
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His physique exhibits a balance between strength and agility, allowing him to navigate his surroundings with a degree of grace and coordination. However, Desman's physicality is not marked by remarkable feats of athleticism or extraordinary combat skills. Instead, he relies more on his intellect, wit, and strategic thinking to navigate challenging situations.   Desman's physical condition is complemented by a disciplined approach to maintaining a moderate level of fitness. While he may not engage in intense physical training or rigorous exercise routines, he ensures he maintains a level of physical well-being that supports his overall health and mental acuity.

Body Features

Desman possesses a distinguished and refined physical appearance that befits his role as a principal and intellectual. Standing at an average height, his presence exudes a sense of confidence and authority.

Facial Features

His most striking feature is his pair of captivating, dark blue eyes, reminiscent of the depths of the ocean at twilight. They possess an enigmatic allure, hinting at a wealth of knowledge and experiences.   Complementing his mesmerizing eyes is his crown of vibrant scarlet hair, which frames his face with its luxurious waves or meticulously styled strands. The fiery hue adds a touch of intensity and intrigue to his overall appearance, standing out against his complexion with a vibrant contrast.   Desman's facial structure is defined by a strong and well-defined jawline, emphasizing his confident and composed presence. His high cheekbones add a touch of refinement to his countenance, enhancing the aristocratic quality of his features.   A pair of elegantly arched eyebrows rests above his eyes, further enhancing the expressiveness and depth of his gaze. They dance with emotion and provide a glimpse into his inner thoughts and feelings.   His lips, often adorned with a knowing smile or a contemplative expression, reflect a balance between warmth and wisdom. They possess a natural softness and hold the power to convey empathy and understanding.

Identifying Characteristics

Desman possesses a refined and composed demeanor, marked by his impeccable posture and graceful movements. He carries himself with an air of confidence and authority, exhibiting a sense of poise and control that commands attention.   Furthermore, Desman's fashion choices contribute to his identifying features. Often dressed in tailored suits or formal attire, he exudes a sense of sophistication and elegance. His attire, meticulously selected and thoughtfully coordinated, further accentuates his refined and distinguished image.

Physical quirks

Desman's physical quirk manifests as a subtle, but noticeable, tendency to absentmindedly tap his fingers against surfaces or fidget with small objects when he is deep in thought or engaged in intense contemplation. This quirk often emerges during moments of deep concentration or when he is processing complex information.   When his mind is occupied with weighty matters or when he is formulating strategies and solutions, his fingers will instinctively seek an outlet for their restless energy. He might tap a rhythm against the edge of a desk, gently drum his fingers on his thigh, or absentmindedly twirl a pen between his fingers.   This physical quirk is a manifestation of his mind's ceaseless activity and serves as an outlet for his cognitive restlessness. While the gestures are often subtle and might go unnoticed by those around him, they are an integral part of Desman's thought process.

Special abilities

One of Desman's notable special abilities is his exceptional deductive reasoning. He possesses an innate talent for recognizing patterns, making connections, and drawing logical conclusions. This enables him to analyze intricate situations and identify underlying motivations and hidden agendas. His deductive abilities make him an astute observer and a skilled problem solver, allowing him to uncover truths and devise strategic plans with precision.   Another special ability that Desman possesses is his remarkable memory retention. He possesses a keen ability to absorb vast amounts of information and recall it with remarkable accuracy. This enables him to draw upon a wealth of knowledge and past experiences when faced with new challenges, providing him with a rich repository of insights and perspectives.   His strategic acumen is another notable ability. Desman has a natural talent for assessing situations, anticipating potential outcomes, and devising comprehensive plans. He excels in identifying patterns, understanding cause and effect, and considering multiple perspectives, allowing him to devise innovative and effective strategies.   Desman possesses a remarkable magical ability known as "Cognitive Insight." This unique power allows him to delve deep into the minds of others, gaining profound understanding and insight into their thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Through his Cognitive Insight, Desman can perceive the inner workings of an individual's mind, peering into their conscious and subconscious thoughts. He can discern hidden desires, fears, and memories that shape their actions and decisions. This ability grants him a profound understanding of others' perspectives, facilitating empathy, and enabling him to forge meaningful connections.

