The Fool of Chiaroscuro Plot in CREATION | World Anvil

The Fool of Chiaroscuro

RY 825 early spring

Armor for Yuki would be an good idea, Auroponte thought one day. And no where in the world could one get better men-made armor than Chiaroscuro. 
So, Auroponte requested leave from the Errand Knights, charted a ship across the Inland Sea toward Chiaroscuro in search for a master smith, capable of forging glass armor for her loyal friend.  

Plot points/Scenes

Auroponte's search for a master smith wasn't difficult, not when you have enough jade to spend. While waited for the armor to be crafted, Auroponte does what she always does. Shopping in the city's markets.    One day, as she was browsing the numerous stores, a band of Dragon Blooded called out to her. A Wyld Hunt party has come to rid the world of this "Anathema". Not daring to come to Nexus, they have tracked her down to Chiaroscuro, a city that has no problem with Dragon Blooded exacting their own justice.    Irritated by the self-righterousness of the Dragon Blooded, Auroponte immediately responded to their challenge with her blade. Just as she fought along against a brotherhood, a mysterious Night Caste Solar Exalted joined her fight, a man she has never seen before.    Joining forced, the two Solars defeated the brotherhood until one single man was left. Simply because Auroponte's feet were incased in stone by the opponent, the last member of the brotherhood had the chance to flee.   
  In gratitude, Auroponte invited Shadowdrake, the Night Caste to join her in the city's most luxurious tavern, where she immediately booked an entire apartment for the man's pleasure. In that night, separately from each other, both Solar dreamed the same dream. In their dream, they saw the fall of Chiaroscuro heralded by the rolling mist. Besieged and breached by an army of the dead, Chiaroscuro would suffer the same fate as Thorns.   In the next morning, Shadowdrake insisted that Auroponte change her appearance to disguise herself. He persuaded her to dye her hair dark and leave her armor at the tavern, so they would draw less attention to themselves. Agreeing begrudgingly, the two Solar went to investigate the signs of their shared dream.   However, their search yielded nothing. Just when Auroponte started to wander around to see the sights, a crying woman approached her. The old woman had seen her fight the day before, and despite her new hair color still recognized her. Not she begs Auroponte to save her son, who has ventured outside the city to a ruin. It#s been a fortnight and he has not returned yet.   Having nothing better to do, Auroponte accepted.  


The preparation for this impromptu expedition went as smoothly as possible, due to no small amount to Auroponte's generous habit of buying anything she might require and paying for everything else.   They found the trails of the young man outside a ruined temple. Despite its close proximity to the city, it has not been stripped bare.   The front hall of the temple was in complet darkness. Never good at night vision, Auroponte used her Caste Mark for light. Shadowdrake, who was in terms completely comfortable with pitch black darkness objected.  
Just make a target out of yourself, why don't you? Right now, your forehead is the best bullseye a hidden archer could with for.
— Shadowdrake
  Sighing, Auroponte went outside the temple to light her torch. But for some reason, she couldn't find her firestones. In a flash of genius, Auroponte thought of the large pile of stone she saw outside the temple. When she hit it with her blade to test it, sparks flew.   So she crouched down, hitting the stones with her warblade for sparks. After several attempt without success, she suddenly remembered that Sunfury can burn! Throwing her unlit torch away, Auroponte rose with her burning blade.  
Accroding to Shadowdrake who scouted the temple while Auroponte fumbled with a single torch, Auroponte used her blade to hit the torch and light itself on fire.   No matter who asked, he will insist that it was the torch that lid the blade. How could it be anything else? It was the blade that burned, after all!
  As soon as her blade was ignited, the large stone pile started to vibrate. With her clumsy attempts, Auroponte has awoken the guardian of the temple, a huge and highly aggresive stone golem, large enough to crush her with one foot.   The fight that ensued was long and tedious, but no less legendary. Both Solars were nimble and strong. Jumping away and dancing around, they managed to evade all of the golem's attacks. As a finisher, Auroponte ran up it's arm and with one sunlight-infused strike, she severed the golem's head.   One the guardian was disposed of, they finally made their ways into the temple. Even with her warblade burning, Auroponte saw little in the darkness. Shadowdrake confirmed that much of the temple is boobytrapped. White he avoided all of them by crawling over the wall like a spider, Auroponte was left tiptoeing like an idiot.   At the start of an boobytrapped staircase leading down into darkness, Auroponte slipped. Loosing her footing, she plummeted down the staircase, springing all traps during her swift descent. At the bottom of the staircase, with only one single arrow stuck in her shoulder, Auroponte jumped up, padded herself down and yelled "Ha, First!"  
  They found the missing son next to where Auroponte stood. He was wounded by the traps, and unable to make the ascend and avoid all traps, his wound festered and he lay in a fevered sleep, close to death. With Shadowdrake's help, Auroponte carried the man back out the temple and returned him to the city. Instead of taking payment from the crying mother, Auroponte gave her enough funds to pay for the medicine her son required.   Auroponte and Shadowdrake parted ways after this. Before he left, Auroponte forced the Night Caste swear an oath, that he would never reveal any of the mortifying mishaps she has suffered during their trip.   After Yuki's armor was finished, Auroponte returned to Nexus. Until today, she does not speak of her adventures in the sands of the southern dessert. No one shall ever know of her legendary clumsiness, ever.


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This game was a one-shot
  About Shadowdrake:   Unbeknownst to Auroponte, Shadowdrake and Auroponte met twice before.   In RY 821, Merodin hired a thief to steal the spell book the Black and White Treaties. Auroponte accompanied her friend to his meeting. After a botched negotiation in the guild's own sign language, the price was agreed at several talents of Jade.   Being penniless at that time, Merodin asked Auroponte for help, promising to pay it back. Generously as ever, Auroponte payed the asking price for her friend.  
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Shadowdrake is the thief who stole Auroponte's overpriced chess set. He has never revealed to Auroponte that it was him. Or who hired him and what he did with the chess game.


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