
Dusobedience was a massive group of camps on the borderlands of the CSA and the Menrva Imperium.   They were founded to respond to job crises and a constant execution rate for those who break Evangelist law.   After the Menr-American War, Disobedience was dismantled and replaced with Liberty.


Concentration camps of Disobedience are guarded by the military to keep prisoners inside and working.


The first concentration camps of Disobedience were founded by the CSA, who were facing a massive job crisis and constantly executing people for breaking the laws of Evangelism.   Disobedience was made as a way to force manual labor onto religious criminals in 83 PR as a result.   Most of the camps were destroyed by Menrvan forces breaking the criminals to help with the war. Most of the new freedom fighters, many with the first Qurik in the world, moved to free other camps for the majority of the war's duration.


The Menr-American peace treaty forced Disobedience's dissolution, mostly done by who would become the people of Liberty.

83 PR - Urana 1st, 185 PR/2309 CE

Military, Inquisitorial
Successor Organization
Disobedient Christian
Parent Organization
Related Species