House Ecritil Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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House Ecritil

A kingdom immediately south of The Forsaken Lands, the realm now finds itself surrounded by enemies and severely weakened by taking severe losses during the Battle of Syrdarr's Grief, a sudden crop blight emerging and a new plague ravaging the lands.   The kingdom finds itself in need of heroes and allies as the hardships falling upon the realm threaten to completely destroy it.


A largely trade and agricultural based people the realm has had a long line of benevolent kings that has caused a generally happy people who enjoy their food, song and cheer.  The last major war being 30 years in the past and without any serious border of claims skirmishes since then, the realm is without experienced soldiers or military commanders.  The arrival of the undead horde, influx of A'Drosian refugees and the plague has shocked the people as their peaceful life shatters around them.  As the men are levied into the army and the civilians come under rationing fear pervades the land; taverns are more full than ever, yet the song and dance is rarely cheerful anymore.


Having lost half of their army at the Battle of Syrdarr's Grief, House Ecritil is in an extremely perilous position.   The professional forces number only 1,200 and only 4,400 men at arms remain in the realm.  Levies are being raised and trained in a desperate race against time as their enemies close in around them.   Garrisons at the Airi pass and Foreguard Castle protect the realm from imminent invasion as Lightguard Keep is being constructed south of the Tears of Syrdarr.   Most of House Ecritil's commanders have never been in combat, much less led formations in battle.  The others have only the traumatic experience of the Battle of Syrdarr's Grief as experience.  This has led to training and logistical problems as the realm scrambles to raise an army.  To compound the problem, many of the urban citizens have proven unsuitable for military service and the rural areas have had to be disproportionately levied, taking men out of the fields when there is already a food shortage.

Foreign Relations

A long peace with Kor A'Dros has led to the northern border being almost entirely undefended, resulting in serious casualties in the Battle of Syrdarr's Grief.  Now they desperately defend the mountain pass at Airi while Isperia mobilizes for war against them for the first time in 30 years.   The realm has accepted more than 200,000 refugees from Kor A'Dros, however facing sudden plague and food shortages, conditions in the tightly packed camps have become nightmarish.  With the night being lit up by the pyres of the plague victims and the growing inquisitions laying blame on any they can find for the perceived desertion by Elerith, the refugees are largely denied entry to the cities by the fearful population.   In a desperate plea for help House Ecritil has sent envoys to Imantril and Allmoor, begging for assistance in any way they can.

Agriculture & Industry

Kallasil and the Moorish March provides the vast majority of the kingdom's food as it has abnormally fertile soil.  Recently however a blight has started spreading and many fields are being burned in an effort to stop it's spread.  However wherever the blight is quarantined and controlled, it crops up again in another area.   Recently blacksmiths and fletchers have been exempted from the levy as the production of arms and armour has increased tenfold to equip the levies being raised.

Trade & Transport

Being on the Tradesea and The Long Road has given House Ecritil an excellent trade network, allowing trade to support much of their economy as they used to be the gateway to the east from the northern approach.  The fall of Kor A'Dros, the undead army marching into the Divide and the beginning of hostilities with Isperia has led to the kingdom being largely cut off from it's previously lucrative overland routes.   Interiel was a major trade port on the Isperian Gulf, however it is taking the entire Ecritan navy all of their effort to keep a narrow trade lane open as Isperia moves to simply cut off the gulf from outside trade.


The architecture of the realm is largely stone first floor walls, with jettied floors above it.  Manor houses and smaller wooden castles are commonplace.  The border regions with southern realms and The Divide have more stone castles in the towns and cities.   Foreguard Castle is the main protective fortress on the road to Interiel and is the effective headquarters for the professional forces.  Maintaining a 200 strong garrison at any given time it is quite large.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Imports
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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