Apparel & Accessories

His typical attire includes tailored suits, crafted from high-quality fabrics in rich, subdued colors such as deep charcoal, navy, or shades of dark burgundy. These suits are expertly tailored to accentuate his physique, with clean lines and a tailored fit that exudes sophistication and attention to detail.   Desman pairs his suits with crisp, well-pressed dress shirts in shades of white, pale blue, or soft pastels, allowing for a touch of understated refinement. These shirts are often adorned with simple, tasteful cufflinks, adding a subtle touch of personal flair to his ensemble.   Completing his ensemble are accessories carefully chosen to enhance his overall image. He wears meticulously polished leather shoes, either in classic black or deep mahogany, which reflect his commitment to professionalism and attention to detail. A sleek belt, often made of fine leather, subtly cinches his waist, adding a touch of refinement to his silhouette.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During his time at Crowley Academy, Desman found himself irresistibly drawn to Jesva, a male demon from the esteemed Vine family. Their love blossomed in defiance of societal expectations, challenging the norms that constrained the demon realm. However, embracing this forbidden love came at a great cost. Desman's decision to stand by Jesva's side and prioritize their relationship over the family's ambitions left their father deeply disappointed. As a result, Desman was disinherited and denied the crown prince position, a role that eventually fell into the hands of their younger brother, Teran.   Despite the consequences, Desman held firm in his love for Jesva and his commitment to his own happiness. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of Desman's journey towards finding his true purpose. Embracing the role of principal at Crowley Academy, he became a guiding force for young demons, including his sister Attricia, and his half-brother Kian.   Desman's dedication to his younger siblings went beyond familial duty. He saw in them the potential for greatness and wanted to shield them from the dark influence of their father. He nurtured Attricia's empathy and compassion, encouraging her to challenge the status quo, while also seeking to guide Teran away from the path of ruthless ambition and towards a more compassionate understanding of their demon heritage.   Desman's role as principal also provided him with an opportunity to take Kian under his wing. Recognizing the immense potential within his half-brother, he became a mentor and protector for Kian, offering guidance and support as Kian navigated the complexities of their shared demonic lineage. Desman's intention was not only to help Kian discover his own strengths but also to shield him from the manipulations and expectations of their father.   In his role as principal, Desman created an environment at Crowley Academy that fostered growth, acceptance, and the pursuit of individual paths. He saw the potential within each student and sought to provide them with the tools and support necessary to thrive in a world dominated by power struggles and prejudice.


Desman's sexual orientation is that of a gay demon. He is attracted to individuals of the same gender, forming deep emotional and romantic connections with other male demons. His love for Jesva, a male demon from the Vine family, was a testament to his romantic inclinations and his willingness to embrace his true desires, despite societal expectations and potential consequences.


