The Hundred Kingdoms Organization in CREATION | World Anvil

The Hundred Kingdoms

For thousands of years, this vast land had been a place of city states and petty kings. Every man with a castle could call himself Lord, every rebellion leader a prince. A hundred kingdoms had risen and fallen in this time, for as long as men can remember, these monarchs and nobles have warred with each other.   Until... prince Marlekyle the Conqueror arrived and united them all into one single realm. Now, the ruler styles himself Sovereign of the Hundred Kingdoms, Prince of Arfalea and Lord of Creation.


The Hundred Kingdom is a classic feudalistic monarchy, ruled by a single King or Queen.    The center of government is the Arfaleen court, where the King holds council with his chosen few. During the conquest, Marlekyle made sure not to extinct the greater families in his realm. Every family is still in possession of their ancestral seat and the land alotted to it. The land and people there generate wealth, which in term grands them status.   With the power to take and redistribute land resting solely with the crown, all nobles gather at court to vie for Marlekyle's favor, who in term depend on his noble lords to govern the land and collect taxes.  


In the Hundred Kingdom, the patrilineal primogeniture has become the center of their ways. Only the northern states like Urthain or Jaden have adopted a male-prefered promogeniture.  
The first born male will always inherit everything. In case there are no direct male heir present, the next heir is determinate by tracing back shared descendance from the closest ancestor.   The male issues of the male heir takes precedence before brothers and their issues then uncles and issues. Females and matrilineal males are excluded from succession.
The first born male will always inherit everything. In case there is no direct male heir present, an heir will be chosen among the direct descends regardless of gender.   When no direct descendent can be found, the succession passes to the brother of the former head of family, and then to his issues, by seniority of birth. Matrilineal kin are excluded.
I am a woman, Lord Mask. My purpose lies in marrying a good husband, who can uphold the ancient legacy of my family. I am but a woman, I will never have power of my own.
— Lady Sina Aldarich


The conduct in the hundred kingdoms are modeled after the ancient Code of Chivalry. Young men are expected to be virtuous and strong, capable to fight and protect the women and children, who are viewed as the weaker sex. The tradition of primogenitor only amplifies these behavior.   The honor of chivalry is usually bestowed upon a fighter capable of mounted and single combat. Horse, Lance and Swords are the trademark of a knight. In the thousand years of war, the honor of knighthood meant also access to land and tiles, thus wealth and status.   The title for all knights is Ser.  
Knight who holds land and title. These can be bestowed upon him by a Lord or Monarch for his service. Or it could be inherrited by laws of succession.   Knight who previously held no land will be elevated to nobility. Depending on the size of the land and its title, the knight becomes a noble lord or a minor noble.
Knights who hold no lands or titles, beside the title of kinghood. These men can swear their sword thus service to a Lord or Monarch.   In exchange, the Lord must honor the knight's code, grand him lodging and livelihood, as well as rewards for exceptional deeds. Sworn Swords are not automatically granted nobility.
The Royal Knights of Arfalea:   Though all knights are technically Knights of Arfalea, only 7 of the noblest and best knights in the entire Hundred Kingdoms count among the royal knights.   All seven are chosen by Prince Marlekyle himself, many of them Marlekyle's own wards and squires. In the hundred Kingdoms, they hold status similar to a royal prince.   The royal knigths are:
  • Ser Harduin Aldarich
  • Ser Albuin Aldarich
  • Ser Kastor Erkenbert
  • Prince Rungnir Ungurr
  • Prince Lief Lindemann
  • Prince Nivin Tarnuval
  • Prince Rokuko of Needle


