Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth Character in CREATION | World Anvil

Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth


Lord Mask

Born under the name Asuma, Lord Mask was Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted. Through the Black Miracble, Lord Mask rose again as a Moonshadow Caste Abyssal Exalted in service of Walker in Darkness.   Asuma was born in the western archipelagos by unknown parents. As an infant, he was abandoned at a local temple, where he was taken in and trained as a martial art student. In his early twenties, Asuma exalted into Solar Exalted during a raid by Lintha Pirates.   After his Exaltation, Asuma began sailing the seas and eventually made his way to Nexus, where he was intoduced to Tsukaza Losha, the only son and heir of the family Losha. During his stay in Nexus, Asuma became employed by the Emissary, heading many political negotiations to gain support for Nexus' defense against the invading Realm.   In RY 830, Asuma arrived in Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire at the behest of his long time friend Auroponte Dii. He successfully undertook the negotiation with the Brotherhood and brockered an alliance between the two parties.   Seduced by his fated friend and lover Tsukaza, who has now become a Deathknight, Asuma followed him into the Underworld moments after Tourney of Kathusal. Wanting to redeem his friend and all deathknights, Asuma vowed to walk through darkness to find light.   So the brightest and most beloved of all Solar Heroes of the Second Age fell. In his stead, the cunning and terrifying Moonshadow known as Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth now walk where once Asuma had tread.  


Asuma once shared his dreams with his friend Auroponte. Together, they have wanted to build a new Solar Deliberative and lead this Age of Sorrow back into glory and prosperity.   Yet the tragedy of Tsukaza Losha has changed his heart. Unable to bear the suffering of one he loves, Asuma walked into darkness willingly.  
Walk the Darkness to find Light. Find Abyssal Redemption for himself and Tsukaza.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As both Solar and Abyssal, Lord Mask is a strong and tall man, with broad shoulders and a masculine face. His body was shaped in the rigorous training of martial art, making imposing to his enemies and reliable to his friends. Now immortal, Lord Mask will remain this terrible dark statue for all eternity.  


Once, Asuma was the embodiment of all that was good on Creation. Strong and nimble, he was an excellent martial artist with a body men admired. His eyes were hazel and amber, shining with all warmth of the Sun's mercy. His smiles, which he shared often with his friend were the source of comfort for all those who met him.   All that was lost when he rose again. Now, Lord Mask's once handsome face has blackened and fouled. His skin has the color of bones, and his eyes are cold and full of anguish. Beneath his mask hides now the face of a monster, the terrible crime of abandoning the sun has marred him, make his lips, chin and hands charred as if dipped in tar and backed in the heat for too long.   Where he once dressed in blue silk and white mantle, he now shrouds himself in tattered black robes. He has exchanged his prayer beats for dark tomes of necromancy, and even his once golden armor has been traded for soulsteel reflections.  
No enemy may gaze upon my true visage and live.
— Lord Mask


Martial Abilities

Since his childhood, Asuma has been trained by the monks of the west. For him, Martial Art is as much physical exercice as mental meditation. Long before his Exaltation has Asuma been a renowned duelist among his own people. He had achieved the height of mortal excellency before the Unconquered Sun chose him.  
Unwilling to kill, Asuma practiced the Mantis Style. This uncommon celestial style is designed to confuse his opponent and quickly incapacitate them, should any conflict arise. None may hope to escept the mantis grasp and none may wish to outrun the mantis' speed.   With this style, Asuma has never lost a fight.

Specialized Equipment

  This first age wonder made of Orichalcum was gifted to Asuma as reward for his service by the celetial God Fakaru, the censor of the west.   This seven section staff can form itself into a bo-staff at the wielder's will. When thrown, it will return to the martial artist's hand for one mote reflexively.   When used in clinch, the dragon head at the end of the staff will come to life, bite its down body and lick the opponent in place.
  Consisting of a pair of Essence-infused vambraces and one single shoulder-pauldron, this robe does not officially count as armor. It allows the wearer complete freedom in movements, be it in athletics or martial arts.   Once, Asuma the merciful wore those with pride, carrying the golden fox on his shoulder, unabashed and unashamed. Now, Lord Mask has exchanged his old armor for sinister mirror versions, often than not silent and hiding under his robes.
  • Seven Section Dragon Staff
  • Robe of the untouched noble
  • Mask of the untold truth
  • Perfect Boots
  • Memory Stone
  • Stone of wishful life

