The Darke Council

The Darke Council are the ruling body of the Menrvan Imperium. These immortal beings are extremely powerful and seen as the epicenter of Menrva's power and influence.   Luckily, they're extremely benevolent and look out for the working class first. They tend to gouge the rich to gain funding for their many welfare programs.  

The Darkwing Family

Darkwing Phoenix of the Darke Council has a full family, who often assists her in her duties. High Mage Taros is actually her twin brother, and Grande Envoy Einalix is her husband. Darke Lorde Arnalix is Phoenix and Einalix's oldest son and their only child on the Darke Council.   Phoenix and Einalix have 6 children together, born before they became Inamorta with Taros, as part of the incident that killed them:
  1. Mopella the eldest daughter. She primarily serves a clerical role and is rarely seen by the public. When she does, she usually dons plain black robses covering herself from head to toe, and wears black leather shoes, and walks quickly to wherever she needs to go.
  2. Arnalix, the eldest son. He frequently patrols in his iconic black and purple armor with his massive sword sheathed, but if he isn't particularly on patrol, he'll often play with kids or help elderly citizens cross the street. He's one of the most popular Darke Councilers due to his sheer goodwill, often outright refusing payment or sneakily returning it if forced to.
  3. xChalni, the middle daughter. xChalni is the Council's chef, and often makes massive feasts on holidays, and gives the leftovers to the poor. She usually goes out and about in very simple brown and beige chef's clothes with practical black wooden clogs, with a small beret on her soft green hair. She often gives children small cookies.
  4. Marix, the middle son. Marix is a Meru teacher at the High Mages' Academy run by his uncle Taros, teaching mostly curative spells. He's seen as very softspoken but capable of an extremely loud yell dubbed The Yop. The Yop is actually a spell Marix invented that causes the caster to yell extremely loud and force everyone in a room to focus all attention on them. Marix will only teac the spell to someone for a steep price.
  5. Ves, the youngest son. Ves is extremely silent and prefers to act instead of speak. He usually wears a black tunic with dark grey slacks, and is never seen without his pet albino king cobra Siltsy, who he adores as a child. Siltsy is actually also an Inamorta, and stays bonded to her master. In fact, Siltsy can actually bond to Ves to form a self lengthening whip that applies extremely potent king cobra venom to opponents Ves whips.
  6. Alay, the youngest daughter. Alay is the most social of the Darkwing kids, and is extremely fast, clocking in at 12 Mach. She usually uses her dizzying high speeds for pranks against Evangelists and also to serve as a messenger for her mother. She is also the only one who wears bright colors for most of her outfit (Unlike Arnalix's armor's purple accents), usually wearing bright shades of blue and tight, form-fitting pants and tops, often with her midriff exposed.


The Darke Councilers are equals, no one being above the others. Almar and Phoenix's advice is strongly heeded, though, being the first two members.

Public Agenda

The Darke Council attempts to aid the working classes by ensuring affordable or free healthcare, equally affordable education, and public safety.
Founding Date
766 AR/1776 CE
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
The High Council, Almar and The Inamorta, Phoenix and Her Goons, The Villainous Circle
Darke Councilour
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles