Errand Knights and Lady Unforgiving Plot in CREATION | World Anvil

Errand Knights and Lady Unforgiving

around RY 824-825

Wanting more combat experience, Auroponte joined the famed Nexus mercenary company the Errand Knights in RY 823.    As a woman of enormous wealth, she has never had the need to fight for gold. Her choices fell upon the Errand Knights for the noble pursuit of honor while not being sworn to some lord. Exactly because of their reputation, Errand Knights hold many long standing contract from Nexus and nearby city to guard important trade routs. Auroponte also highly values their reliably, known to never break contract.

Plot points/Scenes

After her near-death experience with a single sea dragon, Auroponte decided she needs more experience. The chaotic charge at this monster also made it clear to Auroponte that if she wants to command one day, she needs to know how to be a soldier first.    In RY 823, she sought out the Errand Knights and was accepted as a recruit.    After just one year of service, Auroponte has already made a name for herself amongst her fellow knights. Known for her prowess to fight, she was soon suggested as a candidate to lead her own troops.    For the position of Knight Lieutenant, Auroponte would become an officer and have command over 25 knights. To gain this honor, she needs to personally duel the Lord Commander of the Errand Knight, a strong warrior and respected leader by the name Elriv von Ross 
Still young and short tempered, Auroponte steppt into the training yard. Knowing that her exalted nature will grand her the power to defeat any mortal, Auroponte was arrogant in the duel. She underestimated the commander and could barely hold her own.    Realizing that the Lord Commander is much stronger than she presumed, Auroponte began to take the duel seriously. Every time their weapons clashed, the sound of steel on steel could be heard across the yard. For rounds after around they dueled, until Auroponte became increasingly frustrated that she couldn't even beat a mortal. Eventually, Lord commander called the dule a draw.    Having dueled the greatest warrior of the entire company to a draw, Auroponte was given her own command. Under her leadership, her men finished many successful missions. Always riding with her men, Auroponte has finally won her men's respect.    It was during that time she earned herself the name Lady Unforgiving, for she was unrelentin in her pursuit of honor and justice. No matter the cries or pleas, a criminal will always get his due when Auroponte is commanding. Thieves will have their hand removed, rapists gelded, murderers hanged. Those of noble birth will have the mercy of her sword. 
  Exalted Nature:   Most of the time, Auroponte pretended to be mortal, fighting almost always with her steel swords. However, in dire situations, she would return to her trusted warblade Sunfury.  If some of her men asked, her usual answer is that it is a family secret.   If some of them suspected her nature, none of them voiced it directly to her. Auroponte has never revealed her true name, origin or her nature of Exaltation ot any of her men.   Auroponte also does not really know how much she is being paid.
  In RY 825, Auroponte resigned her status as active Knight and traveled the Chiaroscuro. Yet one never leaves the Errand Knight. Bound by honor, they always return to duty when called.   


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