Akesa Malady

Also referred to as Akesa overgrowth, this condition sometimes can be mistaken for Akesa Glut due to it's similarities. However, unlike the glut, Akesa Malady is not related to the collection of elemental essence. Instead it's simply the akesa's regenerative abilities going haywire: in other words, it's cancer.   Usually cases of Malady are seen in older Daulka and usually only affect one akesa at a time. However, cases can crop up in younger Daulka in areas with water contamination due to the Dark Hand's mining activities. In these cases, both akesa are likely to be affected (along with other areas of the body....).   Like the glut, it has two different form: bulbous and creeping.   The bulbous form is considered more benign, if annoying, as the tumors only grow outward from the akesa itself. These growths can be cut away by a skilled Mender and sometimes, they may get lucky and cut away all of the rebel parts of the organ and leave only the healthy, normal, parts, essentially 'curing' the afflicted. This is rare, however, mainly due to the lack of medical advancement. Sometimes, cutting away the growths can trigger the cancer to switch to it's over type.   The creeping variety is considered the 'malignant' version as it doesn't self contain to the akesa surface, but instead 'creeps' to other areas of the body. Usually this is not apparent, aside from the afflicted suffering pain and other symptoms depending on where the cancer had spread to. If there are visible signs, it's in the form of vein-like growths extending from the akesa, starting to spread over the body. Unlike the bulbous form, which has a chance, if slim, of curing it, the creeping version has no cure: victim will always eventually die.   Both types of Akesa Malady do affect the ability for a Daulka to use their Kosec in negative ways. Said kosec can still be summoned, but length of use and even durability is lowered. In extreme cases, the kosec may even appear deformed and not properly function at all.


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