    The great families

    Power is much divided within the hundred kingdoms. Each portion of land is held by one dominating family, often for centuries or longer. Each Lord of their respective region have the right to collect tax, the right of gallows and the right to take sworn swords. Since the conquest, the amount of tax and sworn swords are regulated by Marlekyle's decree.   To not further alienate his noble Lords, Marlekyle allows them to keep their own respective identity as former kingdoms. More have come and gone in the past centuries, these are those who remained, now repersented at the Arfaleen court.  
    Location: West foothills of Mount Megalapa
    Seat: Castle Hadrian
    Family: Aldarich   Kingdom of Reese was the first to fall. In RY 822, Marlekyle first took Castle Hadrian after 7 days of siege. King Draunuin fought bravely, but died of his wounds. Queen Siclary opened the castle gates and yielded her kingdom to Prince Marlekyle.   Prince Marlekyl took her two sons, Harduin and Albuin as his wards. He politely declined the then ten years old Lady Sina's hand in marriage. After almost 10 years of war and conquest, the two Aldarich sons are among the most capable and loyal followers of Prince Marlekyle.   (Filler for main article)  
    Location: Northern edge, beneath the Ancestor Hills
    Seat: Valor (formerly Mudsnow)
    Family: Ungurr   Conquered by force in RY 825, Urthain never really submitted to Marlekyle. Largely ignored by the hundred kingdoms, Urthain fought hard and bitter against the southern invaders. Defeated in battle, King Hamath dishonored himself by trying to assassinate Prince Marlekyle during the surrender.   At the ultimatum that either the next in line step forth to offer surrender, or Marlekyle will attack anew and sack the city. Prince Lewo had no choice but to offer up unconditioned surrender and yielded his kingdom to Marlekyle.   The youngest son of house Ungurr, Prince Rungnir was taken as hostage, and later became Marlekyle's squire and royal knight.    
    Location: Northern east, between Castle Hadrian and Valor
    Seat: Tower Yefel
    Family: Yiffnar   The history of House Yiffnar is filled with blood and slaughter. In a several decade long war with House Druan and Tarnuval, the strength of Tower Yefel was long depleted when Prince Marlekyle arrived in RY 825.   Early in the same year, the King Rowan Yiffnar and his son and heir were assassinated. The succession passed to Queen Nitram's son, sired only nights before the king was murdered. When Marlekyle came, she trembled at the power of his vast host. She opened the gate and yielded her son's crown to Marlekyle.   For her son to retain the title of Lord, Queen Nitram offered both her daughters' hands in marriage. Prince Marlekyle could have both, if he wished. He declined. However, Prince Marlekyle allowed the toddler to keep his title, granting the position of castellan to Rowan's younger cousin.  
    Location: South east, towards the center of the Hundred Kingdoms
    Seat: Castle Ansver
    Family: Verice   Undoubtedly the most idyllic and lush land within the hundred Kingdom, Verice was the last to fall, conquered in spring of RY 830. Verice resisted Marlekyle's advance for many years. Holding important trade routes to the Scavenger Lands, Castle Ansver had the backing of the Guild.   Seeing the rapid and seemingly unstoppable rise of Prince Marlekyle, the guild withdrew from Ansver. After loosing the support of the Guild, King Ansva called all his men, sworn swords and hedge knights to him and hired mercenaries from Nexus to fight the Conqueror, among those are the famed Errand Knights.   During the decisive battle at the gate of the castle, King Ansva, an aged fat man, fell from his horse and died. Queen Meliatha had no choice but to yield, not bearing to see all the men die for her late husband. Out of courtesy and respect for her mercy, Prince Marlekyle allowed Queen Meliatha to retain her title.  
    Location: Central to east of the Hundred Kingdoms
    Seat: Castle Rowan
    Family: Erkenbert   Sworn to House Aldarich, the Erkenberts are the strong right hand of the Kingdom of Reese. Being closely related, family Erkenbert had always been loyal to house Aldarich. They are also the kins of House Tarnuval by marriage.   When Castle Hadrian was besieged, House Erkenbert faithfully provided 3000 riders, led by the young lord Kastor Erkenbert. When the host arrived, Queen Siclary has already yielded. Seeing their liege lord already surrendering, Kastor Erkenbert knelt as well.   Ser Kastor was immediately taken as Marlekyle's squire and has grown to be one of Marlekyle's most loyal knights.  
    Only landed knights, the Redrivers are the least noble among the great families. However, their land has prospered with trade, making them the richest lords in the Hundred Kingdoms.   Protected by powerful ancestor cults, the Redrivers have successfully defended themselves against invaders. Not with armies, but with schemes and dark sorcery.   In RY 829, when seeing Marlekyle slowly conquering all their neighboring lands, the Redriver had a suddenly change of heart. They approached Prince Marlekyle with gifts and treasures, asking to join his kingdom.   Having their lands so close to Arfalea and so rich in trade and food, Marlekyle accepted.  
    Perhaps the most ancient line within all the territory of the hundred kingdoms, the Druans descended from gods, legends say. Protected by their enchanted forest, the Druans have successfully kept themselves out of politics for centuries. They were later joined by the tribe of Tarnuval, their distant kin from the eastern forests.   Having their forest so close to Castle Hadrian, the Druans and Tarnuvals joined the Kingdom of Reese as a free state. After several generations of marriage alliances and personal feuds, the Forest of Druan was sacked and burned in RY 805, by King Rowan Yiffnar the cruel. Their people were slaughtered and their treasure, an Orbs of Archgenisis was stolen from them.   Only a handful survived, among them Prince Nivin and Lief. Eventually, the two princes grew up and took revenge on Rowan the cruel in RY 823. In the same year, Niving and Lief led what remained of their people to Marlekyle. They now both server as Royal Knights of Arfalea.  
    Technically, the Valka belongs to the hundred kingdoms as well. Due to it special status as Marlekyle's home and the powerful necromancers protecting the kingdom, it has not been conquered yet.   In Marlekyle's mind, his unification of the hundred kingdoms will not end until he either took back his throne, or destroyed it.

