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Sallah el-Azzam

Sallah el-Azzam

Sallah is a Soulbound Summoner with a Fire Elemental Eidolon named Bahram.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sallah had trouble with even common feats of strength. If they exert too much effort they tend to get light headed and feverish. They are a slight figure that is more lithe and subtle in movement like a fox winding through the brush. They have long black hair which is kept exquisitely well and while most of their features are darker and akin to those of Sraebadahn decent there are markers of a Kibonian as well.

Body Features

Occasionally multiple tails will slip out of their form showing off their kitsune heritage or they will simply change faces and shapes. When attempting to be sneaky they will use their natural shapeshifting abilities and magical items to turn into different people in different clothes making them hard to keep track of. More often then not they try to appear in the form that will net them the most benefit.

Facial Features

Very androgynous and friendly their face would normally be one that puts people at ease. Unfortunately though their right eye appears to be an orb of churning lava with glowing red runs circling it like a small fire.

Identifying Characteristics

No matter what form they are in Sallah's right eye is an orb of lava circled in red runes. As such they tend to keep many odds and ends for covering it around. Eye patches, veils, scarves, and burkas make up part of the list of disguises.

Physical quirks

Sallah is constantly flushed and their eye appears to be a bit glossy as if they are constantly running a fever.

Apparel & Accessories

Sallah always wears a beautiful ring on her right hand and while she in areas of potential danger they wear a beautifully made long coat that is colored in the form of the al-Atar Family.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sallah was engaged to Sahira al-Atar  when they was young as the thought of marrying someone who displayed with so many Prince Traits with a Kitsune  that already sported five tails went over swimmingly. They spent a lot of time together growing up and Sallah was rather content with the idea of gathering hobbies and skills that would make them look impressive in a cultured setting. They knew their parents wouldn't brook failure and the fact that some of their younger siblings disappeared when they were deemed less then perfect is something they try not to think about. Instead they tried to spend as much time with Sahira al-Atar  and her family as possible.   Sallah became good friends with Taheer, Sahira's best friend from childhood and boon companion, who is the youngest son of the Sultan of Sraebadah. The three of them spent time getting into trouble and Sallah was never far behind either of them. When Sallah was old enough they applied to the Kuliyat Alsihar and was accepted to start studying under the Course of the Grimoire. During their study of the planes the Professors were working on binding elementals Sallah was tasked with setting up the magic circle to keep it contained. The simple preparation of ritual space was fairly rote and as such they didn't pay much attention setting it up. When they pulled the elemental to their location and it railed against being bound the circle snapped and it was shifted from being bound to the floor into being bound to Sallah.   With their new Eidolon Sallah was transfer to the Course of the Pact and trained alongside other Summoners and Pact-bound Casters. They are nearing the end of the course though and are set to graduated in a few weeks. To the irritation of many Professors, Instructors, and Military Recruiters they have no interest in using Bahram to fight for the empire or delve into deep research for it. Instead they want to simply graduate and use their abilities for the benefit of Sahira and their life.

Gender Identity

Sallah is a kitsune and while they have picked an androgynous form they don't feel like any one form could hold them. They are a natural shapeshifter and as such feel they are a little bit of everything and nothing. None of the words seem to fit so they accept them all. After all Sallah only cares that Sahira likes them and doesn't see a reason to change.


Studied under the Course of the Grimoire and then shifted to the Course of the Pact. Almost completely classically trained summoner. They know much about Court Life as well as many hobbies and interests one would draw from interacting on that level of society.

Mental Trauma

Sallah knows they had more siblings then the two older then them. They remembers that her mother was pregnant but they just told Sallah that the babies didn't make it. Sallah had a younger sister that no one else seemed to understand and would heavily fixate on things. When she was 10 Sallah's parents sent her  to live in Kibo  with her mother's side of the family claiming that the jungles would help soothe her. Sallah still writes them letters knowing that she wont get a response but hoping that they making sure she knows that she still cares for her deeply.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sallah is clever and viscous. She knows that she needs to apply herself and while she didn't do so at College she learned how to think critically and reason through situations.

Personality Characteristics


Keep her new found family safe and happy.


Contacts & Relations

Sahira: Fiancé
Vadeem al-Atar: Friend
Taheer: Friend

Half Kiboian Kitsune summoner with a glowing red right-eye. They are set to graduate from the College in the next couple months as an accomplished Summoner. They control a powerful Fire Elemental named Bahram.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skinned while human, cream colored as a fox
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Sraebadahn, Kitsune, Nagaji, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Kibonian, Draconic, Elven, Celestial, Sign Language

