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"You stand on holy ground. I'll thank you to get your unclean feet off of it."   -Drem Tanser, church inquisitor
A great many people across the continent of Acitern consider the nation of Llanuria to be practically synonymous with the Church of the Light. One of the main reasons for this is the holy city of Santania. This is a land touched by the celestials, themselves, they say-- sacred ground to the Light.


Unlike most other human communities in Covenant, the population of Santania is entirely human. Due to the church's current policy of intolerance, all non-humans have long since been driven from the population. Non-humans are allowed on the outermost parts of the city, but are not allowed to reside here.


While most cities across Acitern, particularly Llanuria are ruled by a noble family in a feudal manner, that is not the case in Santania. Instead, the city is ruled by the Church of the Light. As such, the place is effectively entirely ruled by their Celestial Herald, the angel Taelafel, and her word is law.   The church has its own force protecting the city and enforcing their will. These act as guards to enforce the law, but some have whispered much darker rumors. They say that these guardians sometimes take people in the night and slay infidels only on the word of church officials, even the herald, herself.


The city is surrounded by one wall and the cathedral is surrounded by its own, protecting the spiritual heart of the city. Its sacred nature also plays its part in the protection of the city. While its conquest has been attempted more than once, no power in Acitern would want to actually destroy the city.   In addition to their defensive structures, the Church of the Light also has enough of their own troops to protect the city. These people come from all across Acitern to serve the church, and while their numbers aren't great enough to fight a war in the open, they are more than capable of defending the city of Santania if they need to.

Industry & Trade

Due to its location in the central part of the continent, Santania serves as something of a hub for overland trade. Merchants bring in goods from all the rest of the kingdoms of Acitern, including the Aurandian city of Tarke, the Reynardian city of Bellailles, the Pranishan city of Anslev, and the Llanurian city of Puertana.   These markets are full of all sorts of things brought in from other lands indirectly from port cities. These goods indirectly come from places such as Bjornland, Polisia, Sakkal, Kemet, and even Jiayuan. This is, in fact, one of the best places to find exotic goods, second only to the great city of Tarke.


As the city was originally built on holy ground, the very center of the city is the Cathedral of the First Light, the grandest church in all of Acitern. The building also has a thick set of walls, allowing it to double as a castle. The place also has guard posts, much like any other castle.   Those central neighborhoods around the cathedral are reserved for the most influential priests. These neighborhoods are very well-protected and are simply not open to the common folk. There are also other neighborhoods, mostly residential, outside of this still protected by the city walls. It is here where non-humans aren't allowed.   Most business is conducted outside of the city walls, but these are still very much a part of the city, still patrolled by its guard and still falling under its laws. This is where most of the city's markets, inns, and craftsmen make their homes. This is the only part of the city most travelers ever see.


Originally, the land on which Santania was built was simple farmland tended by an even simpler herdsman. All of this changed when a beautiful being descended from the skies. This was an angel, and he gave the herdsman a golden book, the Book of Radiance.   The herdsman-- who refused to give his name for fear of overshadowing his message-- then spread the teachings given to him by the celestials, themselves. As the religion spread, the place where he received the sacred text became a holy place, and the Cathedral of the First Light was built in this hallowed ground, and the city eventually grew around it.   Life in Santania changed forever very suddenly one winter's day. For all the city's history, the Book of Radiance was kept in the Cathedral of the First Light. That is, until it suddenly disappeared without a trace. A panic swept through the city, the church's people believing they had done something to offend the celestials.   However, another angel descended from the sky into the Cathedral, right where the first had. This radiant creature was named Taelafel, and unlike the other, she remained to guide her people. Centuries later, she remains the leader of the faith, the only Celestial Herald that has ever served as the church's leader.


The buildings of Santania are of much the same design as the rest of Llanuria. The primary difference is that there are more stone buildings here than there are in most of the kingdom. In addition, the city inside the walls is kept unusually clean compared to cities elsewhere in Covenant.   The most distinctive building in the entire city is the Cathedral of the First Light. It is a massive structure with many tower structures that serve as bell towers. When all bells are ringing, they can be heard from anywhere in the city. The inside is a massive chamber dominated by immense pillars and mosaics depicting all manner of celestial.
Approx. 30,000
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