    Demography and Population

    The people of the Hundred Kingdoms are mostly light skinned and light haired. In the north, skin color tend to be paler, and the hair more colorful, from blond to reddish, to black and even bluish. In the center and south, the people tend to be shoter in statue, and darker in hair. In the southern edge of the Hundred Kingdom, the people mix with the diverse population of the Scavenger lands.   The social class is divided into nobility, the citizens and the peasants, with most of the common folk being helots, bound to the land of their lords.


    The armies of the Hundred Kingdoms consists of solider and knights. The knights are men following the chivalry code, sworn to either a lord or a lord themselves.   The soldier are volunteers and conscripted men, who owed the lord their allegeance. For the gift of living on and off the Lord's hand, they have vowed to fight when the lord calls.   Prince Marlekyle himself is the only one allowed to maintain a standing host during peace times, consisting of men sworn to him, both soldiers and knights.   In the hundred Kingdoms, women are not obligated to fight and cannot be forced to fight. However, Marlekyle has been known to take female volunteers when they have proven themselves capable.


    Before the rise of Marlekyle the Conqueror, the faiths in the Hundred Kingdoms is just as diverse as its rulers. Having no central faith, each city was mostly left to worship local deities.   In the North and the Redriver Lands, powerful ancestor cults have protected them for centuries. In the south, their religion was main dominated by the Scavenger Lands. Due to the influence of Greyfalls, the Immaculate Faith as also spread through the Kingdom of Verice.   Yet since the rise of their Solar King, The Faith of the Most High or Order of Sol Invictus has become the state religion. Claiming to be a high priest and Chosen of the Sun, Marlekyle demands that his loyal subjects pay tribute to the Lord of Heaven.   To allow each land their own identity, Marlekyle still allows the worship of local deities or ancestral cults. However, the Immaculate Faith has been banned form his kingdom.

    Foreign Relations

    As the newly founded state, Marlekyle has not yet established a standing foreign policy. His gaze is turned inwards.   Yet if anything is to be mentioned, he harbors great animosity towards the Realm and its strapies. This is mainly based on their religious difference.   Marlekyle also view his own homeland Kingdom of Valka as an enemy, having vowed to rid the world of his father who has come to worship necromancy.   Right now, Marlekyle is making plans to force some kind of relations to the Confederaton of Rivers, both for the benefit of trade and having a common enemy in the Realm.

    Agriculture & Industry

    Once, the Hundred Kingdoms has been nothing but mediocre farm lands with moderate yield.   Now, the Hundred Kingdoms is a paradise on earth. Their fields are lush and green, their crops high and tall. The ores from the mountains are strong and pure, the coal from the mine black and hard. All this is because of the
    Blessing of Archgenisis
    Marlekyle has conjured over his land.   Since the ritual was casted, every yield from every field has doubled at the least. Especially in the Arfalean lands, pumpkin as big as sheeps have been harvested. Trees that have long stopped bearing fruits have blossomed again and the games in the forest are healthy and meaty.   All that contributed to the growth rate of Arfalea.  
    The different yield of the different regions can be categorized as following:  
  • Northern Lands (Urthain, Bealutor): Mining, hunting
  • Redriver Lands (Redrivers): Dyes and crops
  • Estern Marches (Reese): Quarry and lumber
  • Southern Fields (Verice): Food and animal products
  • Western Center (Arfalea): Food, lumber, game and fish

