Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko Character in Cyberpunk RED: Cradle of Innocence | World Anvil

Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko

Momoko Fukuyama (a.k.a. Ink)

Born to a family of assassins that have served Arasaka for ages, Momoko has learned to fight and kill from a very young age. Pointless things, like astronomy, literature or philosophy, were discarded as skills that couldn't protect their employer, and thus would be a waste of time. She excels at what she does, and sees herself as nothing but a tool to be used by her masters.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and slim, she's all lean muscles and no fat. She's 6 ft 5 of body augmentations and a machine made to destroy. She has thin legs and arms, that would almost look frail if she wasn't lifting cars above her head at times.

Body Features

Most of her body is made of cybernetic components, be it her red eyes, her 2 legs or her arms. She most certainly has many more cyberwares attached to her body, though some remain secrets until the time is right to reveal her cards. She has long, silky smooth, straight black hair tied into a high ponytail, with cleanly cut bangs.

Facial Features

Her face is covered in EMP Threading and metal plates that might hide hidden components. She has disturbing eyes, with red irises and black sclera. Her face is angular, with thin cheeks and a pointy chin. She usually wears long thin white gold earrings, that jingle as she fights against Arasaka's enemies.

Identifying Characteristics

She can usually be seen with a sword on her hip, a katana bearing the mark of Arasaka. Many of their logo can be seen on her clothes. Her size and branding alone makes her easy to identify from a distance.

Physical quirks

Has a tendency to stare at people without realizing that she's making them uncomfortable. Or is it that she simply doesn't care that she is disturbing them?

Special abilities

Trained from a young age in the art of killing, Momoko is very skilled at what she does. She can violently defend Arasaka's assets, or carefully protect people that she has been tasked to do so. Sadly, she doesn't know much more than the arts of war, for everything else was deemed insignificant.

Apparel & Accessories

Always seen in practical clothes, bearing the logo of Arasaka Megacorp. Dressed in mostly black and red, she is covered from head to toe and her clothes have a Neo-Japanese Ninja kind of vibe. All the red accents are neon and softly glow, her short jacket interior being decorated in the same fashion, the wide collar being popped and high around her neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fukuyama Momoko was born in the ancient Fukuyama family, a house of assassins serving Arasaka family since their very beginnings. From a young age, she has been taught to fight and kill. There wasn't place in the Fukuyama household for friends and hobbies, everything had to be tied to the children future job as bodyguards and assassins for their employer. She was homeschooled, though not in the classical sense of it, for she learned how different weapons worked, combat tactics, CQC and the likes. As the youngest Fukuyama to begin working for Arasaka, her family exude a certain pride in Momoko.   She knows there is nothing else but killing she excels at. There is nothing that is worth her time outside of being an assassin. At the tender age of 9, she was first subjected to her first cyberware augmentation. Yet, it didn't end there, for in the next 10 years, the augmentations kept going, living on the edge of Cyberpsychosis. Momoko cannot remember what life as a normal human had been like, the only thing she can remember is being with her cyberware as if she had always had them.   She had been supposed to leave for Night City, close to the end of the 4th Corporate War, but with Arasaka corporation being prevented from working outside of Japan, she was instead moved to work under Saburo Arasaka. As time went on, and the dust from the war had settled, the project to send her back to the US was brought onto the table once more. She was a valuable asset of the Megacorp that might be able to change the tide in Night City. With all that settled, she moved to Night City and to the new Arasaka tower that was being built at the time.   During her time in Night City, she was given many odd jobs by her employer. Be it to act as a silent bodyguard, kill competitors or intimidate people that didn't do good on their words, she was great at what she did. In the more recent years, an Exec from the failing International Electric Corporation (IE), Lloyd Fassbender, came to Arasaka in Night City for a collaboration project. She was tasked with overlooking the man's time spent in their building, to make sure that he wasn't up to no good and also that he would be properly protected as any Arasaka assets would be. In time, Fassbender was trusted by the Megacorps and was allowed free reign over his project, and thus also became Momoko's boss during his time in Night City.   She doesn't hold much love for other humans, but at least she enjoys her current Boss's presence so far. Lloyd Fassbender is, after all, a calm and quiet person that doesn't ask much of others, and doesn't mind her own quiet disposition. One might even say that he treats her as a friend, though she never had one of those in her life before.   Only time will tell what that will mean for Momoko.

Gender Identity

Cis Female


Asexual and aromantic. Nothing exists in this world except for her task to protect Arasaka's assets.


Was entirely taught from home, back in Japan. Her family was responsible to make her into the fine assassin that she is today. Everything that seemed irrelevent to her future profession was brushed aside. An education outside of the family would do her, and the Megacorp they served, no good.


She works for Arasaka as an assassin, and sometimes bodyguard for important members of the organization.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Is the first in the Fukuyama family to have completed her training perfectly by the age of 14.

