
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kian possesses a powerful and well-built physique, indicative of his rigorous training and innate demonic strength. His muscles are lean and defined, honed through intense physical workouts and combat exercises. He exudes a natural strength that allows him to perform feats of athleticism and overpower adversaries with ease. He possesses remarkable agility and reflexes. He moves with grace and fluidity, able to dodge attacks swiftly and react with lightning-fast reflexes. His honed agility grants him an advantage in combat, allowing him to maneuver with precision and strike with deadly accuracy.

Body Features

Kian possesses a commanding physical presence with a well-built physique, standing tall and exuding an air of strength and athleticism. His stature showcases his dedication to physical training and combat, projecting an image of power. The overall impression is one of confidence and capability. On his body, Kian may bear battle scars, symbols of the trials he has faced. These scars serve as a testament to his resilience and experience. They add a rugged element to his overall appeal, hinting at the challenges he has overcome and the battles he has fought.

Facial Features

Kian's facial features are striking and draw attention. His face is defined by sharp angles and a strong jawline, lending him an appearance of determination and resilience. His most captivating feature is his vibrant violet eyes, often partially obscured by his short and intentionally messy hair. The allure and intensity in his gaze hint at the depths of his emotions and the untamed powers within. Kian's hair is short and intentionally messy, with strands that hang over his eyes. The color is a blend of black and streaks of vibrant purple, adding a touch of visual intrigue and distinctiveness to his overall appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Kian's eyes are his most distinctive feature. They shimmer with a vivid shade of violet, captivating the attention of those who meet his gaze. As a half-demon, Kian possesses two small, elegantly curved horns that emerge just above his temples. These horns are an unmistakable physical trait of his infernal heritage. While they are a part of his appearance, they have the ability to vanish temporarily, allowing him to appear more human when desired.

Physical quirks

A physical quirk of Kian could be his tendency to crack his knuckles or flex his fingers when he's deep in thought or preparing for a battle. This quirk becomes more pronounced when he's feeling intense emotions or focusing his powers. The cracking sound of his knuckles serves as a reminder of his strength and serves as a form of release for built-up tension. It's a small physical gesture that reflects his readiness and determination, providing a glimpse into his mindset before taking action.

Special abilities

Infernal Strength: Kian possesses superhuman strength, far surpassing that of an average human. His demonic heritage grants him the power to deliver devastating blows, overpower adversaries, and lift heavy objects with ease. This strength allows him to excel in physical combat and provides a formidable advantage against opponents.    Shadow Manipulation: Kian has the ability to manipulate shadows to his advantage. He can command and shape shadows, using them as extensions of his will. This power grants him enhanced stealth and the ability to create illusions or distractions by manipulating the darkness around him. It also allows him to envelop himself in shadows for temporary concealment or to surprise his enemies with swift and unexpected attacks.   Infernal Flames: Kian can summon and manipulate infernal flames, channeling the raw energy of the infernal realm. These flames can be directed as fiery projectiles, used to enhance the power of his strikes, or employed as a defensive barrier. Kian's control over these flames improves with practice and experience, enabling him to unleash more powerful and intricate manifestations.