Desman's education was initially shaped by the expectation that he would become the heir to the Balam family, a position that carried great responsibility and required extensive training and preparation. From a young age, he received a comprehensive education in various aspects of demon society, including politics, leadership, and the intricate dynamics of the infernal realm. Under the guidance of tutors and mentors, Desman honed his intellectual prowess, developing a deep understanding of demon history, arcane arts, and the complexities of demonic culture. He immersed himself in studies that focused on strategy, negotiation, and the art of wielding power. These lessons were meant to equip him with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the intricate web of demon politics and fulfill his future role as the crown prince.   However, Desman's education took an unexpected turn when his relationship with Jesva, a member of the Vine family, was exposed. The revelation of his forbidden love brought disappointment and disapproval from his father, who had intended for Desman to uphold the family's legacy through a politically advantageous marriage.   As a consequence of his romantic choices, Desman's formal education as the crown prince came to an abrupt halt. He was stripped of his inheritance and denied the opportunity to continue his studies in the traditional sense. Yet, this setback propelled Desman onto a different path—one that led him to Crowley Academy, where he would assume the role of principal and impart his own brand of knowledge and guidance to the next generation of demons.   While his formal education as the crown prince was curtailed, Desman's experiences and hardships forged a unique form of education, rooted in empathy, understanding, and an unwavering commitment to forging his own path. Through personal introspection, deep reflection, and the trials he faced, Desman developed a profound understanding of the complexities of power, love, and personal authenticity.   His journey as a mentor and principal at Crowley Academy allowed him to share his wisdom, experiences, and unconventional education with the students under his care. Desman's education became one of empathy, compassion, and a belief in the power of embracing individuality, setting him apart as an advocate for nurturing the strengths and potential within each student, regardless of societal expectations.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of Desman's notable personal accomplishments lies in his transformation from a disgraced heir to a powerful advocate for change within the demon realm. Despite the disappointment and disinheritance he faced due to his forbidden love, Desman channeled his resilience and determination into building a new path for himself and those around him.   Desman's personal accomplishment lies in his role as the principal of Crowley Academy, where he has fostered an environment of acceptance, growth, and compassion. Under his leadership, he has nurtured countless young demons, guiding them toward self-discovery, embracing their true selves, and challenging the norms that have long defined the infernal realm.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Desman's most significant failures came when he was stripped of the crown prince title, a position that had been destined for him from a young age. This moment marked a profound disappointment not only for Desman but also for his family and their expectations of him as the heir apparent.   Desman's failure to fulfill the role of crown prince stemmed from his decision to prioritize love and personal happiness over the political ambitions of his family. The revelation of his forbidden relationship with Jesva, a member of the Vine family, shattered the dreams and plans that had been carefully woven for his future.   In being disinherited and denied the crown prince title, Desman experienced a profound loss of prestige, influence, and the sense of purpose that came with fulfilling his family's expectations. He faced the weight of disappointment and disapproval from his father, leaving him to question his worth and the path he had chosen.   This failure served as a turning point for Desman, forcing him to redefine his sense of self and find a new purpose outside the confines of his family's legacy. While he initially carried the burden of guilt and regret for not fulfilling the role he was destined for, Desman eventually transformed this failure into an opportunity for growth and reinvention.

Mental Trauma

One of the most haunting mental traumas that Desman has faced stems from the aftermath of his forbidden love and the subsequent loss of his position as crown prince. The weight of disappointing his family, especially his father, coupled with the disapproval and disinheritance, has left a deep emotional scar on his psyche.   The trauma lingers in Desman's mind as a constant reminder of his perceived failure and the shattered dreams he once held. The relentless self-doubt, guilt, and regret have plagued his thoughts, leading to bouts of anxiety and a persistent fear of not living up to the expectations set upon him.


One personal taboo that Desman holds close to his heart revolves around the misuse and abuse of power. Having experienced the consequences of his own family's relentless pursuit of power, Desman has developed a deep aversion to the manipulation, exploitation, and oppression that can arise from unchecked authority.   For Desman, the idea of using power to subjugate or harm others, especially those who are vulnerable or less privileged, is utterly abhorrent. He firmly believes in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their position or background. The notion of exploiting power for personal gain, at the expense of others' well-being, runs contrary to his core values.

