
Transmission & Vectors

If the Devs decide that someone deserves it, they can bless someone with Inamorta.   Someone can either die and then return as an Inamorta, or still be alive but never learn of it until decades later. One can also be born an Inamorta.


A Dev can make someone an Inamorta through easy means for the Dev.   According to them, it's essentially disabling the aging effect code in a mortal's body.


If someone is made an Inamorta wile still alive, they may feel temporary lightheadedness for a few days after being made such. The only other symptoms initially are increased spontaneity, contentment with eternity, generally less serious about deadlines, and ageing comes to a halt after the age of 24.


Nothing, really. Most Inamorta who find out have an initial freak out about their new immortality and may need therapy or a fellow Inamorta to help them out.


Once an Inamorta is made, Inamorta usually don't learn of their condition until several decades later or by returning to life after a certain death.


The first known Inamorta is a kolarii named Marksha of Steppe Strider descent.   Many recent Inamorta include the Darkwing Phoenix's family.

Cultural Reception

Few people mind Inamorta, though some feel jealous that they are the only form of immortality allowed.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species