An overpriced Chess Plot in CREATION | World Anvil

An overpriced Chess

RY 821 Descending Fire

One month after her Exaltation, Auroponte made a grand procession through the City of Nexus, a large caravan carrying her belongings and wealth on 3 yiddims. Riding at the front on her direwolf Kuroyuki, Auroponte made sure Nexus knows that she is here. She made her residence in Bastion Disctrict of Nexus.  

Plot points/Scenes

One day while browsing the small market, she came upon a chess set made of orichalcum. Believing that everything orichalcum should rightfully become to the Solars, Auroponte promptly challenged the two Dragon Blood's bid for this bounty. After some social awkwardness, Auroponte's enormous wealth won her the race.  
Fire Aspect: My house should have the honor of holding such a treasure!   Wood Aspect: No, I will claim this prize. This triumph should belong to my house, the largest in Scavenger Lands.   Auroponte: I'll buy it. My house is pretty big too. It's in the Bastion District, you can go see it.
  For the legendary price of 18 Talents of Jade, Auroponte is now the new master of this chess set.   The commotion around her was picked up by other Solar Exalted nearby, among them Merodin the Wise, who was himself not so wise at that time. Having never met another of her kind before, Auroponte generously invited the gathered exalts to be her guest.  
It was never easy to have five demigods under the same roof. During some clash of personality that night, brought on by the old Eclipse Castes disrespect for Auroponte's age and inexperience, the chessset was stolen durig the commotion.   Furious, Auroponte blamed the theft on her new guests. She was met with indifference and more condescending words from her new brethren. In the argument, Auroponte lost her temper and drew her blade Sunfury on the old Eclipse when he dared to call her "brat". Fortunately, it did not really come to blows as her other guests each have their own way of escaping conflict.  
Once her temper cooled off, Auroponte spared no expense on information on the thief. Following the trail, she organized and paid for an expedition to Sijian, where the chess set had been sighted.   Because of some misunderstanding, the Eclipse enlisted them as guards and entertainers for a small caravan. When asked why he would put them through such hardship when Auroponte is willing to be generous, he replied with "I didn't know you were rich." Only by Merodin's timely intervention did Auroponte not draw her blade on him again.   On the road to Sijian, the caravan's way was stoped by a sea dragon when the tried to cross a small river. Valliant and foolish, Autoponte charged at the dragon in a frontal assault. The tide of the dragon was thick and it's claws and maw sharp. For many rounds, none of the Exalt could hard the dragon. Auroponte killed the dragon by jumping into its open jaws, tearing it apart from the inside. The foolhardy attack demanded a high price, as Auroponte herself was almost bitten in half by the dragon's sharp teeth.   Coming late, Merodin finally unleashed his magic, ripping the flesh from the dragon's bones. After pulling Auroponte out, Merodin kept the dragon's teeth and later fashioned the Horns of Friendship from them.  
  The rest of the journey, Auroponte spent in a haze of healing and pain. She was visited by a Fire Dragon Blooded who had heard of this valiant warrior. Sitting by her bedside, the Dragon Blood spoke soft words and praised her valor, and even expressed intentions to get to know her better. Thinking that he had sinister motives that will harm her, for she did after all kill a dragon blooded only months past and is being hunted as an Anathema by the realm, Auroponte pretended to be dead. However, the Dragon Blooded still left a Coin of Distant Vision with her. Knowing it to be a spying device, she threw it into the river.   When they finally arrived in Sijian, the trail of the chess set has gone cold. The Solars still tried what they could, but eventually gave up when nothing turned up. Once Auroponte was recovered, the group returned to Nexus and went their separate ways.   When asked today, Auroponte would always say that her greatest bounty in all this was her friendship to Merodin the Wise.  
Auroponte has a standing contract for anyone who can retrieve her stolen chess set or give viable information on its whereabouts.   For information of viable nature: 1/4 Talent of Jade. 3/4 paid after, if the information leads to the return of the game.   For retrieval of the chess board: 2 Talents of Jade


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The game was abandoned in 2009.


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