Beastlands Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The lands to the north in the region that was once the kingdom of Galiniad is now overrun by goblinoids, orcs, ogres and all kinds of unsavory creatures.   The mountains in Galiniad had always been home to the goblinoids due to the relatively low population of Galiniad not having the strength or will to scour the mountains of them.  When the Great Plague swept through the kingdom the population became to low to defend their own towns and villages.  The goblinoids however multiplied and swept into the lowlands, burning and killing as they went.  Most of the people fled to the Freerange or to northern Vannack in the face of the catastrophe.   The lands now are the source of endless troubles for the realms of the north.  With near constant skirmishes against clans of goblinoids, the true threat comes every century or two when the goblinoids unify under a warlord strong enough to keep them in line and pour vast hordes of the goblinoids south in a massive war against the civilized realms.  These invasions have reportedly been gaining in size over the centuries, making the news of a gathering force ever the more frightening.    The Empty Halls:  Formerly known as Deephalls, also now known as Bracklith (The Dark Tower in Orcish). The dwarven hold fell shortly after the fall of Ganalith.  Despite sending out a request for aid a surprising level of coordination caused the goblinoids to prevent a dwarven relief army from marching to the aid of the citadel.
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Neighboring Nations

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