Temple of the Seven Moons

The Temple of the Seven Moons has 7 deities. Each deity may be worshiped in different parts of Dawn Lands but All deities are worshiped at the Pantheon in Sylvanus. The pantheon is a sight to behold made of a series of limestone buildings interlaced with gold, of ancient dwarven architecture, with high ceilings adorned with symbols from all over the world. The ancient powers of the old world can be felt throughout the building. A wave of power can be felt from the location of the High Priestess Utia’s. The Pantheon Entrance is protected by two large golden columns carved by ancient dwarves. The fine architect contains runes for protection. Many have seen the runes glow blue with power. The Pantheon welcomes all from different faiths but those who show respect with a proper greeting may gain an advantage from a deity. “Septem Lunas”   The courtyard contains one large hall where temple visitors may sit and enjoy the weather. The decorum contains sculptures and gifts given from different cultures. Merchants and vendors are welcome to sell items in the courtyard. An important asset to the courtyard is the moon pool. It is said the waters can help cleanse your soul.   Inside the Pantheon, there is an altar room that represents all known religions of the land, not just the temple deities. Travelers are welcomed to come pay respect to their deity. The open courtyard is lined with tall columns etched with a language long forgotten. At the end of the entrance hall is the central sanctuary used to worship the deities of the Seven Moons. This area lies just outside the chambers of the High Priestess Utia.   Amongst the many rooms of the temple is a parish room for business. This room may be requested for use to allow privacy. To request this room you must find the Head Priestess and speak “ Locus ad negotium” A large chamber is where the High priestess Utia can be found to give a blessing, cure a poor soul, or to speak to the dead. It is said that there is even a secret room that is used by the high priestess to bring people back from the dead. The Temple library is said to be filled with wonders of knowledge for any who seek to learn. Temple Alchemists can be found in the Apothecary working on new or learning to recreate old spells and potions.   The back of the pantheon holds the second courtyard. Hall of fortune can be found along with the barracks and training grounds for the Temple guards.


The temple is a place for those who want to NPC, non-combat and combat activities. Please stay in character. A priestess can specalize in a specific area if they are interested. If you join the temple please keep in mind to be civil and treat others with the utmost respect. If you are found to be disrespectful in any way you will be asked to leave the Temple. Must attempt to attend meetings via zoom for upcoming events. It is important to stay in contact, if you want to apprentice we have to teach you our illusions. Must perform duties before receiving housing and food perks. Duties: Assist where needed. Help run the temple Help set up or tear down the temple Help prepare quests Can take on other responsibilities. You must take an oath in front of witnesses to serve the Temple of the Seven Moons and the oath ceremony is performed. You cannot be part of any other temple or guilds. We try to do this Friday evenings in the courtyard. Vow of Silence: When we are discussing storylines and quests, it is expected of you to keep silent on the topics. Please do not give away clues or answers. Don’t ruin the experience for others. What is discussed in meetings is meant for Temple staff only. Do not discuss these meetings with other temples or guilds. We are here to have fun and to give an immersive experience to paying attendees.   Temple Positions: These are located at the temple. Priestess/priest Positions( hierarchy) Attire must be pre approved. We do use specific color palettes for hierarchy. We do specific colors for specific deities. High Priestess - 1 position, remains in Sylvanus unless required to attend important meetings. Wears red and gold, dripped in gold ensemble. Powers are from all deities Mainly stays at the Pantheon. Only leaves if it is a must or special occasions. May be seen at battles if guided via a vision. Cardinal Priestess - up to 3 positions Assist the High Priestess Speaks for the high priestess when she is unavailable. Can lead ceremonies and festivities Temple Sacreds- Unlimited, once a pupil who went through a recruitment phase and has been accepted to attend the temple. Wears white and gold with a veil Head Priestess- 1 position Keeps the temple running Temple Priestess - Unlimited positions Assist the Head Priestess White and gold gown but earn their headdress. Assist adventurers/townsfolk Learn directly from the Head priestess.


