Children of the Sun

Kinder der Sonne (Children of the Sun) are a family within the Watu wa Pilule. They are led by Yasmina Hopf and work within the Farm panel of Galileo - O'Neil 2.





General attitude of the Children is peace, love, grow life. Life is beautiful and should be chersihed. They have it better than the majority of the other Highriders on the colony as they spend the majority of their time on the inner panels. They get sunlight more often and have better access to air. They don't see rebellion as solution to stop ESA and to improve their lot as most of the leadership are pacifists. They also see that any revolt has the potential of killing all life on the colony, which they are admant against.

Members: ~5,000

Alternative Names
Kinder Der Sonne, The Kinder, The Farmers

Character flag image: Kinder Der Sonne