Personality Characteristics


Desman's personal motivation is rooted in a profound desire to protect and nurture his siblings, Teran and Attricia, while guiding them toward a future where they can thrive. He carries a deep sense of responsibility for their well-being and happiness, driven by a fierce sibling bond that transcends the complexities of their family dynamics.   Witnessing the challenges and dangers that come with their shared lineage, Desman feels an unwavering determination to shield his younger siblings from harm. He endeavors to create a world where they can embrace their true identities and find their own paths, free from the burdensome expectations of their father or the confines of societal norms.   Desman's motivation is fueled by a strong belief in the unique potential and inherent goodness within Teran and Attricia. He sees their individual strengths and cherishes the moments of vulnerability they share. Desman strives to provide them with the love, guidance, and protection they need to navigate the tumultuous journey they face.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Desman's ineptitude lies in his struggle to fully trust and rely on others, particularly when it comes to sharing the weight of his responsibilities and delegating tasks. As a natural leader and someone who values meticulousness and control, he often finds it challenging to entrust important matters to others, fearing that they may not handle them with the same level of care and precision.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Tranquil Environments: Desman finds solace in serene and tranquil settings. He appreciates moments of stillness and seeks out peaceful locations, whether it be a tranquil garden, a secluded library, or a quiet corner where he can immerse himself in introspection and recharge his energy.   Intellectual Stimulation: Desman thrives on mental challenges and enjoys activities that stimulate his intellect. Engaging in riddles, puzzles, and strategic games allows him to exercise his problem-solving abilities and indulge in the thrill of unraveling complex mysteries.   Dislikes: Lack of Accountability: Desman has little tolerance for individuals who shirk their responsibilities or refuse to take accountability for their actions. He values integrity, honesty, and the willingness to accept consequences. He finds it difficult to trust those who exhibit a lack of responsibility or demonstrate an unwillingness to acknowledge their mistakes.   Unnecessary Conflict: Desman dislikes unnecessary conflict and strives to find common ground and peaceful resolutions. He prefers constructive dialogue and collaborative problem-solving over confrontation or aggression.

Vices & Personality flaws

One significant flaw that Desman grapples with is his occasional tendency to be overly self-critical. Despite his many accomplishments and the respect he commands, Desman can be excessively hard on himself, often scrutinizing his actions and decisions with a relentless inner scrutiny.   This self-critical nature stems from Desman's high standards and his desire for perfection. He places immense pressure on himself to meet his own expectations, holding himself accountable for every outcome and striving for flawlessness in his endeavors. As a result, he can be his own harshest critic, second-guessing his choices and dwelling on perceived mistakes or shortcomings.

Personality Quirks

Desman's quirk is his propensity for organizing and categorizing his surroundings meticulously. He finds solace and a sense of control in arranging objects, documents, and even thoughts in a methodical manner.   This quirk manifests in various aspects of his life. In his office at Crowley Academy, his desk is impeccably organized, with pens neatly aligned, papers arranged by category, and books placed in perfect symmetry. Each item has its designated place, and he feels a sense of satisfaction when everything is precisely in order.   Beyond physical organization, Desman's quirk extends to his thoughts and ideas. He enjoys breaking down complex concepts into manageable components, categorizing them into logical frameworks, and creating mental maps to connect ideas and streamline his thinking process. This allows him to approach problems systematically and find clarity amidst chaos.



Half-Brother (Vital)

Towards Desman




Half-brother (Vital)

Towards Kian




The relationship between Kian and Desman, his half-brother and the principal of Crowley Academy, is complex and multifaceted. While their shared bloodline binds them, their roles within the infernal realm and their differing perspectives create a dynamic mix of support, tension, and conflicting interests. Desman, as the principal of Crowley Academy, holds a position of authority and influence within the demon hierarchy. He recognizes Kian's potential and unique abilities, viewing him as a valuable asset to the academy and the realm. Desman takes on a mentor-like role, providing guidance and guidance to Kian as he navigates the challenges of his demonic heritage.   Their relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect and a shared commitment to the preservation of the infernal realm. Desman acknowledges Kian's strengths and offers him opportunities for growth and advancement within the academy. He acts as a guide, helping Kian understand his demonic powers and develop his abilities to their full potential.   However, despite their shared goals, differences in their perspectives and priorities occasionally create tension between them. Desman's position of authority requires him to make difficult decisions that may not always align with Kian's personal convictions. This can lead to conflicts of interest and disagreements, particularly when Kian's sense of justice clashes with the pragmatic decisions Desman must make for the greater good of the infernal realm.   Nonetheless, Desman's belief in Kian's potential and his desire to protect his half-brother remain unwavering. He recognizes the importance of their familial bond and strives to strike a balance between his responsibilities as the academy's principal and his duty to support and guide Kian.


