Vannack Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Vannack is a feudal kingdom in the north of Riela. Along with it's neighboring allied kingdoms of Erenia and Vannack, the kingdom is rife with political intrigue as the claims on baronies and duchies make an absolutely bewildering spiderweb of titles and succession possibilities through intermarriages, land agreements, trade agreements and international agreements.   Being fairly large, it is however relatively sparsely populated compared to it's neighbors.  It's northern climate gives it a short growing season even in it's southern area (with the northern region having no agricultural ability at all).  This has given rise to a large fishing industry for domestic consumption in the northern region and large tracks of farmland in the south.


The inhospitable climate of much of Vannack has led to an industrious society with it's population working hard just to survive the winters.  Much of the clothing is furs and skins from the various animals that roam the land.  Almost every citizen who lives outside of the cities is capable at riding horses.


The only kingdom of the Rosehold Treaty that maintains a professional army.  Vannack has a standing army of 3,000 soldiers divided between two armies that garrison the western borders against the Beastwood and Beastlands.   North Army:  The northern army is 2,000 soldiers who are garrisoned at Northflower.  The north army has a disproportionate number of heavy cavalry that can surround and annihilate goblinoid warbands on the open fields west of Northflower.   South Army:  The southern army is 1,000 strong and at any given point 250 of them are garrisoned at the fortress of Echoskeep.   The remainder of the army is made up of 500 knights and the 15,000 men at arms maintained by the knights and lords of the kingdom.  The main army takes almost two weeks of time to properly muster however.

Foreign Relations

The spiderweb of marriages and claims extend to Eldarheen and Erenia as well.  This causes small conflicts over claims to certain baronies or duchies to be common whenever succession to a position becomes less than clear.  Despite their alliance together against Andaria, the kingdoms have fought more wars against eachother than they have against Andaria.    Vannack is a member of the Rosehold Treaty, entering into a pact of mutual support against Andaria with Erenia and Eldarheen. The Rosehold Treaty expanded to include Morilhan shortly after Vannack's entry into the alliance.  Vannack's hostility towards Andaria is less than it's southern neighbours as The Beastlands and Beastwood are on it's western borders and are a constant source of concern.  Economic resons rather than any real fear of Andarian expansion were the driving factor behind Vannack signing the Rosehold Treaty as it gave them access to the port city of Acrana to export and import goods.  The inhospitable climate of northern Vannack has led to it being largely ignored by the Beastlands in favour of the more temperate Andaria, however smaller warbands would often emerge from the Beastwood.

Agriculture & Industry

The great plains of eastern Vannack make ideal territory for the husbandry of horses and provide the majority of Vannack's exports.   Lumber from the Beastwood is logged from protected and fortified camps, providing enormous quantities of lumber for domestic use and export.

Trade & Transport

All goods coming in or out of Vannack are transported along the north-south road to the Eldarheenian city of Acrana.


The north-south road provides much of the transportation in the realm, however
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Exports
Horses, Lumber
Major Imports
Food, Steel
Neighboring Nations

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