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Eashaizia Empire

The Eashaizia Empire is a nation on main continent of Creostrana, dominating the central mainland. Founded by clerics of Tiamat and thrusting Creostrana into 1E, The Eashaizia Empire has slowly eccompassed territory on the continent and mainly minds itself.


  The Empire stretches across the mainland of Creostrana. In the north are the Kalt Mountains in Domovina, where the Peture Forest reaches down across the Milkall Fields to Waeldestone. Past Waeldestone, we reach the Grasbletteur Mountains on the north end of Uzewen . The southern end of Uzewen connects to Z'edral via the Gullreitir Fields.The Silent Fields sit to the north of Z'edral , ranging from desert to forests the farther west the land stretches. The Beint River creates a barrier between Waeldestone and The Silent Fields.  


The Empire is made up of several countries.
Castra Vetera : a large city with sections named after the five heads of Tiamat, sitting West of the Kalt Mountains.
Drastaed: a large town that houses the military training facility used by the Dragonsguard and Serpent Guards
Kirokov : A medium sized industrial city on the Eastern coast largely populated by elves, connecting to the Drumdover Sea.
Pamona: the capital city of Z'edral
Sumethana : a port city on the southern end of Z'edral
Mozia: a small town on the Western side of Z'edral



While Domovina is nowhere near the geographical center, it is the largest city of the Empire, while Mythran Hill of Uzewen and Pamona of Z'edral come in an almost tie for second. These cities house a giant range of demographics and races.   In Z'edral, and other regions previously ruled by their previous dominions before being conquered by the Eashaizia Empire, some of the cultural practices and beliefs had initially been merged and adjusted to enable a more stable integration with the laws and rules of the empire. This is reflected by the fact that the peoples of the empire and those that enforced its rule were progressively more tolerant and willing to bend the rules as one headed further away from Domovina towards the outskirts of the empire.


The current king of the Eashaizia Empire is Sylvar Iarleth. His law is absolute throughout the Empire.

Whether or not he created the law himself, King Iarleth has been known to enforce the kingdom's ban on non-Tiamat religious warship. Her ally deities are tolerated, but still frowned upon and can be punished by law, entirely depending on the situation. This ruling was one of the foremost decisions to sieze Uzewen , and eventually Z'edral . The citizens of Domovina appeared to greatly distrust those who worshiped other deities, making the transition of ownership of those two countries an uptick in crimes against new citizens.

In exchange for protecting citizens from chaotic horros and shadowed evils beyond its borders, the Empire demands its citizens follow its laws, worship its gods, and bow to the installed local leadership. Along with these protections, all magic users are registered with The Blessed Assembly and Galdranam School of the Arcane and all magic items created, and imported into the Empire are registered with an varation of arcane numbers and letters to create a tracking system for magical items.
Tensions are also rising once again with Yosmar, which sits off the mainland to the East. In the past, the Empire has gone to war with Yosmar, first when they seceded, and again later while attacking Yosmar's ally, Velaris . The unrest has been caused by invasion of the beasts and races that live in The Silent Fields . Yosmar believes the fields should be left alone, while the Empire believes they are the inherent overseers of them.

Tithe Collectors

Every half year, tithe collectors go out into the empire, each usually escorted by a few Dragonsguard . They are recognized by their black cloaks with red trim. They will go business to business, inspecting ledgers, talk with business owners, and evaluate their means in which the are living, and create an estimation of what each citizen would owe for the biannual tithe. Officially, this process was so citizens could contribute to the military spenidng, and the social/community programs of the Empire. Unofficially, this allowed the Empire to inspect for any illegal activity and have it reported.  


The Dragonsguard

The Dragonsguard is a paramilitary that serves as primary law enforcement for the Empire, as well as the military reserve. They monitor each major city in order to keep the peace, while also acting as a secret police. They are typically previous members of the Serpent Guards.


The Serpentgaurds are the military of the Empire. They wear plate mail with crimson and black designed. They are trained in Draestaed.


Judged by the eyes of the local lawmaster, or appointed hands of the lawmaster, any crimincals discovered and/or convicted of crimes within the local halls of judgement throughout the Empire are subjext to punishment befitting of the crime. All fines and punishments for crimes against a Dragonsguard member, Serpent Guards solider, or nobles are doubles. All fines and punishments reggarding crimes against an Empire official or The Blessed Assembly and its members are tripled.
  • Theft: 5-10 days incarceration and/or fine of twice the worth of the stolen goods
  • Worship of Non-Approved Deities: 30 days incarceration and a fine of 250 gp
  • Slavery: 12-20 months incarceration and a fine of 1800 gp
  • Trespassing: 12 days incarceration and/or fine of 210 gp
  • Tithe Evasion: 5-30 days incarceration, and a repossession of the property equal to the amount owed
  • Damage to Private Property: 5-15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property damaged.
  • Damage to Empire Property: 15-60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property damaged.
  • Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.
  • Assault with intent to injure: 175 days incarceration and/or a fine of 350 gp.
  • Assault with intent to kill: 350 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1800 gp, or execution.
  • Murder: 8-15 years incarceration, and/or fine of 6000 gp, or execution.
  • Treason: Execution.


Shortly after The Strife of Dragons, and the secede of Yosmar, the laws of illegal deity worship were put into place. Every temple within the Empire is government-owned, and government-run.
Current Approved Deities
  • Tiamat , The Archdevil
  • Bhaal , the Lord of Murder
  • Bel , the Lord of the First
  • Asmodeus , The Cloven
  • Gruumsh , The One-Eyed God
  • Queen of Air and Darkness


The early years before Domovina's formation, the main continent of Creostrana was known as the Lands of Kliodeth, a barren land of a few settlements, all hundreds of miles apart. These settlements were technologically inept, constantly on the verge of starvation and fights between each other. From the pits of Avernus, Tiamat rose from the Nine Hells to save those people, and sent clerics of her order out to them to start organizing a country, thus thrusing Creostrana into 1E, The First Era. With the founding of the city Castra Vetera , civilization once more began to grow and eventually, the Eashaizia Empire was founded, and Kalo Faulkner became the first established emperor.


The Eashaizia Empire spread to encompass its neighbors - namely, the people of the The Dawning Fields to the south. Conquering this area, eventually established as Uzewen , brought in a plethora of cultures and religions for the Empire to adopt and adapt. This lead to a council of deities made up of Tiamat , Azuth , Oghma , Tymora , Bahamut and Helm . This alliance lasted nearly four hundred years, until Tiamat decided her rightful place was sole deity of the Empire, thrusting the deities into The Strife of Dragons. In the tense atmosphere following the war, as a propaganda move hearkening back to the previously seated deities, a story of an arcane focus made by those deities was told, as a reasoning for Tiamat's attack and destruction, and to shift blame away from the Empire.

War with Yosmar

In the early years of the Eighth Era, a treasonous rebellion attacked Kirokov, and stole boats to set sail to an island off the Eastern coast of the mainland. This caused the Empire to engage in a war with the newly established country of Yosmar. While Yosmar did use The Silent Fields to their advantage for means of quiet travel, and conquered some forts and small towns in the Southern part of the Empire, the war lasted five years before both governments could come to an agreement of peace.
Geopolitical, Empire
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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