The Darkwing


Darkwing Phoenix hand recruits potential Darkwing, or delegates which ones to recruit to various people responsible for classifying and studying Qurik, Meru schools, and other such organizations, to initiate the student during college or trade schools.   All Darkwing answer to only her, although her youngest two children, Ves and Alay, also help her with the Darkwing, serving as right and left hand men for their mother. Their orders to Darkwing are seen as direct from Phoenix.


The Darkwing believe in Phoenix's philosophy in that evil must be rooted out before it can reach the surface.

Public Agenda

The Darkwing are very minimal in their publicity, although some knowledge of them is common to most Menrvans:   They are dedicated to removing government and law enforcement corruption, and many people, especially with stealthy Qurik abilities, are in their fold.


The Darkwing have a solid budget, although most Darkwing also have no weapons, as their marks for their fealty to the Darkwing act as magical summon sigils for their weapons, which come to them fully maintained.   All Darkwing also have full plate armor for parades only, and few actually use them for missions.


The Darkwing served as a secret rebel group under Phoenix before she died, but remained loyal to her mission even after they seemingly disbanded. After she returned as an Inamorta, the leaders immediately bowed to her as their leader.   Nowadays, they act as a secret service for Phoenix.

Service To The Darkwing And Menrva At All Costs

Founding Date
Government, Secret Service
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Articles under The Darkwing