minority, but the likes of half-elves and half-orcs also make their home there.   Visitors come from many places in Covenant, particularly Acitern, Sakkal, and especially Kemet. Unlike other places in Polisia, like Pasedonis, these are mostly students in the famous Theteran schools and thus stay for some time. These tend to be halflings, gnomes, elves, and even tabaxi.


The Theteran government is unique among the city-states of Polisia in its adherence to democracy. The city is ruled by a council known as the Assembly elected from the citizenry. The Assembly is in turn run by a consul, which is elected by its members. The consul is effectively the ruler of the entire city, although there are limits to their power.   Curiously, the Theteran military isn't actually controlled by the Assembly. Instead, they are controlled by an arm of the temple of Athena, the Order of Warrior Athena. Some foreign students have expressed concern over how easy it would be for the temple to take over the city, however such a thing would be sacrilegious to Athena.   The temple of Athena is far more organized than that of many Olympians, and is composed of many orders based on the different aspects of her divinity. In addition to the Order of Warrior Athena, the Order of Wise Athena is in charge of scholarly pursuits and the Order of Virgin Athena serves as a sanctuary for those rejected by others. The church as a whole is run by a council refered to as the Order of Palace Athena.


Thetera's first line of defense is a high wall on the northern side of town, cutting the peninsula off from the main island. This makes the city difficult to attack by land. It is far more vulnerable by sea, however, but is protected by the warships of the Theteran navy.   Thetera is also protected by its army. Although its warriors are not as strong as those of Aresene or Pasedonis, but their officers are famous for their tactical genius. In addition, their military fields more mages than anywhere else in Covenant. Indeed, many foreign students of magic pay for their training with military service.

Industry & Trade

Thetera is indeed a coastal city, like Pasedonis and Eratheon. However, they don't receive as much direct trade as Pasedonis does. In essence, their main export is knowledge, both acedemic and mystical, as foreigners study magic and philosophy in their schools. They also have an insatiable appetite for luxury importing all manner of specialized goods.   In general, the craftspeople of Thetera are some of the most skilled in all of Polisia due to their intense focus. The main craft they are known for, however, is weaving. As Athena is famous for her weaving ability, many of her priests have taken up the craft as well, making Theteran textiles very in-demand.


Thetera is built on a peninsula jutting out into the southern sea. Shipyards and docks make the most of the space and wide beaches. More ships are small fishing vessels, but there are plenty of large naval vessels docked here as well. A temple to Poseidon sits on the beach, serving the sailors.   Two large hills rise above the town. The first is Acropolis Hill, that serves as the religious center of the town. It is home to the temples to Warrior Athena and Virgin Athena. The grandest is the Pallaseon, the temple of Palace Athena. This is the home of highest priests of this faith. In addition, the Assembly meets here, under the watchful gaze of the goddess of civilization.   The other hill is known as University Hill. This is home to both a temple to Wise Athena as well as the schools that make Thetera such a sought-after place to study. These are named in a very practical manner. In particular these are the Academies of Philosophy, Mysticism and Rhetoric.   The neighborhoods at the base of the hills are the most prosperous in town. In addition to the finest inns, taverns, and businesses, this part of town is also interspaced with amphitheaters. These are used for both plays, but also debates. In particularly rough political times, there are sometimes brawls here as well.


The story of Thetera began with Theterasis, a child of Zeus and a simple shepherdess. Like his mother, he was a simple herdsman. Despite his humble profession, he had the favor of the gods and his land was wanted by all them all. In particular, this land by the ocean was desired most by both Poseidon and Athena.   Both gods appeared before Theterasis and offered him gifts in exchange for the land. Poseidon struck his trident into the ground and a saltwater spring issued from the split in the earth. Athena carefully and gently planted a seed in the dirt which quickly grew into an olive tree.   The herdsman found far more use from the oil, wood, and fruit of the tree than the spring. He chose Athena's gift, granting the land to her. She announced this would be the site of her city, and it would bear his name. Meanwhile, Poseidon left in a rage, eventually founding the city of Pasedonis.   Since that time, Thetera has had a rivalry with Pasedonis that frequently boiled over into naval warfare. As they share an island with Aresene, both have fought several wars of supremacy over Polisia. They also joined with the other city-states to battle against Sakkalan invaders.   Then, Polisia itself was shaken to its very foundations. The infamous Apple of Discord surfaced during the Enotitia Games, putting the leaders of all city-states under its power. After the bloody battle, it ended up in the possession of the kings of Aresene. The Theterans marched along with the rest of Polisia in an attempt to claim the Apple.   They found a city already ravaged by civil war, but invasion was unnecessary. The hero Athiope the Swift, already had the Apple and sold it to Gericasta, the Theteran consul. It cost the vast majority of her fortune, but she gladly took her prize and returned with it to her home city, consumed by the promises of thr Apple of Discord.   Almost as soon as it arrived, the Assembly members were overcome by their desire for the Apple. The Theteran democracy was destroyed for a time as the members plotted and schemed against one another. Even after the Apple left Thetera, the Assembly members and many more spent all their money searching for it far and wide.   Long after the War of the Apple, what remained of the Order of Palace Athena held new elections to put the city back together. It wasn't easy, but they managed to recover, secure in the knowledge that if Thetera could recover from the War of the Apple, it could recover from anything.


To many, Thetera is what defines the Polisian architectural style. Much of the city, especially the more affluent parts of town such as the areas around the two hills are made of white marble with roofs tiled with red clay. The temples, palaces, and academies are held up by ornate columns, giving them a majestic look.   The more common structures like boathouses, and the homes of the common people are usually made of weathered plaster. What even these places have more than many other cities is ample statuary, which even weathered gives the city a very noble look.
Approx. 35,000
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