
(a.k.a. Tash)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

ttricia possesses a physically graceful and ethereal presence, befitting her noble lineage and inherent magical abilities. Her physical condition reflects her disciplined nature and commitment to maintaining both mental and physical well-being.   Her lithe and slender frame is the result of years of dedicated training and a balanced lifestyle. While she may not possess overt physical strength like some of her demonic counterparts, her agility and dexterity make her a formidable opponent in combat. Attricia's physicality is characterized by fluid movements and a keen sense of balance, allowing her to navigate both intricate spellcasting and swift evasive maneuvers with finesse.

Body Features

Her figure is slender and elegant, accentuated by graceful curves that enhance her natural charm. The lines of her body are soft and alluring, drawing attention without being overtly provocative. Attricia's physical form carries an air of mystique, leaving an indelible impression on those who behold her.

Facial Features

Her most striking feature is her pair of deep blue eyes, reminiscent of the depths of the ocean. These dark blue orbs are mesmerizing, reflecting a profound intensity and an air of mystery. Within them, one can sense a hint of both wisdom and hidden depths, as if they hold secrets of ancient knowledge.   Complementing her captivating eyes is a cascade of long, scarlet hair that falls gracefully around her face. The vibrant hue of her locks is reminiscent of a flickering flame, commanding attention and adding a touch of fiery allure to her overall appearance. Her hair flows in silky waves, framing her face and drawing the eye to her mesmerizing features.   Attricia's facial structure is delicate and perfectly balanced. Her complexion is porcelain-smooth, accentuating her ethereal beauty. A slender, well-defined nose leads the way to a pair of softly curved lips, which bear a natural, subtle rosy hue. Her lips have a captivating shape, often adorned with a gentle smile that radiates warmth and kindness.   Her high, elegantly arched eyebrows frame her eyes, accentuating their captivating allure. They add a touch of expressiveness to her countenance, enhancing her ability to convey a range of emotions with a single glance.

Identifying Characteristics

Attricia's most identifying feature is her mesmerizing dark blue eyes. They are like deep sapphires, enchanting all who have the fortune to gaze into them. The intensity and depth of her eyes are truly captivating, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who meets her.   Within the depths of her dark blue eyes, one can sense a spark of inner fire and wisdom. They exude both warmth and a hint of mystery, drawing others closer to unravel the secrets they hold. Her eyes possess a unique ability to convey a wide range of emotions, from kindness and compassion to determination and resolve.   Attricia's eyes are windows into her soul, reflecting her inner strength and unwavering spirit. They hold an alluring power, drawing others in and leaving a lasting imprint on their memory. Her eyes are a defining feature, an unmistakable mark of her enchanting presence and the depths of her character.

Physical quirks

A quirk is the graceful and fluid way she moves. Her every step and gesture exudes elegance and poise, as if she is perpetually gliding through the world. Even in the midst of action or when engaged in spellcasting, there is a certain fluidity to her motions that sets her apart. It's as if she possesses an inherent understanding of the harmony between body and spirit, allowing her to move with a captivating gracefulness.   Additionally, Attricia has a tendency to speak in a melodious and captivating tone. Her voice carries a certain enchantment, drawing listeners in with its rich and resonant quality. There is a natural musicality to her speech, as if every word she utters is carefully chosen and woven together like a spell. Her voice has a calming effect on those who hear it, often leaving them captivated and eager to listen to her words.