  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Chosen of the Sun

    Much of Asuma's life before he became a Solar Exalted was unknown. That is not so for his reputation as a new-born hero.   Many will agree, Asuma the Merciful truly lived up to his name. He was not only a valiant defender of all those who needed him through his skills in arms, he was also a most celebrated healer. To defend the innocent, to help the helpless and to cure the sick, Asuma had never charged even a single piece of Jade.   Yet still Asuma rose to fortune. Those who knew him all agree, his business sense and knack for trade was one that might even scare the Guild. Through clever investments and unmatched bargening skills, Asuma had made himself a wealthy man. Jade, he often uses for charity.   Asuma has traveled all over Creation in his work as a diplomat. He traveled to the Icewalker Plans to speak to the Bull of the North. He ventured into Shadowlands to parley with deathlords. He even visited sprit city and did many great services to the gods of the west.   Yet his most notable relationship was to Tsukaza Losha, a mortal librarian and heir to House Losha. This friendship would sustrain Asuma for years and eventually be his doom.  
      In RY 830, war was brewing in the Scavenger Lands. On one fateful day, Asuma visited his friend. In the following conversation, Tsukaza revealed his frustration with all the Solars and Sidereals around him, that he himself a mortal lives in constant fear for one wrong word, the wrath of these chosen could end him. Even at the promise that Asuma would never do anything such like, Tsukaza remained unconvinced.   "How could you speak it with such confidence, when history has proven you wrong? I love you, yet I fear you. For there is an entire world between us. Nothing I could do would ever be enough." Tsukaza had said.   This statement broke Asuma's heart and he bid his farewell in tears.   Shortly after, Asuma received news of Tsukaza's death at the first battle of this invasion war. He mourned his friend bitterly and finally realized that what he felt for Tsukaza was more than just friendship.

    Dark Exaltation

    The Fall of the Merciful was not one single event. Rather it was a sequence of events that slowly and carefully chipped away at Asuma's sanity until it culminated in his decision.   Those who do not know what happened might say that the vile and evil Deathknight known as Veil of Lingering Hatred had manipulated and seduced him. They might see this breathtakingly beautiful whip-whielding assassin as the source of all tragedy, and they wouldn't be wrong.   For a month, Veil's murders haunted Asuma. Triggered by the bizarre crime scenes Veil left behind, Asuma fell into feverish dreams full of death and torment. And in the midst of it all was Tsukaza who cried out to him in anguish.   When Veil finally revealed himself to Asuma, he has been twisted and corrupted into a hateful deathknight with the one single purpose to take Asuma with him. Yet Veil's kill was a slow one, a soft one. As they came closer, Asuma eager to help, and Veil eager to be helped, they finally admitted their feelings for each other. In all these schenes and obscurity, only Tsukaza's unrequited love that he had harboured for many years remained true.   At the Tourney of Kathusal, Asuma saw hope. He started to believe that Veil can be redeemed and brought back to the light. He started to hope and dream of a future where he and Tsukaza could walk side by side, as Solars Exalted. So it was, that Asuma made his decision to walk through darkness first.   In the Black Miracle, Asuma died and Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth rose. Together with his lover, who now calls himself Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight, they were introduced to the underworld as sinister heroes that could and would destroy Creation.  
    MONSTRANCE OF CELETIAL PORTION   Known only to the Deathknights and their masters, this artifact sarcophagus holds a part of the Abyssal's soul. It is the divice through which the Deathlords control his champions.   Through clever maneuvering and sinister schemes, Veil of Lingering Hatred was able to struck a deal with their new master Walker in Darkness.   Through machinations, the two Deathknights were attuned to Monstrances under Walker in Darkness' control. As a gesture of good will, the Deathlord allowed the Deathknights to keep their Monstrances at the Temple of Tears.




