Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender Character in Cyberpunk RED: Cradle of Innocence | World Anvil

Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender

Lloyd Fassbender (a.k.a. Nemo)

A scientist Exec from Germany, Lloyd Fassbender is a precious researcher for International Electric. He is a calculated man that won't take unnecessary risks where he can do so. After all, working under Arasaka in Night City is never an easy, or safe, task. Calm and composed, he is the one you want to be taking decisions in times of great stress.   Though he enjoys Night City, he is eager to be reunited with his wife and children back in Berlin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and thin, his skin is usually on the than side during the summer and fairly light in the winter.

Body Features

EMP threading on his face and arms, right cybereye (though he has to be using the chyron or microoptic in it for it to be detectable, otherwise looks normal), interface plugs in both wrists.

Facial Features

Long and angular face, EMP threading on both sides going across green eyes. Some wrinkles cover his face. Neat, sharply cut, brown beard. Thick eyebrows. Brown hairs with threads of grey going across.

Identifying Characteristics

Always has his hairs in a high man-bun. When he isn't dressed in a IE suit, he can be seen donning IE's signature lab coat.

Special abilities

A genius when it comes to chemistry and nanotech, nothing escapes this bright mind.

Apparel & Accessories

If seen on the streets, he'll wear clean dress shirts and designer trousers. Otherwise, he'll wear clothes from IE, be it the lab coat or the suit. Usually wears a communication device over his left ear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lloyd Fassbender was born in 1998, before any of the Corp War were even a thing. He lived his younger days in Berlin in the safety of the tall Corp Towers, seeing how his parents were managers with EBM corporation. Being an only child, his parents could dote on him and send him to the best schools. There his teachers pushed him to build a career in STEM fields. His intellect and brilliance would surely bring him success and thus success to the German people. It didn't take long at all for him to enter University and complete his BSc degree in chemistry. Of course, it didn't end there, for he eventually completed his master's degree and went on to get a PhD in nuclear chemistry. He studied engineering on top of that and got enrolled by IE that saw potential in the young adult.   In 2025, Lloyd met his girlfriend who would one day be his wife, Katja Brenner. It didn't take long for the two to become enamored with each other. Two years later, they married in Berlin, surrounded by family and friends. They have three children and are still as much in love nowadays as they were back then.   In the more recent years, Lloyd moved to Night City for a joint project between IE and Arasaka. In reality, the goal of his presence there is to gain precious intel that might be able to prevent the downfall of the failing International Electric Corporation. If he discovers something new in his field in the meantime, then that is all the better. He refused to bring Katja and the kids to Night City, deeming the place too dangerous for his loved ones. He'll often go and see them on the weekends or during holidays, though he still misses them dearly.   He now works with a woman named Fukuyama Momoko, a Japanese bodyguard under Arasaka. He quite enjoys her company, for she is as quiet and calm as he is and isn't judgmental of his passion for research.

Gender Identity

Cis male


Heterosexual and married


Received the best of the best when it came to education. Has a PhD in Nuclear Chemistry and a master's degree in Molecular Engineering. When it comes to science, Lloyd is one of the greatest minds the future has to offer.


Currently employed by International Electric, from Berlin. He is working on a joint project with Arasaka and thus is also under them for the time being.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has received a few Nobel prizes in chemistry over the years. Though if you ask him, his greatest achievement is giving everything his family could dream of, be it safety, food and everything else that is difficult to come by in the Time of the Red.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

A smart man that desires nothing more but to understand the inner workings of everything he comes in contact with. He is aware that this can bring him in dodgy situations, though his partnership with Ink has come in handy in the last years for that. Can sometimes become so engrossed in research that he won't see time fly by.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that Megacorps have perhaps gone too far, and things should be toned down a bit. He keeps those thoughts for himself, of course, but will try to help those in needs from the shadows. He thinks of his family first and won't put himself in danger for no reasons.

Personality Characteristics


Lloyd is motivated by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He simply must know what makes things work as they do. This is what pushed him to pursue a career in STEM. One of his greatest motivations is also the safety of his loved ones. He'd do absolutely anything and everything to ensure that they remain safe and in good health.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Unable to kill people, no matter what it is that they did. He simply cannot bring himself to end the life of someone else, no matter how vile they might be.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Maultaschen (especially those made by his wife, Katja)
  • Skiing
  • Science
  • Dislikes:
  • Black Pudding
  • Summer
  • Blood
  • Virtues & Personality perks

    A virtuous man that wants to help anyone he can, though he'll sometimes come as cold and distant when you first meet him.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    In a world where violence is rampant, he is someone that refuses to kill, no matter the situation.