Failures & Embarrassments

None, she always does her job flawlessly. There is no place for failure or embarrassment in her world, for she is but a tool to be used by her masters.

Mental Trauma

PTSD, Schizoid Personality Disorder

Intellectual Characteristics

A smart and quick-witted individual, though she hasn't received formal education. Her knowledge is tied to combat, so she probably isn't even aware of how physics work or who the President of the US even is.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes that she is nothing but a tool to her employers, akin to a gun or sword in their hands. She doesn't see herself and the other members of her family as human beings with emotions. goals and dreams. Her emotions are deeply muted, almost as if she wasn't even human.

Personality Characteristics


Her sole motivation is to do good by her employer. She wants to be able to do anything and everything for them, no matter the task at hand.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Sakura Mochi
  • Katanas
  • Jpop
  • Dislikes:
  • Kibble
  • Explosives
  • Metal Music
  • Social

    Contacts & Relations

    Consider Lloyd Fassbender to be her only friend, for he seems to deeply respect her as an individual rather than a tool. That had never happened before.   Her relationship with her family is strained, seeing them more as mentors or teachers than proper family. They could all die and would feel absolutely nothing for them.

    Social Aptitude

    She isn't made to interact properly with others, she is a weapon in their hands. She prefers to remain quiet and let others do the talking. When she does talk, her sentences are clipped and short, to the point.


    Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko

    Bodyguard (Important)

    Towards Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender



    Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender

    Boss (Important)

    Towards Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko




    The failing IE corporation was in a position to strike a deal with Arasaka, they would send them one of their best in order to work in a joint project between the two corps. Lloyd Fassbender, a scientist and exec for IE, thus came to Night City. Momoko was tasked with watching over him, making sure that he wasn't about to steal Arasaka's assets and was working on the project as was supposed to be.   As time went by, Fassbender became trustworthy in the eyes of the Night City branch of Arasaka and he was allowed free reins over his research. With that out of the way, Momoko was tasked to play the part of his bodyguard and listen carefully to his requests. The two are thus seemingly always seen attached by the hip in the corridors of Arasaka tower, and even outside in the streets. During that time she learned many things about her current Boss. He was still quiet and calm, addressing her as another human being rather than a machine. He would show her picture of his family waiting for him in Germany, he would sometimes buy her mochis or go out of his way to talk to her about her interests. He was everything human beings had never been to her, he didn't see her as a tool and a tool only.   She still acts cold and distant, but she values her time spent with Lloyd. As time goes by, she's not sure she would be able to kill him if Arasaka asked her to. This deeply disturbs her, for she isn't supposed to be this way. Their friendship is budding, and thus could collapse at any time. Though neither of them wants to see it end that way of course.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    Seeing how their friendship is young and still fragile at best, they do not have nicknames for each other yet. She is simply called Fukuyama-san or Ink, and likewise she calls him Fassbender-san.

    Relationship Reasoning

    They see each other daily and have compatible personalities (calm and quiet, reserved) that allow them to see companionship in the other party.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Both are calm and collected individuals that prefer solitude to large groups of people. They find companionship in the quiet time they can spend together. Seeing how Momoko doesn't have many hobbies and interests, she simply goes along with what Lloyd has in mind.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Both are working under Toyonobu Yoshihara and thus know this person quite well.

    Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko

    Employee (Trivial)

    Towards Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara



    Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara

    Employer (Trivial)

    Towards Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko




    At the age of 22, Momoko was moved under a different Arasaka exec in Japan. She began working for Toyonobu Yoshihara. Their relationship remained distant and cold, for she was only used as a glorified bodyguard in the beginning. After all, Toyonobu-dono couldn't fully trust such a young assassin, even if many praised her skills. Eventually, when her employer was tasked with overlooking the construction of the New Arasaka tower in Night City, she followed to the US. She was eventually trusted enough to take care of assassinations and intimidating those that might become a problem for the corporation.   In time, she was removed from Toyonobu-dono's close entourage and put in the care of Fassbender-san. Toyonobu wanted her out of his hair, for he had his own projects that he didn't want the higher up in Arasaka to know about. A nice way to remove her, was to give her the task of watching over Lloyd Fassbender, the scientist exec from Internation Electric.   Toyonobu-dono keeps a good relationship with Momoko but keeps her at an arm's length.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    Toyonobu Yoshihara calls her by her handle only, Ink. He's never the one to call an assassin by her real name, they aren't that close. Momoko will usually call him Toyonobu-dono or Brass-dono when in situations where it is better to conceal his real name.

    Deadly assassin serving the Arasaka Megacorp and family. She knows nothing but killing for a living. From a young age she was subjected to countless body augmentations.

    Current Location
    Arasaka Tower
    View Character Profile
    Current Status
    Protecting Lloyd Fassbender
    Date of Birth
    2nd February 2016
    Current Residence
    Arasaka Tower, Night City
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    6 ft 5
    170 lbs
    Known Languages
    Japanese, Streetslang (english)


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