Apparel & Accessories

An accessory that Kian always has on him is a necklace adorned with a small obsidian pendant. The pendant holds deep significance to him, representing a connection to his demon heritage and acting as a tangible reminder of his inner strength and resilience. The obsidian stone, with its dark and mysterious allure, symbolizes the power and untamed energy that courses through him. The necklace serves as both a personal memento and a source of comfort, providing Kian with a sense of grounding and focus in moments of turmoil or uncertainty. It is a cherished accessory that he wears close to his heart, a constant reminder of his identity and purpose.   Kian received the obsidian pendant as a significant gift from his father, a moment that marked a turning point in their relationship. After years of feeling estranged and doubted due to his human heritage, Kian's father finally acknowledged him as his son and bestowed upon him the pendant as a symbol of acceptance, recognition, and respect. The pendant was not just a token of respect, but also a chain that bound Kian to his father's service.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kian was born on the earthly plane to a human mother, Lyla, and his demon father, Balam, the king of hell. Growing up, Kian led a relatively normal life, unaware of his true heritage. However, his idyllic existence was shattered when he fell deeply in love with a human girl named Evelyn.   Their relationship flourished, and they became engaged, dreaming of a future together. But fate had a cruel twist in store for them. One fateful night, Kian had to bear witness to the horrific murder of Evelyn, perpetrated by unknown assailants. The traumatic event seared into his memory, leaving him scarred emotionally and forever haunted by the tragedy.   Following Evelyn's tragic death, Kian's life took an unexpected turn. He was summoned to the underworld, forced to leave the earthly plane behind. His father, Balam, claimed him as his own and trained him to become a soldier in the infernal realm. Kian, torn by grief and anger, found solace in honing his combat skills and embracing the darkness that coursed through his veins.   Within the underworld, Kian encountered his half-brother, Desman, who had ascended to the position of principal at Crowley Academy. Recognizing Kian's potential and inner turmoil, Desman offered him a role within the academy, providing an opportunity for redemption and purpose amidst the darkness. Kian accepted, becoming a trusted ally and enforcer, aiding his half-brother in maintaining order and protecting the academy.   Kian's relationships within his family are complex. He shares a strained bond with his demon prince half-brother, who views Kian as inferior due to his human lineage and resents his very existence. This rivalry fuels tension and creates a constant undercurrent of animosity between them. On the other hand, his half-sister, Attricia, harbors deep affection for Kian, seeing his worth beyond his heritage and appreciating the love he had for their human mother.   Kian's journey is marked by a dark past, the weight of lost love, and the struggle to find his place in the infernal realm. He carries the burden of his tragic past and wrestles with his own inner demons as he navigates the treacherous landscape of Crowley Academy, fighting against his own darkness while embracing the role destiny has thrust upon him.


Kian's education can be described as a combination of two distinct realms: the earthly plane and the infernal realm. Here's a description of his educational background:   Earthly Education: During his time on the earthly plane, Kian received a conventional education tailored to human society. He attended local schools, where he acquired a basic understanding of subjects such as mathematics, literature, history, and science. However, his education was interrupted by the tragic loss of his beloved, Evelyn, which shattered his world and diverted the course of his life.   Infernal Education: Following his summoning to the underworld, Kian's education took on an entirely different nature. Under the tutelage of his father, Balam, the king of hell, Kian was trained in the dark arts and combat skills. He learned the intricacies of demonic magic, the strategies of warfare, and honed his physical prowess.   Kian's education within the infernal realm extended beyond combat training. As a soldier and enforcer within the realm, he learned about the complex hierarchy and politics of hell. This included understanding the different demon species, their strengths, weaknesses, and the dynamics that governed their interactions.   Upon joining Crowley Academy, Kian's education took a different turn yet again. He familiarized himself with the unique curriculum of the academy, which focused on cultivating the abilities and powers of demonic students. Kian's training within the academy involved refining his combat skills, understanding the complexities of demonic culture, and learning to navigate the intricate power dynamics that shaped life within the academy.   Additionally, Kian's education was shaped by his role as Desman's ally and enforcer. He gained practical knowledge of maintaining order, handling conflicts, and protecting the academy and its students from external threats.   Overall, Kian's education is a blend of earthly knowledge acquired in his formative years and a specialized infernal education that encompasses combat, dark arts, demonology, and the intricate workings of the underworld. This diverse education equips Kian with a unique skill set that proves valuable in his journey within Crowley Academy and his efforts to unravel the secrets surrounding his own past.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Within the infernal realm, Kian emerged as a central figure in a grand-scale conflict known as the Abyssal War, a violent struggle for dominance among powerful demon factions.

Failures & Embarrassments

During a critical confrontation with a powerful demon lord who had aligned with the Bloodthorn Cult, Kian faced a formidable adversary unlike any he had encountered before. Despite his best efforts, the demon lord proved to be an overwhelmingly formidable opponent, possessing unparalleled strength, dark magic, and cunning tactics.   In the heat of battle, Kian's determination to protect his allies and thwart the Bloodthorn Cult clouded his judgment. He underestimated the full extent of the demon lord's abilities and was caught off guard by a devastating strike, which left him temporarily incapacitated and severely wounded.   This moment of failure had dire consequences. While Kian recovered from his injuries, the demon lord and his cult allies were able to escape, furthering their insidious plans and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Kian's failure to defeat the demon lord not only resulted in a setback for his allies and their mission but also allowed the Bloodthorn Cult to gain an advantage in their pursuit of disrupting the balance between the infernal and angelic realms.