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Mirages and Echoes

Bad to worse to even worse then that it would seem. I thought we were already at rock bottom but now it seems like there is a basement to fall into. My biggest concern in that the mirror world version of Nehrin seems to distrust Vadeem and myself. We have seen how he deals with people in the fate of poor Helena a janissary recruit that came with us thinking she was safe only to have her life ended suddenly and violently. I can't believe I skipped so many of my Advanced Planar Theory classes. I looked Sahira in the face more then once and told her 'When will I ever use this?' well I suppose the joke is on me now. We are back and this is my Sahira which makes me feel better but for how long will it last? It seems like the mirrors are portals across and whenever one of our duplicates comes into our world we get shunted back into whatever hellscape their realm is. Now though we are going to get mirrors from our world and see if we wind up back there if we can get back home through them. If we do that though they are going to learn really quick we know how to get out and we are going to become more of a problem. The thing that is making me nervous now is what happens when he start to learn more. When will we stop being a piece in the puzzle and a one that needs to be removed so it doesn't mess up their plan. I wish we knew more.   I'm going to tell Sahira what we have learned. Thank Fasiyya and Amit that Sahira will at least listen to what I tell her and I am going to see if I can't have her keep Nehrin safe. I wish I could keep her with me, I would feel so much safer with her nearby but I know I can get out of trouble and that Nehrin is actively in danger. Hasanna can't hurt Sahira if she wants to keep the good graces of her father so I have to figure out if he is part of all this some how. Right now all I know is that this is somehow Hasanna's plan and I will make sure she accounts for every death. If it is just Hasanna and not part of a larger conspiracy then Sahira is at risk because that two-face camel wouldn't hesitate to hurt Sahira.   I am going to keep moving forward as if Hasim isn't dead. He can't be dead. Hasim is a well seasoned janissary that knows how to watch out for himself. This has to be another trick but it terrifies me. I can't let it sink in. Not until this is all over and we know for certain. We have to have hope that we can change what is going on that we can save our loved ones. I need to find Taheer he will be actually helpful and I can make sure he watches Sahira's back when she is alone. Hasanna could plant a knife in Sahira's back and Sahira would pull it out and clean it for her. He can work here with Sahira's help while we bounce around trying to figure out what is going on and make sure no one makes their move on Nehrin. Anasafala has good instincts and we will need to rely on them. Maybe we should check ourselves with the mirror at set intervals. Casting magic on the mirrors from their world seems to reveal them so we will have to explore it further. It feels good to have a direction to go and a sense of safety but I can't help but think that the more we know the more of a threat we are to them and when will this conflict go from cloak and dagger to full war.

It's Coming

This is bad. This is really, really bad. I didn't think it would happen like this. It has to be what she is up to though, right? I don't know. I have to at least move forward like it is, which means I'll need a lot of help but I don't know who I can trust. I've marked most of my new companions with an arcane mark so I can hopefully tell when they switch but seeing a mirrored Nehrin was too much. His eyes were so cold. They have never been that cold. I don't like that Bahram isn't beside me and it isn't even like I could ask Sahira for help as she is changing too. This is Hassana's fault and I'll be damned if I let that bitch get away with it. We need to get back and I need to tell Nehrin that it is happening. He needs to know. He needs to be safe.   It's going to happen at the end of the wedding. I know it is. I know Uncle said to leave it be to let him handle it but now he gave it to me to fix and doesn't even know. I am starting to get concerned what happens to a person if something happens to their mirror self. If you kill a mirror will it affect the prime? Is that her plan? Use the mirrors to get what she and her father want, maybe? I don't know I wish I had actually paid attention in class now maybe I would have more answers. At least if we get back I can see if the Nega-Sallah had a reaction from me getting punched in the face. What it comes down to is I have to tell someone. I think I have to tell my new friends. Emine likes Sarhia she would help I think. Anasafala seems to have a sense of justice that would be good and while Arella is quiet she has some sort of divinity I should ask her she could be an ally too. I'm worried it might just upset Vadeem but he has been wanting to help more and I think I'll need his help. I don't know where Alakabiades stands as a non-Sraebadahn but I need help., so much this is so far beyond me.   I need to tell Sahira and Taheer as soon as I can. They will know what to do I am sure of it. I need to drag this whole mess into the light or the Gods only know what could happen. I've been through so much training at the college and nothing prepared me for this.   I'm scared. Please help Fasiyya and Amit. Please. Your children need you.

A Weird Night

Tonight was strange. I've heard vaguely of mirror realms but the notion that the Fae were involved or the idea that, that mirror is the same one that I've seen in there before is insane. Someone had to replace it and more importantly we need to figure out who broke it and why. Something like that doesn't just shatter and I'm not going to let it go until I get to the bottom of it. At least it didn't shake up Vadeem too much I'm pleased to see that he was fairly calm through it he really does seem to be coming into his own. I am glad that Anasafala and Emine were both with us. I'm going to make sure to stick near the pair of them, their combat experience is going to be incredibly helpful because there is no way this is over.   We need to see what is up with Hassana. Why was she in the mirror? Vadeem likes weird mysteries so he should be able to get us the access that we need. At least something interesting happened at this stupid wedding. I wish it would have just been Hassana with a stable boy though. At least that would have paid off already.


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