Nexus Flame - Session 1 Report in CREATION | World Anvil
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Nexus Flame - Session 1

General Summary

We write the Realm Year 831. The War for Scanvenger Lands have been fought again and the Scarlett Empress has returned.
After Battle of Lookshy Coast , Auroponte travels with her oldest friend to Lorgar's Fall. After defeating the traitor and Akuma Lorgar Myorthor, Auroponte and Merodin only narrowly escaped the collapse of the sunken temple.

I swear, if I have survived all the shite in the world just to drown here in the middle of no where, by my honor, I swear I will kill you! - Auroponte Dii to Merodin

Waiting for the temple to stabilize, Auroponte and Merodin speak about their past, how young and foolish they were when the first met in the Small Market of Nexus. Merodin tells Auroponte that Lorgar might not be who he claimed to be and might have been an agent of the demons after all. Auroponte is furious about this and again rages about Merodin stealing her kill, for she wants to kill Lorgar even more now.

After the temple finally emerges from the bottom of the sea, Auroponte and Merodin explore the temple. Auroponte has a change to show off the lore she's learned these years and Merodin agrees that this temple of of the Dragon King origin, which even predates the existence of the Solar Exalted. In light of their discovery, Auroponte and Merodin renamed this new island "Lorgar's Fall."

After portalling back to Auroponte's war camp at Lookshy coast, they have dinner together. Merodin rubs salt into Auroponte's wound be reminding her that she once spent 18 talents of Jade for a chessboard she never played on before the board was stolen. He further teases her by giving her a chessboard. Not the one she's been looking for for ten years, but a simple wooden one. Auroponte was not amused. Later that evening, Merodin left to continue his expedition for the Sunken Temple and Auroponte returns to camp.
On her way to lead the army back to Nexus, Auroponte receives a mysterious duel letter. Following it, she meets Crimson Banner Executioner. He attacked with the words "Prepare for your execution!" During the fight, Auroponte noticed that the mysterious stranger does not truly want to kill her. Curious, Auroponte pulled her punches.
Executioner: You're not ready yet.
Auroponte: Ehm... what?
Executioner: You should have killed me. That I live means you are not yet ready.
Auroponte: Ehm... I don't get it.
Executioner: I will, with your permission, craft the trials for you to become who you are supposed to be.
Auroponte: That's... okay... I guess? ... ehm, wait. But you're not going to risk innocent lives so I can have my trial, right?
Executioner: Of course not!... Hm... perhaps Sun Heart Lover was right about you after all....

He disappeared after saying that. On the next morning, Auroponte can no longer remember what happened there.  

Rewards Granted

3 EP  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Lorgar Myorthor and the crew of the Wavewolf killed and executed.
  • Sunken Temple rediscovered

  • Character(s) interacted with

    Merodin, the Wise
    Crimson Banner Executioner
    Report Date
    06 Jun 2021
    Primary Location

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