Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel


King of Bealutor, husband of Woodwitch of Yefel, brother of Meliatha Yiffnar, Queen of Verice, butcher of Ruins of Druan, he is no doubt the most influential and infamous man of his time.    Being the only surviving son of his father, Rowan was the proudest and most coveted knight of his time. In his youth, he was a valiant fighter, often riding out on military campaigns. In a skirmish with a group of Tarnuval Archers in the eastern woods, Rowan lost an eye. In his rage, he and his band hunted to archers to the last man.    In year 805, he married the Woodwitch Nitram Sweetlips, who was only 15 at that time. With the support of his new wife, Rowan ascended the throne after his father's sudden death. In the same year, he decided to march on the Forest of Druan, and take revenge for his eye.   When he was 30, Rowan seduced his own half-sister Fiona Yiffnar and the son Erudar Yiffnar was born to him. After his marriage to Nitram, he was persuaded to marry Fiona off. Rowan sold her to the merchant family Redriver for financial support.   When Nitram couldn't give him heirs within the first years of their marriage, Rowan's eye drifted towards his second half-sister, Meliatha Yiffnar, Queen of Verice. In the year Rowan begot his first legitimate child Efanah Yiffnar, his sister Meliatha was married off again for political alliance.   It is said of Rowan that he was a proud and vainglorious man. Powerful in statue and with the support of his opportunistic counselors and queen, Rowan increased his influence, until the entire hundred kingdoms feared him. With sorcery and vile schemes, Rowan was always able to win any conflict he put his mind into. His sack of the Forest of Druan was the one incident that elevated him into a king to be feared.   In private, Rowan was lustful and overbearing. In the nights he was not with his own queen, who for some reason always had his ear, Rowan took all women of the castle as his own. He is known to practice the rights of the Prima Nocta glad and often. It is unknown how many bastards he has sired.   In RY 813, Rowan fought his last battle against the Tarnuvals. In the Yiffnar Aldarich War for Tarnuval, Rowan suffered a wound that would not heal until his life's end. In those years, he became increasingly paranoid and trusted only his wife, who treated his pain with sorcery. He yet still treated her poorly for their lack of sons.   In RY 825, Rowan was murdered by the Heirs of Tarnuvals. The assassin found him in his bed and stabbed him to death with 36 wounds. Rowan does not know that just minutes before his own death, his only son and heir Erudar Yiffnar was already killed by the two assassins.


Family Ties



Nitram Sweetlips


Towards Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel

Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel


Towards Nitram Sweetlips

Fiona Yiffnar


Towards Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel


Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel


Towards Fiona Yiffnar


Divine Classification
771 RY 825 RY 54 years old
Nitram Sweetlips (spouse)
Fiona Yiffnar (mistress)

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