  • Trade & Transport

    Having more fields they can farm and more food they can eat in ten years, Marlekyle has now allowed the export of rich quality grain to the Scavenger Lands.   In addition, he has allowed family Redriver to continue their business as the largest dye export in the Hundred Kingdoms. Because of the blessing highly increasing the quality of their products, the Redrivers are becoming even wealthier than before, almost overtaking the crown.   From Arfalea, many luxury goods are exported to their vassals and neighbors. High quality hide, wool, and artisanship are highly sought after. They all have benefitted from the blessing and all have to contribute to the royal coffers.   As Arfalea is a state in growing, much of the coin is also spent on importing luxury goods, clothing and construct materials for the Capital. Marlekyle especially likes to import exceptionally crafted arms and armor from the smiths of Nexus.


    The general educational level of the Hundred Kingdoms is low. Having spent centuries at war, not much effort has been dedicated to learning and scholarship.   The general public is illiterate, having the best farmer knowing how to read a direction sign. Peasants from rural areas generally do not learn it, for books and ink are extremely expensive.   People with professions may be able to read very simple texts in accordance with their professions. Most minor nobles of the kingdom also do not read or write. They rely upon trained scribes to do it for them.   Members of great houses are expected to read and write. Especially ladies of high birth will have to learn several skills, including that of managing a household.   Men of importance are of course expected to possess many skills. Mathematics, strategy, literature, law and of course history. Having been highly educated himself, Marlekyle expect his court to be cultivated.



  • the hundred kingdoms is created largely based on medieval Europe
  • the hundred kingdoms might bear resemblance to G.R.R.M's Westeros
  • Maps

    • The Hundred Kingdoms
    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Theocratic
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Palace economy
    Sun (gold), Moon (silver) and Stars (copper) coins
    Controlled Territories

    • 798 RY

      10 Ascending Wood

      The Birth of Arfalas and Marlekyle
      Life, Birth

      Born as Princes of Valka to King Undvic and Lady Forlorn

    • 801 RY

      Undvic is crowned king
      Political event

    • 805 RY

      Resplendent Water

      Rowan the cruel marries Nitram Sweetlips

    • 805 RY

      Descending Earth

      Castle Druan sacked by Rowan the cruel
      Military action

      Princes Nivin (1) and Lief Tarnuval (12) escaped during the sacking.

    • 812 RY

      813 RY

      Yiffnar - Aldarich War for Tarnuval
      Military action

      Castle Druan retaken, but destroyed. Nivin(9) sent to Castle Rowan. Lief(20) kept as Castle Hadrian.

    • 821 RY

      The Green Lady arrives in Valka
      Diplomatic action

    • 821 RY

      Ascending Air

      Necromancer Tsevatan arrives in Valka
      Diplomatic action

    • 821 RY

      Resplendent Air

      King Undvic falls to the spell of the dead
      Disaster / Destruction

    • 821 RY

      28 Ascending Water

      Green Lady speaks her Prophecy of Duality

      Two sons you have, one destiny I see. One must fall, to become a shadow so the other can shine.
      Two sons you have, one live I see. One must live, to light the way so the shadow remain.

    • 821 RY

      1 Resplendent Water

      Arfalas and Marlekyle return to Valka
      Political event

    • 821 RY

      5 Resplendent Water 12:00

      Duel of Fates

      Marlekyl provoked by King Undvic. Manipulated to fight and kill his brother Arfalas.
      Marlekyle exalts into Zenith Caste Solar Exalted

    • 821 RY

      5 Resplendent Water 13:00

      The Dark Exaltation

      Arfalas is given the Dark Exaltation by the Bishop.
      Arfalas exalts into Dusk Caste Abyssal Exalted

    • 822 RY

      1 Ascending Water
      822 RY

      12 Ascending Earth

      Conquest of Reese
      Military action

      Harduin Aldarich(16), Albuin Aldarich(6), Kastor Erkenbert(14) are taken hostage. Later released to be Marlekyle's squires. Marlekyle refused Lady Sina(12)'s hand in marriage.
      Reese becomes a Vassal State, Castle Hadrian becomes Marlekyle's new seat.