    Before his fall, Asuma the Merciful was the Sifu and mentor of Don Narunar. Haven met the young Solar Night Caste in Nexus, Asuma and Don quickly found common grounds. During the events in Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire, Asuma agreed to be Don's Sifu, taking upon him the responsiblity of training and educating Don.   After Asuma's fall, his student became disheartened and vanished.   Now, Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth feels the weigh of guilt towards his once student.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    The achievements of Asuma the Merciful were countless. A man of unquestionable compassion and unparalleled charm, Asuma had been a beacon to all those who follow him.   
    Chief among his deeds are the negotiations he headed in the name of Nexus. As an ambassador, Asuma traveled to the bitter north, to deal with the Bull of the North. Despite some initial set backs, Asuma persuaded the stubborn Northman to join an alliance with Nexus, and consider the prospect of a future Solar Deliberative.    Asuma's mission to speak with Walker in Darkness was similarly beset with dangers. On this road, he was ambushed by the Deathknight, Lady Bonemarrow, who then worked for Mask of Winters. Through many set backs and perseverance, Asuma met with Walker in Darkness and gained him too as an ally, mainly as an opposition to his rival Mask of Winters. This marks the moment the Deathlord became aware of this Solar Hero and the very beginning of the schemes that brough on Asuma's downfall.    In RY 830, Asuma arrived at Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire on the invitation of his friend Auroponte Dii. Despite heavy personal torments he suffered there, Asuma's words and skills in diplomacy bound the Brotherhood as one of their fiercest and most loyal allies.  
    As freshly reborn Deathknight, Mask used the novelty of him and his husband Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight arriving at court to quickly gather influence about himself. As Deathknight, he aimed to increase the standing of the Abyssals at Walker in Darkness's court.   In less than two month's time, Lord Mask resolved the unwanted marriage of Lady Bonemarrow, acquired funding for Meatmaster's necrotech army, uncovered a treason plot against their Deathlord, freed Raiku von Rotfluss from mental slavery and formed lasting friendship with Ragnarok and Ghost of Revenge.   He gathered all Deathknights around him, uniting them into a single circle and put their collective intelligence and might against their rivals at court. In just two month, Lord Mask single handedly raised the standing of the new and strange Abyssal Exalted and maneuvered his enemies into destroying themselves.   In RY 831, Lord Mask arrived in The Hundred Kingdoms as an ambassador. During his time in Arfalea, Lord mask won the trust and friendship of Marlekyle of Valka and some of his knights. Later, Lord Mask traveled to the north and was the driving force of good during the events of The Curse of Mudsnow.   In his honor, the heraldry of House Ungurr was changed to include Lord Mask's cast mark and the city of Mudsnow was renamed Valor, in remembrance of the courage Lord Mask has inspired during their darkest time.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    If Asuma or Lord Mask is asked, his greatest failure was the loss of his home. The small island settlement in the west was often raided by the Lintha Pirates. During one of the largest in the island's history, Asuma exalted into a Solar Exalted.    Yet despite his divine powers, Asuma was not able to save his home. In the onslaught of Asuma's defense, much of the settlement was destroyed, including the temple he grew up in. Even though the pirates was driven off, the damage done to his home was too great to rebuild.   Most of the survivors scattered and resettled. Having nothing left in his home, Asuma set out to explore the world, never to return.    Deep in his heart, Asuma still blames himself for the downfall, that he was not able to preserve his home and that his powers added to the devastation. 

    Mental Trauma

    Nothing can be more traumatic to the soul than the Dark Miracle. In a sinister and blasphemous ritual, the divine soul of a Solar Exalted is taken and twisted until it emerges as a necrotic monster, all its previous bright characters mirrored and marred.   During this ritual, the Solar remains conscious while locked within his Monstrance of Celestial Portion. Through nightmarish inquisition, he is tormented until his will is broken and shattered. He renounces his fate and his name, he gives up on his divinity and mortality, and in the last breath between life and death, he remains. Then through black magic, he is risen as an Abyssal Exalted.   This is what happened to Asuma. When he was released from his sarcophagus, nothing of Asuma remained. His mind war warped, his body scarred. His virtues that once defined him were turned to vices, driving him with hatred and bitterness.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Asuma was a paragon of compassion. It was his conviction that those who were Exalted had the obligation to use their powers for what is good. It was their prorogative to make the world a better place.   Asuma believed in the good in people, for all those who were not Creature of Darkness are children under the light of the Unconquered Sun. Their virtues is their strength and Asuma believed in that. Asuma wanted to save everyone.   As Lord Mask, the truth he has witnessed and learned darkened his heart. He has come to the realization that not everyone with power also deserved it. Althought he tried to help, reality has shown him that not everyone can and should be saved.   However, it has not changed Lord Mask's core. Deep down, he still aims to use his dark powers to do some good for Creation.  


