Grand Duchy of Arbios Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Grand Duchy of Arbios

A tiny yet fiercely independent realm between Arenshold and the Tradesea. The Kingdom of Arbios was absorbed by Thilk through a series of marriages less than a century after it's liberation. Becoming part of the Kingdom of Thilk for two centuries.   The Duke of Bolhaven unified the lands and declared independance as it's Grand Duke. Since then the Grand Duchy of Arbios has stood as the gateway to the south, building it's enormous prosperity off the important crossroads at Bolhaven. Even going so far as to begin construction on an enormously ambitious project to create an artificial bay for a harbour near Bolhaven, which would give Arbios deepwater port access to The Tradesea.


Mercantile and agricultural people, the outrageous wealth of Arbios can be seen in many aspects of Arbian culture.  Extravagance is normal and Arbian fashion can be described as flamboyant at least.  It's not uncommon to see the carriages of even minor nobles adorned with solid gold decorations.


Forming of a loose coalition between two cities in the fall of the Arkenian Empire.  Over time became a federation in a united front.   The Tharan Empire absorbed the small federation after beating them in two decisive battles.  The first at Grisarde, taking the city in a swift assault and again at the Battle of the Emanar Bridge.   Arbios endures several hundred years of occupation under the Tharan Empire.    Eventually, Arbios is liberated in the Fall of the Tharan Empire.   The newly formed Kingdom of Arbios last less than a century before a series of shrewed marriages sees the line of succession fall to the Thilk crown and Arbios is absorbed by Thilk as the Duchies of Arbios, Bolhaven and Marcheste.   A cultural and economic decline in the Thilk heartland and increased taxation of the Arbios duchies led to them banding back together under Duke Remey of Bolhaven. The duchies were reasonably wealthy due to their position on The Long Road and the Southway (Bolhaven itself being on the crossroads of the two). Duke Remey was declared the Grand Duke of the coalition of duchies and he mustered an army to enforce the realm's claim of independence.  Raising levies, calling knights and hiring mercenaries an army of 4,000 stood ready at Bolhaven for an attack that would not come.  Thilk, being decadent and in decline could not field an effective military force counter the army Arbios had raised and decided to simply allow them to secede.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations

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