    • 823 RY

      Descending Water

      The Ghosts of Himring
      Discovery, Exploration

      Marlekyle enters Himring and is defeated by Himring's magic.

    • 825 RY

      Revenge for Tarnuval
      Military action

      Nivin(21) and Lief (32) sneak into Castle Yiffnar and murder Rowan the cruel and his son and heir.

    • 825 RY

      Descending Air

      Niving and Lief join Prince Marlekyle
      Life, Organisation Association

    • 825 RY

      Descending Water

      Kingdom Yiffnar surrenders to Prince Marlekyle
      Political event

      After a short campaign, Queen Nitram of Yiffnar surrenders her castle and kingdom.

    • 825 RY

      Descending Water

      The rediscovery of Himring
      Discovery, Exploration

      Marlekyl discovers Himring and the ruins of Arfalea. He orders secret reconstruction of Arfalea.

    • 825 RY

      6 Ascending Wood

      The Knight Lovers

    • 825 RY

      Ascending Fire
      825 RY

      Resplendent Fire

      Siege of Mudsnow
      Military action

      Marlekyl besieges Mudsnow for two months. King Hamath disgraces himself. Prince Lewo surrenders Urthain. Rungnur Ungurr(15) taken as ward and squire.

    • 828 RY

      5 Ascending Air
      828 RY

      7 Ascending Air

      Marlekyle returns to Himring
      Discovery, Exploration

      Marlekyl relives the visions of Himring, almost driving him mad.

    • 828 RY

      1 Descending Air

      Necromantriss Botsekani joins the court
      Diplomatic action

      Marlekyle starts obsessing over necromancy. Botsekani allowed to join his host.

    • 828 RY

      Resplendent Water
      828 RY

      Resplendent Fire

      Marlekyle's great partrol
      Military action

      Marlekyle is plagued by nightmares from Himring. He leads his host on a grand procession through all his conquered land.

    • 828 RY

      Ascending Fire

      Redriver joins Prince Marlekyl
      Political event

      Redriver Lords made nervous by the Grand Patrol and joins Marlekyle.

    • 828 RY

      1 Calibration
      828 RY

      5 Calibration

      Marlekyle travels to find the second Orb of Archgenesis
      Discovery, Exploration

    • 830 RY

      5 Resplendent Water 12:00

      Founding of Arfalea

    • 830 RY

      Descending Water
      830 RY

      Ascending Earth

      Marlekyle conquers Ansver
      Military action

      Attacking by surprise, Ansver had no chance.

    • 830 RY

      27 Resplendent Earth

      The Summoning of the Lost Brother
      Disaster / Destruction

      Suffering from nightmares, Marlekyle let Botsekani summon Arfalas' ghost.

    • 830 RY

      28 Resplendent Earth

      Lief suffers from whispers and flies
      Disaster / Destruction

    • 830 RY

      28 Resplendent Earth

      Marlekyle reunites with Ragnarok

      Stumbling upon Marlekyle's ritual, Ragnarok reveals himself.

    • 830 RY

      Descending Earth

      The Squire Ferdinant
      Life, Career

      The squire Ferdinand released from Ansver prison, taken as squire to Ser Kastor. Dispatched to retreave Lief Lindemann.

    • 830 RY

      Ascending Wood

      Lief murders Harduin
      Military action

    • 830 RY

      20 Ascending Wood

      Albuin's Watch

      Standing aside and watching his brother being murdered, Albuin exalts into a Chosen of Ending.

    • 830 RY

      Resplendent Wood

      Ferdinand and Kastor lost
      Discovery, Exploration

    • 831 RY

      Ascending Air
      831 RY

      Ascending Water

      Lewo's Rebellion
      Military action

    • 831 RY

      28 Resplendent Air

      Lord Mask and the Deathnights arrive in Arfalea
      Diplomatic action

      The deathknights Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth, Ragnarok the devourer without purpose, Ghost of Revenge arrive in Arfalea on behest of Walker in Darkness

    • 831 RY

      21 Descending Air
      831 RY

      28 Descending Air

      The Brave 49 and the birth of Valor
      Military action

      Lewo defeated by Mask and cursed his own people. After 7 days of struggle, Lord Mask saves Mudsnow and renames it to Valor.


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