Special abilities

Elemental Manipulation: Attricia possesses the ability to harness and manipulate the elemental forces of fire, water, earth, and air, allowing her to conjure and control these elements with precision and power.   Enchantment and Warding: Attricia has a deep understanding of enchantments and protective wards, enabling her to imbue objects with magical properties and create powerful barriers for defense and empowerment.   Soulweaving: She possesses the rare ability to manipulate the essence of souls, mending emotional wounds, restoring balance, and drawing upon their energies for various purposes while respecting the natural order of life and death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Attricia, born into the illustrious Balam family, was raised as a little princess within the intricate web of demon politics and power. As the twin sister of Teran and the younger sister of Desman, she grew up surrounded by the privileges and expectations that came with her noble lineage.   From a young age, Attricia displayed a natural affinity for the arcane arts. Her magical talents blossomed under the guidance of esteemed tutors and mentors, who recognized her potential to wield great power. She eagerly absorbed their teachings, mastering spells and incantations with a grace and finesse that left her instructors in awe.   While her brothers, Teran and Desman, were groomed for positions of authority and dominance, Attricia was encouraged to embrace her magical prowess. She excelled in her studies, quickly becoming known for her prodigious talent and ability to manipulate infernal energies. Her proficiency in the arcane arts granted her a respected place within the Balam family and the wider demon realm.   However, unlike her twin brother Teran, Attricia possessed a compassionate nature and an empathetic heart. She questioned the ruthless ambitions of her family and the dogma that often consumed their actions. Deep down, she longed for a realm where harmony and balance could exist, free from the constant power struggles that plagued demon society.   Attricia's path diverged from her brothers', as she sought to challenge the status quo and make a difference in the lives of those around her. Her inclination toward compassion led her to form unlikely friendships and alliances, crossing boundaries that others dared not cross.   One such bond was formed with her half-brother, Kian. Despite their different backgrounds, Attricia recognized the unique strengths and inherent goodness within him. She cherished their connection and offered her unwavering support, standing as a source of comfort and encouragement in the face of his struggles.   While Attricia's desire for change occasionally put her at odds with her family and the traditional expectations placed upon her, she remained resolute in her pursuit of a more balanced and compassionate realm. Her journey would take her beyond the confines of her noble upbringing, leading her to forge her own path and challenge the very foundations of demon society.


Attricia's education was meticulously designed to shape her into a formidable force within the arcane arts. From a young age, she received personalized instruction from renowned tutors and mentors, chosen specifically for their expertise in demon magic and infernal energies. Her education focused on honing her innate talents and developing her skills in spellcasting and manipulation of arcane forces.   The curriculum encompassed a wide range of subjects, including elemental manipulation, summoning and binding rituals, enchantments, and advanced spellcasting techniques. Attricia delved deep into the intricacies of demonic magic, studying ancient grimoires and deciphering the secrets of long-forgotten spells. Her studies also extended to the history and politics of the infernal realm, ensuring she possessed a well-rounded understanding of her place within demon society.   Under the guidance of her tutors, Attricia's magical abilities flourished. She learned to harness the raw power of infernal energies, manipulating flames, shadows, and other manifestations of demonic forces. Her mastery of intricate spellcasting grew, enabling her to weave complex enchantments and conjure potent magical defenses.   Beyond theoretical studies, Attricia underwent rigorous practical training. She engaged in intense magical duels and sparred with other promising students, refining her abilities through practical application. This hands-on approach ensured she could apply her magical prowess in combat scenarios and defend herself or others when necessary.   Moreover, Attricia's education extended beyond the confines of academia. She was exposed to the intricacies of demon politics, attending social gatherings and diplomatic functions alongside her family. These experiences familiarized her with the complexities of power dynamics within the infernal realm and allowed her to observe the nuances of negotiation and manipulation in the pursuit of influence.   While her education emphasized her magical aptitude, Attricia's compassionate nature also found expression in her studies. She sought to understand the balance between power and empathy, exploring the potential of using her magical abilities for positive change and fostering harmony within demon society.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One significant accomplishment of Attricia was her mastery of the forbidden art of Soulweaving. Soulweaving is an ancient and highly secretive form of magic that involves manipulating the essence of souls and harnessing their energies for various purposes.   Despite the risks and taboo surrounding Soulweaving, Attricia's relentless curiosity and determination led her to delve deep into the forbidden arts. She undertook extensive research, seeking hidden texts and consulting with enigmatic sources of knowledge to uncover the intricacies of Soulweaving.

Failures & Embarrassments

A failure of Attricia happened at Crowley Academy, was an experiment in summoning and binding a powerful demonic entity. Driven by her relentless pursuit of knowledge and desire to push the boundaries of her magical abilities, she sought to challenge herself by attempting a complex and forbidden summoning ritual within the confines of the academy. Believing she had adequately prepared and studied the ritual, Attricia proceeded with the summoning in a secluded chamber deep within the academy. However, the intricate nature of the ritual and the volatile nature of the demonic entity she attempted to bind proved to be more formidable than anticipated.   Despite her best intentions, the summoning went awry. The demonic entity, unleashed by the ritual, broke free from her control and wreaked havoc within the academy. The unleashed entity posed a threat to both faculty and students, causing chaos and endangering lives.