    Asuma was much driven by his failures of having lost his home. When he was young, the fear that his past would be the sole thing to be remembered about him drove him onwards. In his eagerness to prove himself worthy of the Exaltation, Asuma was ready to make bad deals for himself if the goal was ultimately good.   In the earlier years of his Exaltation, Asuma was unconsciously competitive. His unspoken rivalry with the two controversial Solar Exalted Loki Frostwhiff and Tyr the Barbarian had made him vie for personal glory, as not to be overshadowed by the two vainglorious and ruthless Northmen. Asuma forsook his two companions when his own arrogance almost cost him his friend ship to Tsukaza Losha and Auroponte Dii, who were more dear to him than Loki or Tyr.   Once rid of the Northmen's influence, Asume grew steady in mind and swift in action. He was compassionate beyond reason, never being able to witness harm done to others and remain idle. In his own time, Asuma is humorous and charming. At times, he enjoyed bargaining with merchants, using his superiors skill in trade to make the best and most profitable deal for himself, yet never at harm to others. This way, Asuma gained great personal riches.   All that was lost when Asuma fell and Lord Mask rose.   As a Deathknight, Lord Mask keeps everyone at arm's length, safe for his very few selected companions. He is reserved and mysterious by design, presenting himself as a dark façade out of nightmares to hide his true intensions from all those who watched him.   During his first months as a Deathknight, Asuma freely displayed cruelty and ruthlessness. He enjoyed the new status and deference laid at his feat. He relished in the power to unapologetically dominating to those around him, to do evil, speak evil and to be selfish without consequence. Telling himself it was the character people expected him to play, Lord Mask did not truly know how much of that was the mask, and how much his new self.   When he was back in his boundaries by his husband Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight, Lord Mask struggled between his motivation and his power. However, Lord Mask was not without restrained. He always has the most evil plan for those who opposed him, yet he is capable of supressing his worst urges in the last moment.  
    You have become a monster, a monster that I made. This is not you, this is not the man I loved.
    — Starlight


    Although Asuma never had a very close or devout relationship to his Patron the Unconquered Sun, he believed in the virtues. In Compassion, Conviction, Valor and Temperance. He believed in the good in people and that doing good will change everything.   Having forsaken his allegiance to the Most High and betrayed Sol Invictus, Lord Mask now questions his faith more spiritually.   Now that he is a Deathknight, the judgement of the Lord of Heaven rests upon him whenever he walks Creation. So Lord Mask harbors no small amount of resentment towards Sol Invictus, who had been absent during his entire life save for now. He is in a crisis of faith, lost and disheartened.   Yet deep in his heart, Lord Mask still believes. He wants to, that he feels this way only because he himself is not yet wise enough to comprehend the ways of Sol Invictus. Deep in his heart, Lord Mask is in struggle between his unquestioned faith in redemption and the hopelessness of his situation.   Ever the more, Lord Mask expects Marlekyle of Valka, a Zenith priest of the Unconquered Sun to be his spiritual pillar and keep what remained of Mask's faith alive, until Lord mask can find the answers for himself.  
    Now you notice me?
    — Lord Mask