    Contacts & Relations

    Thinks of Momoko-san as a good friend in a city that has more of a cutthroat approach to things. Is also on good terms with a Fixer that goes by the name of Beauty, who gently nudges him to places where he can help those in need. Also in good terms with his Arasaka employer, Toyonobu-sama. Though he doesn't see him all that much these days.

    Family Ties

    Works for International Electric Corporation and more recently has been working for Arasaka on a joint project. Will sometimes work for the Fixer, Beauty, on small tasks that he can complete and won't be an issue with his work for the two Corporations.

    Religious Views

    Though his family is Christian, he is Agnostic. He believes that a higher form of consciousness might very well have created the world, though he does not believe that there is an old man in the sky that would have left people to suffer so.

    Social Aptitude

    Seems cold and distant for those that first meet him, though that is because he is a quiet and reserved man. He prefers books and a calm place to social gatherings. He knows how to properly discuss things with people, to keep things civil, but is out of his league when it comes to outings in the City.


    A man well versed in discussion; he will always use a posh kind of language. He made a habit of always using the proper word, no matter if the person listening in might understand or not.

    Hobbies & Pets

    He quite enjoys skiing and cooking food. Those hobbies remind him of his home and of his family. Otherwise, he enjoys researching and reading about the new discoveries in various fields of science.


    Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko

    Bodyguard (Important)

    Towards Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender



    Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender

    Boss (Important)

    Towards Fukuyama "Ink" Momoko




    The failing IE corporation was in a position to strike a deal with Arasaka, they would send them one of their best in order to work in a joint project between the two corps. Lloyd Fassbender, a scientist and exec for IE, thus came to Night City. Momoko was tasked with watching over him, making sure that he wasn't about to steal Arasaka's assets and was working on the project as was supposed to be.   As time went by, Fassbender became trustworthy in the eyes of the Night City branch of Arasaka and he was allowed free reins over his research. With that out of the way, Momoko was tasked to play the part of his bodyguard and listen carefully to his requests. The two are thus seemingly always seen attached by the hip in the corridors of Arasaka tower, and even outside in the streets. During that time she learned many things about her current Boss. He was still quiet and calm, addressing her as another human being rather than a machine. He would show her picture of his family waiting for him in Germany, he would sometimes buy her mochis or go out of his way to talk to her about her interests. He was everything human beings had never been to her, he didn't see her as a tool and a tool only.   She still acts cold and distant, but she values her time spent with Lloyd. As time goes by, she's not sure she would be able to kill him if Arasaka asked her to. This deeply disturbs her, for she isn't supposed to be this way. Their friendship is budding, and thus could collapse at any time. Though neither of them wants to see it end that way of course.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    Seeing how their friendship is young and still fragile at best, they do not have nicknames for each other yet. She is simply called Fukuyama-san or Ink, and likewise she calls him Fassbender-san.

    Relationship Reasoning

    They see each other daily and have compatible personalities (calm and quiet, reserved) that allow them to see companionship in the other party.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Both are calm and collected individuals that prefer solitude to large groups of people. They find companionship in the quiet time they can spend together. Seeing how Momoko doesn't have many hobbies and interests, she simply goes along with what Lloyd has in mind.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Both are working under Toyonobu Yoshihara and thus know this person quite well.

    Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender

    Mercenary (Trivial)

    Towards Matryona Valerievna "Beauty" Lytkina



    Matryona Valerievna "Beauty" Lytkina

    Fixer (Trivial)

    Towards Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender




    Lloyd felt bad that he was working for Arasaka, those that were responsible for so much death and destruction during the 4th Corpo War. He sought a fixer to help him in finding odd jobs to help the poor and downtrodden in the city. He eventually met with Beauty and they came to an agreement. Whenever she would find intel on simple missions that he could carry in order to help the folks in need, she would contact him. They thus have a simple relationship of information exchange.

    Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender

    Employee (Important)

    Towards Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara



    Toyonobu "Brass" Yoshihara

    Employer (Trivial)

    Towards Lloyd "Nemo" Fassbender




    Their relationship is simple, Toyonobu-sama is his employer for as long as Lloyd will work on the project between IE and Arasaka in Night City. There is nothing more to it, though in the beginning Toyonobu was pretty untrustworthy of the German. He now allows him free reins over the laboratory since he has shown impressive results in the time he has spent there.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Has a healthy wallet that never seems to run out of cash.

    Tech genius and Corpo Exec from the failing IE corporation in Germany. Always seems deep in thoughts, cold and calculating.

    Current Location
    Executive Zone
    View Character Profile
    Current Status
    Researching for Arasaka and IE
    Date of Birth
    17th January 1998
    Berlin, Germany
    Current Residence
    Executive Zone, Night City
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    6 ft 2
    150 lbs
    Known Languages
    German, Japanese, Streetslang (English).


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