Damarian Human

Damarian humans are the descendants of an alien species that came to damaria 4 centuries ago.

Basic Information


As with all Terran species, Damarian humans have 4 limbs, arranged into 2 arms and 2 legs, as well as 2 eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Human females become pregnant after sexual intercourse and gestate for about 6-7 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn humans are extremely helpless but can see and hear soon after birth, and depend on milk from their mother, or supplied from specially made formulas. Muta Qurik are formed in utero, with humans being born with Muta Qurik if they have them.   After about 4-6 months, infants are able to crawl, sit up on their own, and, for some, able to get onto their feet and stand with support. Qurik can also develop at this point, although it's very rare.   After 1 year, humans are able to walk mostly unsupported but likely unsteadily and become toddlers. Qurik will often pop up from the ages of 15 months to 5 years old, after which Qurik no longer appear unless it is extremely stealthy or niche, in which case it reveals itself after the right conditions.   Humans become able to go to school the same age as most species, 4 years old, although precocious 3 year olds could also be argued for this.   Human puberty begins at about 12-13 years old, with a female's first menstrual cycle usually taking place at 14-18 years old, although most start at 15 or 16, and have them monthly. Male humans start puberty at the same time but often have their first ejaculation with sperm a bit earlier than females, from 14-16, and 14 being common. Qurik   Humans are fully adults at 25 years old, although most are able to function as legal adults at 18.

Ecology and Habitats

Most humans are able to handle less extreme temperatures well, and many complain about the heat and cold frequently. Many humans, especially males, are able to handle colder temperatures with less protection, and others, especially females, can take hotter temperatures.   Humans can't be in extremely humid temperatures or they get parasites and diseases far easier, no matter if it's hot or cold. Most also can't take humidity long, preferring to take shade or swim.   The best areas for humans on Damaria are in hillier areas of Menrva, especially along the border of Maretta and Driftveil Range Provinces, where extreme humidity isn't as terrible, and the temperature is usually roughly 15-21 Celsius.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are rather versatile omnivores, even being able to safely comsume Terran toxins like capsaicin, caffeine, theobromine, and many other chemicals evolved by Terran plants to deter herbivores. In fact, capsaicin, caffeine, and theobromine are in extremely popular foods and drinks for humans, in the forms of spicy dishes, coffee, and choclate dishes. Many cultures, in fact, consume lots of capsaicin as their diet, and it has been proven regular moderate consumption has health benefits. It's the same with theobromine, and very few humans dislike chocloate. Many Hispanic humans, in fact, will mix coffee, chocolate, and spicy peppers into what could only be a toxic slurry for many Terran animals. These drinks will often have no caffeine when given to children, however. Many Southeast Asian and Hispanic cuisines feature heavy-handed capsaicin.   Humans definitely need meat, however, although humans are able to survive without consuming meat. And many European and Hispanic humans are able to consume milk after infancy, a feature occasionally seen in African humans (Especially those from America or with ancestry from the old USA ancestor of the CSA), some Central Asian humans, and other scattered populations.

Biological Cycle

Human females after the age of 14-18 have regular 28-32 day menstrual cycles, although at the start they are often irregular and may miss a period.


Most humans tend to be wary around larger Drakons, as many stories feature massive ones burning down villages, and many are cowed by their size.   Humans are intensely social and suffer from mental issues if not at least semiregularly interacting socially.   Most humans feel unnerved by the intense stares Kolarii give to their friends, as it's far more intense than they do, even for a very casual and relaxed Kolarii. Many Kolarii quickly learn to avoid overly staring and keep their eyes directly off their human friends' eyes. Many humans also feel fearful of Kolarii as a base, as they are true predators.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans begin to become unstable in groups numbering over 150, and have been observed to generally be able to maintain up to 150 relationships.   Humans are a naturally promiscous species, having no real natural tendency towards monogamy, although many humans do maintain monogamous relationships via culture demands. After landing on Damaria, however, many humans have more or less open relationships, primarily maintaining a monogamous relationship for practical reasons but often introducing a third human for threesomes. Polyamorous relationships with 3 or more humans are also common.   Promiscuity is most common with young adults, often settling down with a partner(s) at about 30.