  • A respectful greeting to a Temple priestess while in the temple may gain you an advantage from a deity. Place one's right fist over your heart while speaking “Septem Lunas” with a small bow.
  • Never touch a priestess, she is only allowed to touch you.
  • If you see a temple priestess outside the temple walls and would like to speak to her. You must remain within 6 feet of her, with weapons sheathed, with your arms stretched out in front of you and palms turned up. This is to show you mean no harm.
  • If a player wishes to become a true follower of the Temple of the Seven Moons faith, a ceremony on Friday night will occur with witnesses and a special patch given to the player. This will give players benefits for future events
  • If a player wishes to become an ally to the Temple of the Seven Moons, a necklace of good faith will be given. This will allow shelter at the temple in times of need.
  • Players need to be aware of specific Temples' customs, not all follow the same customs.
  • When entering the temple if players show a sign of respect by slightly bowing before entering, this will benefit players' interaction with the Temple priestesses.
  • If water is available to cleanse your hands, it is respectful to do so before entering a room. This will benefit the player's interaction with Temple Priestesses.
  • If a player wishes to use the Temple Library for business, he must speak these words “ Locus ad negotium”. This will allow him to have the entire temple library to himself for 15 minutes.
  • To bring an offering to the altar of a deity can benefit any players of any faith.
  • The Temple of the Seven Moons are always growing their library and vault of relics and artifacts. Any information is valuable.
  • Many Temple spells and potions need amplification by special items. Players may request if certain items are in demand or worth anything. Recommendations for appraisal of items to be done at Tarquin Expeditions, a well known archeologist.
  • Temple library is open to everyone for knowledge. Some may find it overwhelming since many books/scrolls are written in another language. If you would like a Temple Priestess to assist you personally, give her a piece of candy while saying “ Utinam haberem auxilium tuum?
  • If a player needs healing but has no GP they can do tasks at the temple to earn GP, barter with items, or owe the temple a debt.
  • If a player would like to show the greatest respect and loyalty to a priestess, this will earn him free healing and resurrection for that event only. A player must present jewelry placed on fur while on their knees speaking “ Tuss Sum” in front of their chosen priestess. If she accepts, the players will earn free healing and resurrection for the duration of that event only. This act may be chosen to be performed in private.

Public Agenda

Will be provided a handbook with more in depth descriptions. It is important to stay in character and to understand the structure of the temple.
The temple hosts many deities of good and evil but seeks to keep balance in the world. Without either, balance cannot exist. We do not question what our visions have shown or what the deities have asked of us. We call upon our powers for the service being asked of us. It is not in our power if they work or not. Your fate is determined by the deities.
  • Silvan-Ri (The Silver Moon, the Mistress of rivers and night)
  • M'Nak (The Brown Moon that also represents magic)
  • Vortex the black moon (Lord of Evil and Tyranny, some scholars believe that Vortex and Asmodeus could be one in the same, but this is merely speculation and no one is certain)
  • Renessa the Red Mood (and mother of all)
  • Lyss(the white moon, the daughter of cold-hearted intelligence and warfare and ice & snow)
  • Valorus (the yellow moon that looks like ours, the moon of war and sacrifice)
  • Brynus (the blue and white moon, chaos and rebirth)


The holy temple is a series of limestone buildings interlaced with gold, of unknown architect, with high ceilings adorned with symbols from all over the world. You can feel the energy vibrating from the building. The entrance is a free and open space that welcomes all travelers. In the courtyard, many merchants or entertainers may be seen. A moon pool is in the courtyard. It is said the waters can help cleanse your soul. Inside the temple, there is a series of rooms that represent all known religions of the land. The entrance hall, past the courtyard, has high ceilings with a wide room, paneled with ancient décor. This room is used for ceremonies of all cultures. The open courtyard is lined with tall columns etched with a language long forgotten. At the end of the entrance hall is the central sanctuary used for worship and adorned with the symbols of the seven moons. A stained-glass moon shaped dome shines light down upon the altar.
Amongst the many rooms of the temple is a parish room for business. A large chamber is where the High priestess Utia can be found to give a blessing, cure a poor soul, or to speak to the dead. It is said that there is even a secret room that is used by the high priestess to bring people back from the dead. A library is heavily guarded, only those with special privileges may be given access. Behind the many walls, in the academy you can find the high priestess and orders passing down the knowledge and education bestowed upon them. It is said a dungeon full of wonderous treasures and untold secrets lies deep within the temple grounds. Only the high priestess knows the true layout of the temple. No common folk has ever witnessed a prophecy vision, but rumors abound that it is scary and yet a sight to behold.
The back of the temple hosts the barracks. The training grounds for the Temple guards covers many combat classes.

