
In the shadowed realm of the Dawn Lands, where the forces of magic and darkness converged in a symphony of power and order, a commanding presence known as Vortex emerged from the night. Vortex, the embodiment of Evil, Tyranny, Undead, and Destruction, stands as a formidable and feared deity whose very existence casts a chilling pall over the land. In a time long past, before Vortex ascended to his godly status, he was a sorcerer who delved deep into forbidden arcane arts, seeking power that surpassed mortal limitations. His insatiable thirst for dominion led him to the darkest corners of the mystical arts, where he unleashed cataclysmic forces that shattered the boundaries between life and death.   Driven by an insidious hunger for power, his actions set off a chain reaction that culminated in his transformation into the malevolent deity known as Vortex. As a mortal he felt that the world was too disorderly and chaotic, and mortals were too weak. He sought to fix that. With his ascension, he cast aside his mortal form, shrouding himself in an imposing aura of malefic energy. Clad in black magical full plate armor that seemed to absorb all light, he became the living embodiment of the very forces he had sought to command. Vortex's realm is an ominous and desolate expanse known as the Endless Crucible, an oderly landscape where rivers of dark energy flow through well organized plains and obsidian forests. Towering citadels of obsidian and steel stretch toward the sky, their spires piercing the night like daggers. Here, Vortex wields his dominion over Evil, Tyranny, Undead, and Destruction, commanding legions of spectral warriors, undead minions, and devoted followers to carry out his ultimate will.   The Black Moon, a haunting celestial body that looms large in the skies of the Dawn Lands, is the eternal symbol of Vortex's influence and the seat of his power. Its eerie glow casts an unsettling pallor over the land, a constant reminder of his dark presence. The moon's phases seem to mirror Vortex's perpetual plans, from a sinister crescent to a full circle of malevolent radiance.   In his accursed temples, constructed from the ruins of fallen civilizations, Vortex's followers engage in forbidden rituals and macabre ceremonies, seeking to appease their malevolent deity. The echoes of their chants resonate through the night, invoking the power of Evil and Destruction to further their sinister ambitions. They know that Vortex is not a chaotic deity but instead one that has a plan in all of his activities, destruction only so that he can build something new, undeath but undeath that serves his cause, not undeath that attacks villages. All has a purpose, all will bend to his will, but all will be safe, orderly, and protected.

Divine Domains



Soul Embers: A cursed sword forged in the depths of Umbra Noctis. It is said to consume the souls of those it strikes, growing stronger with each life it takes. In some areas it is also known as the "Blade of Annihilation". when unsheathed by Vortex to use in combat it is surrounded by a aura of black flame. Able to instantly destroy any minor undead or reap the souls of minor mortals (In game terms this is any Adventurer, NPC, or Townsfolk that is below 2nd level)
Crown of Tyranny: An iron crown adorned with dark runes. It grants its wearer the power to control the minds of others, bending them to their will and spreading tyranny.
Amulet of the Undying: A sinister amulet that pulses with necrotic energy. It allows its wearer to command undead minions and harness the power of undeath.

Holy Books & Codes

The Black Codex: The primary holy text of Vortex's followers. It contains dark rituals, doctrines of tyranny, and the secrets of undeath.
The Chronicles of Desolation: A collection of grim tales and prophecies that detail the destruction wrought by Vortex and his most loyal servants.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Black Moon

Tenets of Faith

Embrace of Evil: Followers believe that true power comes from embracing the darkness within. They strive to unleash their inner malice and act without mercy or compassion.
Rule Through Fear: Vortex teaches that tyranny and control are achieved through fear. His followers use intimidation and violence to dominate others and maintain their authority.
Necromantic Power: Undeath is seen as a path to immortality and ultimate power. Followers practice necromancy, raising and commanding the dead to further their dark ambitions.
Destruction as Creation: Destruction is a means to an end. Followers believe that by tearing down the old and the weak, they make way for the rise of a new, more powerful order.


Night of the Black Moon: Celebrated on the new moon, this holiday honors Vortex's dominion over darkness. Followers perform rituals of destruction and pledge their loyalty to the god of evil.
Festival of Undeath: An annual event where followers celebrate the power of undeath. Necromancers raise the dead, and undead processions march through the streets.
Day of Tyranny: A day dedicated to the consolidation of power. Followers engage in acts of domination and subjugation, reinforcing Vortex's teachings of control and oppression.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vortex is a deity of malevolent power and manipulation. He embodies the essence of evil, tyranny, and destruction, inspiring his followers to spread iron handed domination and subjugate others. Vortex revels in the cooperation of mortals and the rise of undead minions, seeing them as tools to further his dark reign. His unwavering dedication to spreading darkness and fear makes him a dreaded and reviled figure among the righteous, but a revered and feared god among his devotees. Vortex is often depicted as a towering figure shrouded in shadows, wielding the Blade of Annihilation and wearing the Crown of Tyranny, with a malevolent aura emanating from him.

Mental characteristics


Legends abound of mortals who have dared to delve into the depths of Vortex's dark arts, seeking to harness his power for their own gain. Some are ensnared by his seductive promises of dominion, only to become puppets in his intricate tapestry of suffering. Others, driven by desperate circumstances, invoke his name to wreak havoc upon their enemies, trading their souls for fleeting might.

Personality Characteristics


Vortex does not wish to simply destroy the world in a bath of chaotic violence, no, that would be his nemesis Orcus. He wish only to tear things down to have them grow back better. He knows all too well that mortals will always be controled by their weaknesses. If the mortals wish to fight against the ever growing tide of chaos then they must follow strong leadership, his leadership.  He works within the rules and confines of the pantheon, for he seems them as a source of protection. If Ranessa would ever to show weakness then he would step in to fill the role of leadership.

Likes & Dislikes

He has a deep animosity towerd the Demon Lord Orcus, and hates all that he stands for.  He has a begrudging admiration for Asmodeous.  Many scholars believe that Asmodeous and Vortex are actually one in the same deity, but this has never been proven.

Virtues & Personality perks

Although he is often seen as evil, this is not exactly the case. He does oversee Tyrany and Undeath in the pantheon, but his priest and priestess will never attack a weakened village and his undead do not roam the night harming innocents. Instead he uses all this to punish and destroy those that stand in his way.


Religious Views

Vortex, and his followers, see their role as one of bringing balance and order to the world, by an iron fist.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Is it truly evil to provide a poor person with wealth, or a lonely person with companionship? As I understand it, you perform your deeds of heroism with an expectation of reward and plunder. I provide the same service, only with clearer terms and less bloodshed.”
Aligned Organization

This article has no secrets.


Author's Notes

Created by Bryan Roberts in 1994

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