Lorgar's Fall Building / Landmark in CREATION | World Anvil

Lorgar's Fall

Lorgar's Fall is an ancient Dragon Kings temple located at the bottom of the White Sea, housing one of Sol Invictus' fulcrums.   In RY 831, it is rediscovered by Merodin the Wise. After the artifact inside the temple was stolen, the temple reemerged to the surface. Merodin and Auroponte Dii renamed this forgotten temple to Lorgar's Fall

Recent History

Only days after the Battle of Lookshy Coast, Merodin the Wise invited Auroponte to investigate a sunken ruin with him. Even remaining at the bottom of the sea for millennia, the original structure of the temple was still largely intact, protected by a magical energy field generated by the artifact inside.   The disputed Solar Exalted Lorgar Myorthor had already arrived with his crew and were already trying to retreave the holy artifact, the Laurel of Entwining Mercy. Discovering traces of demonic magic on Lorgar's vessel Wavewolf, Auroponte immediately issued an challenge, for Lorgar to come out and receive his judgement.   Met with silence, Merodin and Auroponte charged into the ritual chamber, where they caught Lorgar and his infernal ally trying to steel the artifact. In the following fight, Lorgar and his crew were slain by Auroponte and Merodin. The Infernal Exalted Fata Morgana escaped with the artifact.   After the removal of the artifact, the temple was temporarily flooded and slowly rose to the surface of the White Sea. To commemorate this event, Merodin and Auroponte renamed the temple to Lorgar's Fall.  
Here fell Lorgar Myorthor, Captain of the Eavewolf, who has turned to darkness. May his fate be a warning for all those who would abandon the path of the righteous!


After the temple resurfaced, Auroponte and Merodin inspected the temple more carefully.    Build in the distinctive style of the now extinct race of the Dragon Kings, it is suspected by Merodin that this temple predates the primordial war and thus the existence of the Solar Exalted. 
The Temple is build in the distinctive style of the now extinct race of the Dragon Kings. Constructed as a large pyramid, the temple is separated into several large terraces, each of them serving its own function. The lower terraces are preserved for prayers, while the highest one was used as the place of worship for the fulcrum.   The structure of each level is separated into rooms and chambers. Along the walls of the chambers, murals and carvings depict various historical events, telling stories of battles, wars, glory, worhship and purpose of the temple.   In one the wall carvings, Merodin suspects the lizard like being on the height of the pyramid to be either a high priest, or Sol Invictus himself.   Much of the temple still remains unexplored.


Judging from the depictions on the wall, Merodin suspects this temple to predate the Primordial War and the existence of the Solar Exalted. It was a place of worship for Sol Invictus by the humanoid lizard people called Dragon Kings, the first people of Sol Invictus.   Merodin further theorizes that this temple did not sink on its own, but was deliberately sunken by Sol Invictus, probably as a sakekeeping place for his artifact.   However Auroponte disagrees and think that this temple cuoldn't have been build before the War, as legend has it that Sol Invictus chose his fulcrums only after the war. She also quickly gave up on this theory and presented several more, all wild speculations based on fragmented half knowledge.   Merodin the Wise is still exploring and studying this temple.

End of Primordial War
Founding Date
Before Primordial War
Cathedral / Great temple


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