Sister (Vital)

Towards Desman




Brother (Vital)

Towards Attricia




ttricia and Desman share a complex and multifaceted relationship as siblings, further heightened by Desman's tendency to spoil his younger sister with indulgences and affections. While their bond is forged through blood, their connection is shaped by the dynamics of their upbringing and their roles within the influential Balam family.   Desman has always had a soft spot for Attricia, doting on her and showering her with lavish gifts and attention. As the older sibling, he feels a strong sense of responsibility for her well-being and happiness. He enjoys spoiling her, seeing it as a way to express his love and protectiveness towards his beloved sister.   Attricia, in turn, appreciates the care and attention that Desman showers upon her. She finds comfort in his unwavering support and the feeling of being cherished. She is not one to take his gestures for granted, recognizing the special bond they share and the way he goes above and beyond to ensure her happiness.   However, Desman's tendency to spoil Attricia can sometimes create a dynamic of dependence and expectation. She may become accustomed to his indulgences and find it challenging to navigate the world on her own. While Desman's intentions are rooted in love, there is a delicate balance to be struck between his desire to protect and his sister's need for independence.   Their relationship is a dance of affection, admiration, and occasional challenges. While Desman spoils Attricia, he also serves as a guiding figure in her life, offering advice and wisdom. Attricia, in turn, brings out Desman's softer side, reminding him of the importance of empathy and compassion in their roles as leaders within Crowley Academy.   Through their shared experiences and Desman's spoiling nature, Attricia and Desman develop a deep bond that intertwines love, protection, and a mutual understanding of each other's vulnerabilities.


Brother (Vital)

Towards Teran




Brother (Vital)

Towards Desman




The relationship between Desman and Teran, as brothers who once shared a future intertwined by their bloodline, is marked by a profound shift in power dynamics. When Desman was unexpectedly disinherited from the position of crown prince, Teran assumed the title and power that Desman had lost, which introduced a complex dynamic between them.   The dynamics of their relationship have evolved from a more traditional brotherly bond to one that incorporates elements of rivalry, jealousy, and a reshaping of their respective roles. Teran, now the crown prince, holds a position of authority and wields considerable power within the infernal realm. Desman, on the other hand, finds himself outside the realm of direct succession and must navigate a new path as the principal of Crowley Academy.   This shift in power has introduced a layer of tension and redefinition in their relationship. Teran, driven by his newfound status and the weight of expectations placed upon him, may grapple with a sense of superiority and entitlement. Desman, on the other hand, may experience a mixture of emotions, including feelings of disappointment, loss, and perhaps even resentment towards Teran's assumed position.   Despite these challenges, the bond between Desman and Teran remains rooted in their shared past and bloodline. They have grown up together, experienced formative moments side by side, and carry a deep understanding of each other's strengths and vulnerabilities.   While rivalry and envy may occasionally emerge, the underlying connection between them serves as a reminder of their shared heritage and the importance of family. They have the potential to find common ground, support one another, and bridge the gaps created by their divergent paths.   Desman's role as the older brother and his experiences beyond the realm of succession grant him a unique perspective. He may strive to navigate this evolving relationship with grace, providing guidance to Teran when necessary and fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding.   Ultimately, the relationship between Desman and Teran is a delicate balance of shifting dynamics, sibling bonds, and the complexities that arise from the reassignment of power. They must navigate this new terrain, finding ways to reconcile their individual journeys and maintain a connection that transcends the realms of authority and title.

Current Location
Attricia (Sister)
Teran (Brother)
Current Residence
Crowley Academy
Dark Blue
Short Scarlet red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slightly with a red complexion like he's been out in the sun too long
Ruled Locations


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