The Grove of Yggdrasil

Who are we?

  We are the Grove of Yggdrasil. With the blessing of the Temple of Shiandria within the Elven Lands and the Heirophant Druid of an undisclosed druid grove within the Emerald Folk lands, and within accordance of the contract with the Hunter's Association near Armskirk, we hereby establish a coalition between cultures and factions for the benefit of the civilized races of Shiandria as well as the preservation and renewal of our wild lands. We welcome you to the grove.  

What is our purpose?

  The Members of the Grove of Yggdrasil seek a mutually beneficial balance between the wilderness, and the civilized lands. To that end it is our hope to discover the secrets of the portals that opened, and use that information to allow those who wish to return to their former homelands, as well as to seal off the gateways allowing the forces of evil and darkness to pour forth into our cherished homelands. The members of the grove seek to eradicate those who would use dark powers to their own gain, and as such take it as our personal responsibilities to seek out and eradicate the darkness corrupting and spoiling the lands.  

Where have we been active?

  Our founding members have been active in the Hamlet of Sylvanus as well as the town of Armskirk and the Capital of Skrattafell. We hope to continue expanding our numbers and expand our operations wherever the darkness should fall.  

Who are our enemies?

  We of the Grove will declare open hostility upon any cult who worship devilish or demonic entities, as well as those who would use the corrupted power of dark necromancy to summon forth undead, or to conjure plague. Mindless or soulless undead, devils, demons, and their ilk should be eradicated at the first opportunity. However, let it be known that we are not zealots. Due process must be followed before anyone is targeted by our wrath. Furthermore if an opponent surrenders, they may take sanctuary within our lands without fear of retribution so long as they work to mend their ways. Our members are not blindly held to inaction, however, and it is up to each individual to make their best judgement in times when decisiveness may set oneself at odds with our principles.  

Who is accepted within The Grove?

  The Grove accepts members from all cultures. Of note Tieflings, Dark Elves, and Tiss are welcomed within The Grove but must make a binding oath to overcome the disadvantageous nature of their birth culture. No one convicted of summoning or creating undead, or conjuring plagues may be allowed to join without undergoing a ritual of rebirth. Members who were once members of organizations aligned against our purpose must make a binding oath and will only be formally accepted after a period of supervision to ascertain the completion of their purification. Lastly any plague doctors from any lands must make an oath upon joining that they will only use the knowledge they gain to help treat the plague and its victims.  

Our Members

  Ar'Calima Crann   Tylana Crann   Eldigan   Cunan Crann      

Diplomatic Relations

Relevant Historical Events
The Wild Hunt
Notable Members
Themes and Values
Balance of Nature and Civilization
Portal Research
Eradication of the Forces of Darkness


Members of Clan Gren and The Grove have worked together in battle before. Most members have good relations with each other. Clan Gren, however, is known to harbor a necromancer.


The Grove has had amiable relations with many of House Marius's members. However, House Marius's connections to the Reman Empire and some actions have cast suspicion on the entire House. cryptic communications have been intercepted that may point toward involvement with forbidden groups, and suspicious circumstances haunt House Marius's envolvement in many diplomatic theatres.


Some members of the Crimson Reavers have known ties to the Demon Cult of Orcus. This sours the viewpoint for the entire organization.

This article has no secrets.


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