Facial characteristics

Adult male humans (And some teenaged males) have facial hair coming down their jawbones and grows around their chin and lower lips (Beard) and goes around the mouth and along the upper lip (Mustache), which may be shaved off completely (Clean shaven), shaved to a thin but noticeable stubble, or allowed to grow to various lengths. Most don't bother styling it, although braids can often be made in sufficiently long beards.   Human females have permanent breasts after puberty, which vary in size from barely there to rather large, but most can more or less be a handful.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of Western Nawiiri, especially near Menrva.

Average Intelligence

Sapient. Lower memory span than many, but reflexes on par of Kolarii.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have pretty average senses of sight, hearing, and smell, beyond Qurik abilities.   However, humans have a powerful 6th sense known as the uncanny valley. This sense, most effective on humanlike objects, also allows humans a far easier time sensing when things seem not all as they should be. Being a former prey species, this is most likely an adaptation to avoid predation, as predators in the bushes often make for common pings on this sense.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans tend to name their children using a massive list of traditional names, although names from media are common, as are new names, often respellings of old names or totally new creations.

Major Organizations

Religious: The Catholic Church is the single largest religious organization made by humans, based in a small city stae just outside Menrva called the Vatican City and led by the Pope.   The Church of America is exclusively American.   Other: The United Nations (UN) is a transnational organization designed to keep international conflicts in check.

Beauty Ideals

Most human females prefer males who are nice and respectful of them, although physical appearance and wealth certainly play major roles in mate selection, but aren't the end all be all.   Male humans will often take any female who wants them. However, many males prefer specific physical traits, especially the breasts or hip regions, to be specific sizes. Other physical features, such as eyes, voice, skin, and even specific physical handicaps (Vision issues corrected by glasses is one) are common attractors as well.

Gender Ideals

Traditional human gender roles have the female take care of children and the home, while males work outside the home to ensure the family's wellbeing. These roles are no where as binding as even before humans fled Earth, however, and many human males are praised for helping their female relatives or partners care for the family, and many human females work outside the home.   In America, however, these are enforced as they were before.

Courtship Ideals

Usually, human males are expected to take initiative in courting, although modern human females can take the first move as well, and they also have the final say for a relationship.

Relationship Ideals

The traditional view of a relationship for humans is a monogamous heterosexual relationship. As always with humans, except for the CSA, this isn't as heavily enforced.

Average Technological Level

Humans managed to attain FTL flight before fleeing Earth, but lost it after landfall.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The largest languages used by humans are Mandarin Chinese, Japanese,Korean, English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Common Etiquette Rules

Most humans consider it rude to overly stare, but prefer some eye contact for talking.

Common Dress Code

Humans have no one dress code, and many don't mind humans in any clothing so long as a female's breats and genitals are covered. Most also prefer sensible clothing.

Common Taboos

Many humans see it as taboo to have sexual relations with siblings or close relatives, known as incest.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Damariensis
European, Asian, African, Indigenous American, Indigenous Pacific, Arabic, Middle Eastern, Hispanic
70-100 years
Average Height
1.4-2.1 meters
Average Weight
40-80 kg
Average Physique
Average in build, close to Kolarii but seem smaller due to a lack of wings. Males are larger and bulkier than females, although females have wider hips and slimmer waists.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Human skin can be various shades of brown and tan, from nearly black to white. WIth Qurik Vestigia, this can vary to any perceivable to humans, from red to violet, but avoiding infrared and ultraviolet.   Human hair is most often blonde or brown, although rare red hair is natural without Vestigia. With Vestigia is can be any color.   Human eye sclera are white, with irises that naturally vary from blue and green to amber, hazel, grey, and brown. Vestigia expand this to any color. Sclera color can also change.