Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara Character in Cyberpunk RED: Cradle of Innocence | World Anvil

Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara


Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko

Employee (Trivial)

Towards Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara



Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara

Employer (Trivial)

Towards Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko




At the age of 22, Momoko was moved under a different Arasaka exec in Japan. She began working for Toyonobu Yoshihara. Their relationship remained distant and cold, for she was only used as a glorified bodyguard in the beginning. After all, Toyonobu-dono couldn't fully trust such a young assassin, even if many praised her skills. Eventually, when her employer was tasked with overlooking the construction of the New Arasaka tower in Night City, she followed to the US. She was eventually trusted enough to take care of assassinations and intimidating those that might become a problem for the corporation.   In time, she was removed from Toyonobu-dono's close entourage and put in the care of Fassbender-san. Toyonobu wanted her out of his hair, for he had his own projects that he didn't want the higher up in Arasaka to know about. A nice way to remove her, was to give her the task of watching over Lloyd Fassbender, the scientist exec from Internation Electric.   Toyonobu-dono keeps a good relationship with Momoko but keeps her at an arm's length.

Nicknames & Petnames

Toyonobu Yoshihara calls her by her handle only, Ink. He's never the one to call an assassin by her real name, they aren't that close. Momoko will usually call him Toyonobu-dono or Brass-dono when in situations where it is better to conceal his real name.

Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender

Employee (Important)

Towards Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara



Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara

Employer (Trivial)

Towards Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender




Their relationship is simple, Toyonobu-sama is his employer for as long as Lloyd will work on the project between IE and Arasaka in Night City. There is nothing more to it, though in the beginning Toyonobu was pretty untrustworthy of the German. He now allows him free reins over the laboratory since he has shown impressive results in the time he has spent there.

Corpo Exec with Arasaka, pretty high up in the corporate ladder. His word is law, and many have disappeared from the face of the Earth at his command.

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