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The city-states of Polisia are all beautiful in their own way, but in Eratheon that beauty is actually sacred. That is because this is the city of Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, and passion. This is home to sandy white beaches, incredible art, and lovely people. Naturally, this is a very popular place to visit.


Just like any of the Polisian city-states, Eratheon culture is defined by its patron god. Since Aphrodite is a goddess of love, the Eratheon people value love in all its forms, both romantic and platonic, lasting and fleeting. As such, the Eratheon people are very passionate and notably friendly and affectionate.   Much like their Theteran counterparts, Eratheons value art. This emphasis is far less literary than their more intellectual kin, however. Instead, their artists tend toward visual art forms, such as frescoes, mosaics, and sculpture. These artists are renowned throughout Polisia and often beyond as well.   Many might note their fervent worship of Aphrodite and believe them to be pacifists. This would be a mistake, however. They worship an aspect of Aphrodite not seen anywhere else in Polisia: Warrior Aphrodite. Many other Polisiand-- save perhaps Aresenians-- consider a goddess of love and war an inherent contradiction, but Eratheons embrace this contradiction.   The Eratheons have a reputation among their fellow Polisians for being lazy and soft. This is mostly unfair, however. They value athletic prowess as much as anyone else in the islands, and even though they have a love of wine, they still won't hesitate to do the work to keep their city running.


Due to the Eratheon religious dedication to love, many who visit either stay or leave offspring behind. This has led to more diversity than their mostly-human counterparts. There are a higher population of half-nymphs than most places in Polisia. They are also one of the few places in the islands that have a population of half-elves and half-orcs.   The city receives quite a large number of travelers, almost serving as a pilgrimage for adventurers. The majority come from Sakkal, mostly human and minotaur. Many more come from Kemet and Acetern, mostly human, halfling, and gnome. A fair number of these temporary visitors decide to stay for much longer.


Just like any of the other city-states of Polisia, the way they govern themselves is very distinctive. They are a theocracy that has a curious resemblance to that of Sakkal, who also serve a goddess of love. The high priest serves as the sole ruler of the city, with other roles in the city government filled by various priests.   Both the army and navy are also controlled by the high priest of Aphrodite. Their level of training tends to vary based on the tendencies of the current high priest. More warlike leaders emphasize training and are more active on how the military is run. Others aren't so vigilant, making this inconsistency more pronounced.


Much like Pasedonis, Eratheon lies on an island too small for any other community. It is impossible to attack by land, and protected by the the Eratheon navy. Unfortunately, the town's layout works against this defense, as the garrisons are on the other side of town from where attackers would land.   The army and navy aren't as strong as those of other city-states, but they will fight fiercely to defend their homes. More adventurers travel here than most anywhere else than Covenant, and many are more than willing to fight for it. More than one invader has terribly underestimated the defenders they would find in Aphrodite's city.

Industry & Trade

Eratheon is not quite the trade port Pasedonis is, but there are plenty of merchant ships that make their way here. Mostly what is imported are dyes, cloth and craftswork. Mostly, the exports are artistic, such as tapestries and sculptures. Artists themselves travel across Covenant to do their work, often for a great deal of coin.   Merchants regularly find their way here, often from other places in Polisia, especially Pasedonis. Adventurers often makes his way here to visit this idyllic location from the length and breadth of Covenant, even from as far as Fasach or Sokoku. This makes it a surprisingly great place to find magic items and other things that are useful to adventurers.


Eratheon is built on a wide bay with a gently sloping sandy beach. This bay is sheltered from the worst of the winds, making it one of the most peaceful ports in the Polisian islands. However, there isn't quite the space for ships that Thetera or Pasedonis has. There is a temple to Poseidon here, but it is small compared to others in town.   The buildings just off of the waterfront are especially fine and well-maintained to impress travelers. One of the largest buildings is the main temple of Aphrodite, called the Pandemosen. The next most important place in this part of town is a park known as Lover's Square, an opulent garden open to the public.   Furthest from the bay is a far less rich part of town. It is home to not only the common folk, but also the military. There are lively taverns for laborers, but also yards where hoplites train. Visitors don't often find their way to this part of town, but they're not entirely unwelcome by the romantics that live here.


By the time Covenant was created, all its gods were already born. That didn't stop them from showing some pageantry, however. According to legend, Aphrodite was one of those dramatic gods. She wanted to wash ashore just as she did when she was born fully formed from the seafoam.   The most beautiful people in all of Polisia recieved visions of a place on the shoreline. After they all gathered, a clamshell chariot pulled by fish carried the goddess of beauty ashore in all her nude glory. When she showed herself, flowers bloomed and the Pandemosen rose from the ground already finished.   Ever since the founding of the city-states of Polisia, they have fought wars with one another. Every now and then, Eratheon has tried to challenge Pasedonis's naval superiority, but has never managed. They have also fought alongside the other city-states against Sakkalan invasion.   However no amount of war could've prepared Polisia for what would come. The Apple of Discord surfaced during the Enotitia Games, causing a tremendous battle as all present fell under its power, willing to do anything to get it. In the end, one of the kings of Aresene took it, but the civil war it caused nearly destroyed the city.   A hero named Athiope the Swift was immune to its power, and used that to sell it over and over again. After a blockade at Pasedonis, the Apple was on a ship on its way to Eratheon. The ship was a derelict by time it reached its destination. The entire crew was dead at each other's hands with only the Apple remaining.   Its presence didn't destabilize Eratheon too much at first. It made the rounds on the waterfront, passed between dockworkers and sailors. It was effectively lost and even Athiope couldn't find it. When invaders came looking for the Apple, they showed no mercy. The Eratheon fought valiantly, but they lost. The people of Eratheon suffered until the Apple was gone from the city.   Much like anywhere else touched by the War of the Apple, it took a long time for the city to recover. It took a generation before no one was touched by the Apple's power, and even longer for the city to recover. Still, its former glory did eventually return, and the city never fell so low ever again.


The style of the buildings is of the same majestic style common to Polisia, with white marble and clay tiles on the roof. What makes Eratheon's buildings unique is that they have more artistic flare. Colorful mosaics and frescoes decorate many buildings that would otherwise be unremarkable among the islands of Polisia.   Eratheon is also home to more plantlife than the other city-states. Trees and flowers are planted to make the city all the more scenic. Many wealthy homes include gardens, often used for parties and casual gatherings. Even the grand Pandemosen is as much a garden as it is a temple.
Approx. 20,000
Inhabitant Demonym
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