Mental Trauma

Kian has survivor's guilt stemming from the brutal murder of his fiancée, Evelyn, right before his eyes. Witnessing such a horrifying event and being unable to prevent it may have deeply affected him, leaving lasting emotional scars and a profound sense of guilt.   Kian may constantly replay the tragic scene in his mind, plagued by a persistent belief that he should have been able to save Evelyn. This survivor's guilt can manifest as intense self-blame, feelings of inadequacy, and a profound sense of loss. It may lead him to question his own worth and struggle with a constant fear of failing to protect those he cares about.   The trauma of Evelyn's murder can also give rise to vivid nightmares and intrusive thoughts, tormenting Kian even in his moments of respite. The guilt and pain associated with the trauma may cause him to withdraw emotionally, making it difficult for him to form deep connections or trust others fully.   This mental trauma could serve as a driving force behind Kian's commitment to protect others and seek justice. However, it also becomes a constant burden, weighing heavily on his psyche and fuelling his determination to ensure that no one else suffers the same fate as Evelyn. Overcoming this trauma becomes a crucial part of Kian's journey, as he learns to forgive himself, heal from the emotional wounds, and find a renewed sense of purpose beyond his survivor's guilt.


One taboo for Kian could be his deep-rooted fear of intimacy and romantic attachments. Due to the traumatic loss of his fiancée, Evelyn, Kian may have developed an aversion to forming close emotional connections with others. This fear stems from the belief that allowing himself to love again would only invite more pain and loss into his life.   As a result, Kian may actively avoid romantic relationships or sabotage them before they can fully develop. He may distance himself emotionally, refusing to let others get too close or resisting vulnerability. This self-imposed taboo acts as a protective mechanism to shield himself from the potential heartbreak and devastation he associates with deep emotional bonds.

Personality Characteristics


Kian's motivation stems from a deep desire to protect the delicate balance between the infernal and angelic realms. He has witnessed the destructive consequences that arise when this equilibrium is disrupted, and he understands the potential for catastrophic consequences should it crumble completely.   Driven by a sense of duty and the weight of his demonic heritage, Kian feels a responsibility to stand against the forces that seek to destabilize this balance. He believes in the importance of maintaining harmony between realms, preventing chaos and the threat it poses to both supernatural beings and the mortal world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

An ineptitude of Kian's could be his struggle with mastering certain intricate or nuanced forms of magic. While he possesses natural demonic abilities and a strong connection to infernal energies, he may find himself less adept at delving into the complexities of advanced spellcasting or intricate magical rituals.   Kian's raw power and more straightforward applications of magic, such as harnessing infernal flames or manipulating shadows, come more naturally to him. However, when it comes to delicate and intricate magical techniques that require precise control, intricate incantations, or extensive knowledge of ancient spells, he may find himself at a disadvantage.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Training and Martial Arts: Kian has a deep passion for honing his combat skills and physical abilities. He finds solace and purpose in the rigorous training regimens and the discipline required to excel in martial arts. It allows him to channel his energy, focus his mind, and continuously improve his fighting prowess.
  • The Night Sky: Kian finds tranquility and a sense of connection when gazing at the night sky. The vastness and beauty of the celestial realm captivate his imagination and remind him of the larger cosmic forces at play. It serves as a source of inspiration and contemplation for him.
  • Exploring Ancient Ruins: Kian has a fascination with ancient artifacts and lost civilizations. He enjoys delving into forgotten ruins, deciphering ancient texts, and unraveling the mysteries of the past. These adventures ignite his curiosity and provide opportunities for him to uncover hidden knowledge or encounter powerful relics.
  • Betrayal and Deception: Kian holds a deep disdain for betrayal and deception. Having experienced the pain of betrayal in his past, he has little tolerance for those who manipulate or deceive others for personal gain. He values honesty and loyalty, and those who break those principles earn his ire.
  • Unjust Cruelty: Kian has a strong sense of justice and despises acts of senseless cruelty. He cannot stand witnessing innocent beings being harmed or exploited. He fights to protect the vulnerable and uphold justice, striving to eradicate cruelty wherever he encounters it.
  • Arrogance and Prejudice: Kian has little patience for arrogance and prejudice, particularly when it stems from one's lineage or heritage. Having faced discrimination due to his human lineage, he believes that one's worth should be determined by their actions and character rather than their origins. He respects humility, open-mindedness, and equality among beings from different realms.

Vices & Personality flaws

A flaw of Kian could be his occasional struggle with controlling his temper or anger. While he possesses a strong sense of justice and a desire to protect others, this fiery passion can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions or recklessness in the heat of the moment. Kian's intense emotions, particularly when fueled by injustices or threats to those he cares about, can cloud his judgment and cause him to act impulsively without considering the full consequences of his actions.