Tenets of Faith

The temple hosts many deities of good and evil but seek to keep peace in the world. We believe there is balance. Without either, balance cannot exist. We do not question what our visions have shown or what the deities have asked of us. We call upon our powers for the service being asked of us. It is not in our power if they work or not. Your fate is determined by the deities. Shiandria (the green moon, the Forest Maiden) M'Nak (the brown moon that also represents magic) Vortex the black moon (Lord of Evil and Tyranny, in some parts of the world he is also combined with or seen as Asmodeous) Renessa the Red Mood (and mother of all) Crysteel (the white moon, the daughter of cold-hearted intelligence and warfare and ice & snow) Valorus (the moon that looks like ours, the moon of war and sacrifice) Duran (the blue and white moon, actually a water planet with strong storms)


Common practices: You are not allowed to touch the high priestess, priestess, sacred, and pupils. They can only touch you. The temple maiden and scholar are free to come and go within the community. They can be found to be escorted via a temple guard. Treat all temple members with respect. It is important to bring an offering to the temple if you want a higher chance of receiving a positive blessing, if not, fate may not be kind to you. (As of right now, it can be anything but will change per event. We will know if you did this or not….trust us…we know.) The sacred bell must be rung before entering the temple to inform the deity of your arrival. (This is a very sacred bell as old as the temple itself) When addressing the high priestess, kneel or bow while speaking the words “Princeps sacerdos tuus”.

Granted Divine Powers

Relics/Artifacts: (Real objects homed and protected at the temple. This list will be updated regularly. We have a Tiss archeologist whom we work with. If you find an object you want protected bring it to the Temple. It will remain in secret. Objects listed are public knowledge. If you see an object you are interested in, please visit the temple, and schedule an appointment with the High priestess via the Temple maiden.) Key of Secrets: This key allows its user to learn secret. It creates a keyhole in the temple of the creatures’ skull. When you insert the key into the keyhole and turn it, you cast Detect thoughts spell on it.   Amulet of Bird: This amulet allows its wearer to cast Find familiar spell. The summoned familiar is a skeleton bird and is considered undead.     Holidays/festivals/celebrations: Feel free to contact me to add your cultures Special holiday.


Temple Guards: The temple guards are an order of The Temple of the Seven Moons that have sworn an oath to keep the balance in the realm. The order is non-military and non-political. Members of the order can be of any combat class. Any member of the Order that do not want to take part in assignments (i.e. escort duty) can still earn experience and possible promotion as a temple guard and be rewarded for their service. There are three ranks: Private, Lieutenant, and Captain. The order has many assignments including: scout duty, temple guarding, protection duty, escort duty, combat, and more. ALL PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS OF THE ORDER MUST TAKE AN OATH IN ORDER TO BE PART OF THE ORDER.   Temple Guard Hierarchy:   Private: The rank of Private is the lowest rank in the Order and is denoted by one gold star. Privates will take orders from Lieutenants and Captains. Privates may be the lowest rank but still have many opportunities for important assignments. Privates stay in barracks unless on assignment.   Lieutenant: The rank of Lieutenant is above Private but below Captain and is denoted with two gold stars. Lieutenants are more experienced than Privates and are more likely to have important assignments. Lieutenants can give orders to Privates only in the absence of a Captain. Lieutenants will stay in barracks or the temple, unless on assignment.   Captain: The rank of Captain is the highest rank in the Order and is denoted with three RED stars. Captains will take general and specific direction from the High Priestess, but they do have the autonomy to make decisions that he/she sees fit to accomplish what needs to be done. Captains can choose any number of personnel of any rank for assignments. Captains will stay in the temple, unless on assignment.   Temple Guards will have two different uniforms: Guard duty at the temple and assignments where we want to stand out will have a white/gold uniform in line with colors of the temple. Any missions requiring stealth or secrecy will have a uniform of darker colors (still trying to figure out color scheme). Email me at [email protected] for links to the decided uniforms.   Permanent Inhabitants: The High priestess, The Sacred, pupils, and initiates can always be found at the temple unless it is a special occasion.   Temporary Inhabitants: The priestess can be found out and about in the city. Temple maidens and orders are free to come and go as they please.

Septem Lunas

Academy of New Dawn: If interested send an email to [email protected]. We can have actual lessons, ways to level up or a place for you to hang out.
Founding Date
The temple can be found in the center of the city of New Dawn. Sitting on a small hilltop, it stands above the other buildings. When the sun hits the moon shaped dome just right, it appears to glow and light the city. The temple is a place of holy grounds and if any violence occurs immediate death is bestowed upon the guilty party or parties. Commoners use the temple for prayer. Merchants, aristocrats, and bureaucrats can be seen vying for temple support. You can always find activity around the Temple.
Parent Organization


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