A Stay Shinkick Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

A Stay Shinkick

The party stepped through a portal, onto a green rolling hill, that Guy and Bimble immediately recognized as near Shinkick. Bimble made sure to remind Bayleaf "you're an elf now", and shove a hat onto his head. It was small and didn't fit well, but did barely cover the tips of his ears.   The party quickly made their way into Shinkick proper, making a direct beeline for the Fieri household. Inside, they were met by Timtim, Bimble's wife and Guy's mom. Timtim cried with relief- Bimble has been missing for two months, and weeks of searching had turned up no sign of him. After a few minutes to gather herself, Timtim (and Bimble) invited the party into the house to sit, after fiercely hugging Guy for the first time in a few years. They told Timtim the entire tale of the Anonymous Warehouse, holding nothing back.   Lyra took a few moments to herself to commune with her goddess, Yavanna, for the first time since they entered the Anonymous Warehouse, where she had been cut off from the divine. From prayer, Yavanna's presence descended, pleased to have her acolyte returned to her. There was a definite sense that Yavanna keeps tabs on Lyra, for she doesn't have many direct followers. But those she has are beloved.   They all stayed with the Fieris, to rest and recuperate, camping in the loft of their home. Lyra choose to spend her evening out in a tree, and once she said so, Bimble took her out to a tree with a wide and sturdy limbs, even though he clearly did not understand the impulse.   That evening, the party all dreamed of Vanir. He was terribly excited to see them all-  
You're not dead! You're not dead! Oh thank me, you're not dead. Did you get it?
  He excitedly told them to rest up- they'd earned it- while his Quartermasters hunted down leads on where to find the Fire of the Deep. He tells them that no one has ever come this close before, and if they manage to pull this off and free his daughter, Vanir will lavish them with boons and blessings, on them and their children for three hundred generations.   Guy was short and snappish with Vanir, asking why he didn't just go to the Warehouse himself, and why he didn't help them save the Keeper from the Warehouse. Vanir explained he has no power over the Warehouse. When Guy pressed the point, Vanir physically grew in size, and in a serious tone, reminded the party that while he's a chaotic personality, he is also an actual God, and should not be trifled with. Guy apologizes quickly, Vanir forgives quickly, and drops right back into his cheerful tone.   Vanir tells them his Quartermasters are looking for leads on the Fire of the Deep, and the Old One's Claw (last seen with Brine). Once they have the last items, Vanir instructs them to head to Ahnk Dracas. He mentions not to draw attention to themselves, his priests and priests of Dreka will offer help along the way, and to not fuck this up.   In the morning, the party decides they'll stay in Shinkick for the annual Fall Festival the next day. Timtim has made Bayleaf a knit hat with ear flaps, to help his 'elf' disguise. Bayleaf and Bimble go out to sheer sheep, Guy and Timtim worked on baking for the festival the next day. Murtagh and Lyra went to the general store, looking for maps, and to see if Murtagh could send a letter to his family. The gnomish free state doesn't have a system to send mail to outside the free state, but Lyra volunteered to send a magical message.   Lyra sent several messages. First, to Atub of the Spite Vandals, explaining their curse and appologizing for it.
Is that what the fuck is going on? Been annoying as all seventeen hells. Sorry, kid. This is what we get working for human gods.
  Then to her father, wishing him a happy fall festival  
Thanks for checking in, kid. Aunt Airifi says hi. Goats are good, cow is good. Drink some cider at the festival and think of me.
  And then finally to Murgath's mother directly, telling her Murtagh was safe, and working on an important mission
Tell Murtagh we needs to know where he is and he needs to stay put; we're safe but it's hard to move, Ailis is coming
They mostly gave up on trying to convince Murtagh's mom of anything.   Lyra and Murtagh also met with an apprentice wizard from Rivvenastorp who had come to town, staying with the Wigglecollar's, to perform at the festival the next day.

Missions/Quests Completed

Murtagh finally gave Vanir the ruby he promised as payment; Vanir, in a good mood, finally accepted it.


Players arrived on the 21st day of Malon, two days before the official start of fall. In two days, the party will hold a festival to mark the end of spring and the start of fall.