    Contacts & Relations

    Asuma was a man of many friends. Honorable, kind and charming, people are naturally drawn to him. Even as Lord Mask, his personal charisma and the force of will has garnered him everlasting loyalty.  
    None in life or death has more power over Mask than his friend and husband Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight, who was once Tsukaza Losha.   In death, Starlight was the catalyst that brought on Asuma's fall. During that time, Starlight went by the name Veil of Lingering Hatred. Being less stable and freshly murdered, Veil's methods were fanatic and savage. Asuma blamed himself for it, for it was his presence that inspired Tsukaza to take part in the war and be slain.   After Asuma's fall, Starlight renamed himself and they were officially married in the Underworld. Together, Lord Mask used Starlight's ability as a Deathknight to further his own influence. Until Starlight woke Lord Mask from his fever of power.   Seeing how much more powerful Lord Mask is with Starlight at his side, the Deathlord Walker In Darkness annulled their marriage in a ploy. He then adopted Starlight as the Prince of the Underworld, his own son, so Starlight is out of Mask's reach. To be wed to Starlight again, Lord Mask will have to undertake a mission worthy of a prince.   Everything Lord Mask sets out to do in the Underworld can be traced back to his undying love for Starlight, who has become the drive of his existence. The love Lord Mask feels for Starlight is unconditional and unreasonable. For this love, Lord Mask has betrayed Sol Invictus and forsook his own destiny.   Their epic romance is now recorded in Heaven, in the Book of Lovers by a Chosen of Serenity.  
    This friendship is not dramatic or tragic. It is one of the most steadfast friendship Asuma has in life.   Having met her early into their Exaltation, Asuma and Auroponte first only had a relationship of courtesy. However, Auroponte's honest and straightforward ways much suited Asuma and they had many dealings and mutual friends with each other throughout the years.   Asuma was instrumental and helping Auroponte retain her vast riches and Auroponte has never refused any request Asuma voiced. Being one often wandering from place to place, Asuma has a set of apartments within Auroponte's large mansion, which is being kept for him at any time.   However, Asuma does not always stay at her place, for her Majodomus has taken Asuma as a sworn nemesis, who aims to seduce his lady and steal her riches.   During the events on Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire, Asuma and Auroponte's friendship grew as they mourned the death of Tsukaza Losha together. Auroponte was one of the very few who voice her trust in Asuma, when he decided to venture into the Underworld.   Even in Death, their friendship holds, albeit only in heart. Asuma and Auroponte has yet to be reunited adter his fall.  
    Starting as Master and prisoner, this friendship is as unlikely as any.   When Ragnarok broke into Lord Mask's temple, it was to rob him. Together with his husband, Lord Mask stabbed and captured Ragnarok. In the brutal torture and interrogation that came after, Lord Mask flayed Ragnarok's mind and Starlight put his magic on Ragnarok, making him as slave. However, in the questioning, Ragnarok's goal to reach redemption was revealed, one that Lord Mask shares.   During his time in the Underworld, Ragnarok remained in the background, working to support his new masters. In all things Lord Mask did in his brief existence as Deathknight, Ragnarok was by his side, loyal and true. He was brave in the defense of Lord Mask, and honest with his council in politics and occult.   Because Ragnarok trusts in Lord Mask's deep heart, Lord Mask trusts in Ragnarok as well. They are brothers in arms, and comrades in death. It is their shared vision of redemption and honor that bind them together.  
    Awkward and strange, one either fears him or adores him. Being a simple man in life, Ghost is neither sophisticated nor wise. He is a ruthless killer with a knack for violence and a creepy stalker, who loves to perch beneath ceilings.   Easy to persuade and not particularly headstrong, he is obedient to Lord Mask to a fault. However, he is prone to sulk like a child and murmur complaints when one is not listening. Yet his work are those of masters and never disappoint.   During their travels, Lord Mask was moved by the simply yet painful past Ghost had revealed. He was touched by the small things Ghost does, be it drinking with common men or tending to children and babies. Ghost's charm is in the simple life, one that Lord Mask has long forgotten.   During the events of The Curse of Mudsnow, Ghost displayed his own courage by supporting Mask despite his own fears. At the end, it was Ghost's words that moved Lord Mask.  
    You did it. No one thought it could be done, but you did it. [...] I've lived with this pain for so long, I don't remember what it is like without it. And the things you speak of, honor, loyalty, faith. I don't know what that is. But to protect, that I get now. I want to protect you, us, all of us.
    — Ghost of Revenge

    Family Ties


    Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth

    Husband (Vital)

    Towards Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight



    Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight

    Husband (Vital)

    Towards Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth



    ... no mercy!
    — Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth
    Divine Classification
    Abyssal Exalted
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    The Merciful
    Royal Advisor
    Ambassador of Darkness
    800 RY 830 RY 30 years old
    Circumstances of Death
    Black Miracle
    Asuma the Merciful
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    pale, black
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Seatongue, High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak


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