Mental Trauma

One mental trauma that deeply impacted Attricia occurred when she inadvertently unleashed a dark and malevolent force during a perilous magical experiment. The entity she summoned possessed a corrupting influence that latched onto her consciousness, planting seeds of doubt, fear, and self-blame within her mind.   The traumatic experience left Attricia plagued by haunting nightmares and intrusive thoughts. The presence of the malevolent entity continued to torment her even after it had been banished, leaving a lasting imprint on her psyche. The trauma had the insidious effect of eroding her self-confidence and amplifying her fears, manifesting as self-doubt and a constant questioning of her own abilities.


One taboo that exists for Attricia is the forbidden practice of Necromancy. Within the demon realm and many other realms, the act of manipulating the dead and interfering with the natural cycle of life and death is regarded as highly taboo and forbidden.   Necromancy involves the summoning and control of spirits or reanimation of deceased beings for various purposes. It is seen as a dark and dangerous form of magic that can disrupt the delicate balance between realms and invite malevolent forces into the world.   Attricia, despite her curiosity and thirst for knowledge, recognizes the gravity of delving into the forbidden arts of Necromancy. She understands the risks involved and the potential consequences of meddling with the souls of the departed. The taboo surrounding Necromancy serves as a clear boundary that she consciously refrains from crossing, as she respects the sacredness of life and the natural order of existence.

Personality Characteristics


Attricia's primary motivation is driven by her desire to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change within the infernal realm. Despite being raised in a noble family with connections to power and influence, she possesses a compassionate nature and a yearning for a realm where harmony can coexist with the inherent darkness of the demon realm.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While Attricia possesses an impressive range of magical abilities, one area where she faces a notable ineptitude is in physical combat and weapon proficiency. Unlike some of her demon counterparts who excel in martial skills or have honed their bodies for battle, Attricia's focus has primarily been on the study and practice of magic.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:   Knowledge and Learning: Attricia has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She finds great joy in exploring ancient tomes, uncovering hidden secrets, and expanding her understanding of magic, history, and the supernatural realm.   Ancient Libraries: Attricia is drawn to the hallowed halls of ancient libraries, filled with dusty tomes and secrets waiting to be discovered. She finds solace in the tranquil atmosphere of these repositories of knowledge and delights in the scent of aged parchment and the weight of history that hangs in the air.   ntricate Spellcraft: Attricia revels in the intricacies of spellcraft, relishing the process of weaving complex incantations and imbuing them with intent. She finds satisfaction in the precision and artistry required to create spells that manifest powerful effects, treating each intricate spell as a masterpiece of magical craftsmanship.   Dislikes:   Senseless Destruction: Attricia strongly dislikes senseless destruction, particularly when it involves the harm or devastation of innocent lives and the natural world. She finds the wanton destruction of beauty and the disregard for the sanctity of life deeply distressing. Arrogance and Hubris: Attricia has little patience for those who exhibit excessive   Betrayal of Trust: Attricia values trust and honesty, making betrayal a significant source of disappointment for her. She dislikes when people break their promises or manipulate others for personal gain, as it undermines the foundation of genuine connections and erodes the bonds of trust.   Narrow-Minded Prejudice: Attricia holds a strong disdain for prejudice and the perpetuation of stereotypes. She believes in embracing diversity and understanding different cultures, backgrounds, and identities. She finds prejudice based on race, gender, or supernatural origin to be unjust and seeks to challenge and dismantle such biases wherever she encounters them.

Virtues & Personality perks

Attricia embodies a deep and genuine empathy for others, whether they be fellow demons, supernatural beings, or even humans. She possesses a keen understanding of the struggles and pain that individuals can endure, and she approaches every interaction with a heart full of compassion and a desire to alleviate suffering.

Vices & Personality flaws

One of Attricia's flaws is her tendency to be overly trusting and to see the good in others, even when it might not be warranted.

Personality Quirks

One quirky aspect of Attricia's personality is her tendency to become easily distracted. Attricia's inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity often lead her down fascinating rabbit holes of knowledge and exploration. She can become captivated by the smallest details or the most mundane objects, finding intrigue and fascination where others might overlook.   This quirk of being easily distracted means that Attricia can sometimes lose track of time or momentarily forget her original task or purpose. A passing bird's melodious song, the glimmer of sunlight through leaves, or even the intricate patterns on a nearby tapestry can draw her attention and transport her into a realm of wonder and fascination.



Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Attricia




Half-Sister (Vital)

Towards Kian




The relationship between Kian and his half-sister, Attricia, is characterized by a deep and unconditional love that transcends their different backgrounds. Despite their shared demonic heritage, Attricia's affection for Kian goes beyond their familial ties, and she harbors genuine care and concern for her half-brother. Attricia, unlike their half-brother Teran, recognizes and appreciates the unique qualities that Kian brings to their family. She sees beyond his human lineage, embracing him as a valued member of their demon kin. Attricia is empathetic, understanding the struggles Kian faces due to his mixed heritage, and she actively supports and encourages him in his endeavors.   Their relationship is marked by a strong bond of loyalty and trust. Attricia serves as a pillar of emotional support for Kian, offering a listening ear and words of encouragement when he feels disheartened or doubted. She believes in his capabilities and stands by him, even in the face of adversity.   Despite the often turbulent nature of their demon realm and the challenges they encounter, Kian finds solace and comfort in the presence of Attricia. She becomes a source of stability and a reminder of the family ties that connect them. Their shared experiences and understanding foster a sense of camaraderie, as they navigate the intricacies of their demonic heritage together.   While Attricia's love for Kian is unwavering, their relationship is not without its complications. She may find herself torn between her loyalty to Kian and her duty to their family or the infernal realm. Conflicting loyalties and the pressures of their demon heritage can strain their relationship at times, but their bond remains resilient.


Sister (Vital)

Towards Desman




Brother (Vital)

Towards Attricia




ttricia and Desman share a complex and multifaceted relationship as siblings, further heightened by Desman's tendency to spoil his younger sister with indulgences and affections. While their bond is forged through blood, their connection is shaped by the dynamics of their upbringing and their roles within the influential Balam family.   Desman has always had a soft spot for Attricia, doting on her and showering her with lavish gifts and attention. As the older sibling, he feels a strong sense of responsibility for her well-being and happiness. He enjoys spoiling her, seeing it as a way to express his love and protectiveness towards his beloved sister.   Attricia, in turn, appreciates the care and attention that Desman showers upon her. She finds comfort in his unwavering support and the feeling of being cherished. She is not one to take his gestures for granted, recognizing the special bond they share and the way he goes above and beyond to ensure her happiness.   However, Desman's tendency to spoil Attricia can sometimes create a dynamic of dependence and expectation. She may become accustomed to his indulgences and find it challenging to navigate the world on her own. While Desman's intentions are rooted in love, there is a delicate balance to be struck between his desire to protect and his sister's need for independence.   Their relationship is a dance of affection, admiration, and occasional challenges. While Desman spoils Attricia, he also serves as a guiding figure in her life, offering advice and wisdom. Attricia, in turn, brings out Desman's softer side, reminding him of the importance of empathy and compassion in their roles as leaders within Crowley Academy.   Through their shared experiences and Desman's spoiling nature, Attricia and Desman develop a deep bond that intertwines love, protection, and a mutual understanding of each other's vulnerabilities.


Sister (Important)

Towards Teran




Brother (Important)

Towards Attricia




Attricia and Teran share a complicated and strained relationship as twin siblings within the influential Balam family. Despite their shared bloodline, their connection is marked by a deep-seated tension and conflicting personalities.   From a young age, Attricia and Teran displayed contrasting traits and interests. While Attricia embraced compassion and empathy, Teran delved into the darker aspects of their demon heritage. This fundamental difference in character and values created a rift between them, fueling an ongoing rivalry and discord.   Attricia views Teran with a mixture of concern and disappointment. She sees his thirst for power and his ruthless nature as a betrayal of their shared upbringing and the potential for goodness within him. She longs for a connection with her twin, hoping to mend the fractured bond between them and guide him towards a more compassionate path.   Teran, on the other hand, harbors resentment towards Attricia. He views her empathy and compassion as weaknesses, believing that she fails to understand the true nature of their demon heritage. He sees her as naive and naive, unable to grasp the realities of their world. He often dismisses her opinions and beliefs, further widening the gap between them.   Their relationship is characterized by a constant power struggle and underlying bitterness. They clash on matters of morality, the direction of Crowley Academy, and the role they should play within the infernal realm.

Current Location
Kian (Half-Brother)
Desman (Brother)
Teran (Brother)
Current Residence
Crowley Academy
Dark blue
Long, scarlet red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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