Temporo-Spatial Discontinuity Region drive Technology / Science in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Temporo-Spatial Discontinuity Region drive

TeSDiR drive - 'The Director'

The main FTL method of pre-Imperial Terrans.


The drive functions by creating an anomalous region of space within which the continuity of spacetime is disrupted, bridging two arbitrarily distant points on it. The travel time and accuracy of the exit point to the desired coordinates for objects that pass through are tied to the amount of power supplied to the drive and the distance in normal space between the two points, as well as the amount of calculations done before the jump. The connection characteristics and requirements are also affected by the desired mass capacity of the bridge, for every TeSDiR anomaly that isn't being continuously upheld by a drive has a limited mass capacity that shrinks over time, the bridge collapsing rapidly once its capacity is reached or exceeded.

Although the drive theoretically possesses the ability traverse time as well as space, nobody has succeeded in achieving any relevant form of time travel (read: time travel into the past) to date, at least according to the documentation found aboard the SRN Brilliant Ember.


The overwhelming majority of the parts required for the TeSDiR drive aboard the SRN Brilliant Ember to function are standard components with existing contemporary counterparts. Little is known about the few exceptions, but their physical makeup is simple enough for replication to be possible without any knowledge of the exact manufacturing process employed in the production of their original instances.
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Following the collapse of the previous Terran regime and the subsequent formation of the current Imperial one, the Terrans phased out TeSDiR technology in favor of other FTL methods, making the SRN Brilliant Ember one of the last few if not the last ship in existence equipped with a functioning instance of this drive.
Sharing many similarities with contemporary Terran long range communications technology, the TeSDiR drive is simultaneously simple and complex, utilizing a well-documented and relatively well-understood phenomenon alongside standard components, but in unorthodox ways. Although the parent technology is still in use, the intricacies of the principles of function of this specific application can be described as lost to time.
Core idea inspired by the alien FTL method from the science fiction book series Shadow Raptors by Sławomir Nieściur; no infringement intended.


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