Personality Quirks

A quirk of Kian's could be his habit of meticulously sharpening and maintaining his weapons. Regardless of the situation, Kian always carries a blade or two by his side, and he takes great pride in the condition and sharpness of his weaponry.   Whenever he has a spare moment or during periods of downtime, Kian can often be found meticulously honing the edges of his blades, ensuring they are razor-sharp and ready for combat. He possesses an almost meditative focus while performing this task, carefully running the whetstone along the blade's edge or inspecting its condition with a critical eye.



Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Teran




Half-brother (Trivial)

Towards Kian




The relationship between Kian and Teran, the demon prince, is strained and fraught with tension. As half-brothers sharing the same demon lineage, their connection is marred by resentment, competition, and conflicting beliefs.   Teran, being the demon prince, holds a position of power and authority within the infernal realm. He views Kian's human heritage as a weakness and looks down upon him with disdain. Teran sees Kian as an inferior, believing that his human blood taints their shared demonic lineage and renders him unworthy of respect or consideration.   Conversely, Kian resents Teran's arrogant and dismissive attitude. He feels the weight of Teran's expectations and judgment, fueling his determination to prove himself and surpass his half-brother's doubts. This rivalry creates a constant undercurrent of tension between them, with each seeking to outshine and prove themselves superior to the other.


Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Attricia




Half-Sister (Vital)

Towards Kian




The relationship between Kian and his half-sister, Attricia, is characterized by a deep and unconditional love that transcends their different backgrounds. Despite their shared demonic heritage, Attricia's affection for Kian goes beyond their familial ties, and she harbors genuine care and concern for her half-brother. Attricia, unlike their half-brother Teran, recognizes and appreciates the unique qualities that Kian brings to their family. She sees beyond his human lineage, embracing him as a valued member of their demon kin. Attricia is empathetic, understanding the struggles Kian faces due to his mixed heritage, and she actively supports and encourages him in his endeavors.   Their relationship is marked by a strong bond of loyalty and trust. Attricia serves as a pillar of emotional support for Kian, offering a listening ear and words of encouragement when he feels disheartened or doubted. She believes in his capabilities and stands by him, even in the face of adversity.   Despite the often turbulent nature of their demon realm and the challenges they encounter, Kian finds solace and comfort in the presence of Attricia. She becomes a source of stability and a reminder of the family ties that connect them. Their shared experiences and understanding foster a sense of camaraderie, as they navigate the intricacies of their demonic heritage together.   While Attricia's love for Kian is unwavering, their relationship is not without its complications. She may find herself torn between her loyalty to Kian and her duty to their family or the infernal realm. Conflicting loyalties and the pressures of their demon heritage can strain their relationship at times, but their bond remains resilient.


Half-Brother (Vital)

Towards Desman




Half-brother (Vital)

Towards Kian




The relationship between Kian and Desman, his half-brother and the principal of Crowley Academy, is complex and multifaceted. While their shared bloodline binds them, their roles within the infernal realm and their differing perspectives create a dynamic mix of support, tension, and conflicting interests. Desman, as the principal of Crowley Academy, holds a position of authority and influence within the demon hierarchy. He recognizes Kian's potential and unique abilities, viewing him as a valuable asset to the academy and the realm. Desman takes on a mentor-like role, providing guidance and guidance to Kian as he navigates the challenges of his demonic heritage.   Their relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect and a shared commitment to the preservation of the infernal realm. Desman acknowledges Kian's strengths and offers him opportunities for growth and advancement within the academy. He acts as a guide, helping Kian understand his demonic powers and develop his abilities to their full potential.   However, despite their shared goals, differences in their perspectives and priorities occasionally create tension between them. Desman's position of authority requires him to make difficult decisions that may not always align with Kian's personal convictions. This can lead to conflicts of interest and disagreements, particularly when Kian's sense of justice clashes with the pragmatic decisions Desman must make for the greater good of the infernal realm.   Nonetheless, Desman's belief in Kian's potential and his desire to protect his half-brother remain unwavering. He recognizes the importance of their familial bond and strives to strike a balance between his responsibilities as the academy's principal and his duty to support and guide Kian.

Current Location
Teran (Half-brother)
Attricia (Half-Sister)
Current Residence
Crowley Academy
Short blackish purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Tanned


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