Imantril Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Technically a vassal kingdom of Allmoor by rights of succession, Imantril is more powerful than the kingdom of Allmoor due to possession of the Great City of Mistwatch and The Eastway running through the kingdom. Thus Imantril is independent in all but name.   Once being the center of greater Allmoor, the northern region was retaken during the reconquest by an army led by the rightful heir's cousin and his line held the crown over the region since then. Wishing to maintain the peace in the face of the still formidable Emalir Sultanate the heir of Allmoor accepted the autonomy of Imantril provided he swear fealty as a vassal of Allmoor when he took the throne. Under pressure from House Ecritil and Kor A'Dros he accepted. Given the relation between the royal lines it is suspected that someday soon one of the lines will fail and the other will claim the rights to a reunited kingdom of Allmoor.


A metropolitan trade culture with a rich history the people of Imantril are wealthy due to the astounding trade that passes through the length of the kingdom.  Imantril has enjoyed incredible prosperity and in the great city of Ostegarde influences from every culture across Riela can be spotted, rivaling the Free City of Kross for the sheer amount of different people, cusine, celebrations and goods that can be found.   Imantril has been so successful that many of Imantril's citizens and nobles are wondering why they are a vassal of Allmoor, especially since they hold Ostegarde, the capital city of the united Allmoor of history and the king is of the same royal blood that the sitting king of Allmoor is.  However with the current prosperity, few are willing to go to war to make these dreams come true.


4252:  Prince Isenbard, cousin to Alexander III (the heir in exile of Allmoor) leads a large army into Allmooran lands occupied by the Ammattar Sultanate. The Sultanate still devastated from the plague and their defeat at Coleste could largely only field inexperienced levies or commanders to defend their holdings in northern Allmoor. Culminating in seizing the vital city of Ostegarde, causing celebration across much of the world as the great city is returned from Ammattan hands. The devastation resulting from the bloody assault on the city takes over a century to repair and recover from. By right of reconquest and royal blood Isenbard declares himself king of Imantril, comprising much of the land of historical Allmoor. Not wishing to begin warring among themselves in the face of the still formidable Ammattar Sultanate, House Ecritil and Kor A'Dros pressured Isenbard to swear fealty to his cousin and be a vassal state upon the reclamation of the rest of Allmoor.   4257: Liberation of Allmoor. A crusader army led by Crown Prince Alexander III enters southern Allmoor from The Bloodcoast and seizes Mittermark in a swift assault. Proclaiming Mittermark as the new capital of Allmoor Alexander III proclaims himself the king of Allmoor. The Ammattan army is caught out of position as they expected an invading force to come from Ostegarde. His first act as king was to send a rider to his now vassal kingdom of Imantril to raise their army in support. The army swiftly sweeps across southern Allmoor until meeting the large Ammattan army in the fields outside Almelitz. At the climactic battle of Almelitz King Isenbard reaffirms his oath of fealty under pressure from the international coalition and sends a large army to assist the smaller Allmooran army.   4267:  An Imantran army comes to Allmoor's aid as the bulk of their army is fighting in Solmarch and the Attammar Sultanate seizes Marikantz.  The Imantran army meets the battered Ammattan army at Marikantz and assaults the city; putting every member of the Ammattan army to the sword after taking it.   4271: A new army led by King Isenbard enters the desert. Having studied and learned from the disaster of the previous expedition the army faces success and brings the sultanate's forces to a decisive battle, destroying the sultanate's army, but taking severe casualties in the process. Pressing forward despite having a tiny army has the sultanate collapse and fracture. The sultanate is formally dissolved under the Treaty of Al-Satha (AKA tThe Treaty of Greenhaven Oasis), signed under the auspices of King Isenbard (earning him significant political support, solidifying his tenuous claims to an independent kingdom).

Demography and Population

Population:  1,150,000


Imantril maintains a strong professional standing army of 10,000 strong with the feudal lords and knights maintaining a large number of men at arms.  However without a major war in decades, it is a largely inexperienced army that some suspect has been allowed to rest on it's laurels.

Foreign Relations

Imantril retains cool yet cordial relations with House Ecritil, whom they have gone to war with in the past od several occasions over control of the Moorish March.   Several trade agreements with Isperia effectively dictate a requirement for friendly relations as Isperia has previously proven that they will go to war to protect their trade.   Being a vassal of Allmoor has been a rising point of contention in Imantril royal court and in the taverns across the kingdom.  Only the gentle hand that Allmoor applies keeps the peace, for now.

Agriculture & Industry

Farming is reasonable in Imantril, providing enough to sustain the kingdom and even put some away in storage for the hard years, however the soil is not fertile enough for an export market.   Logging near Ostegarde is prolific.  There is dispute over weather the forest is in Imantran or Allmooran territory however fearing conflict neither side has pressed the issue.

Trade & Transport

Being the main artery for trade in the east has made Imantril incredibly wealthy, despite it's vassal status.   Ostegarde is the largest trading port in the east and The Eastway runs through the realm to the Bloodcoast.  Almost all trade in the east passes through Imantril in one way or another and the coin Allmoor levies from it's vassal is nearly inconsequential in comparison to the vast wealth raised from the trade alone


In the largely temperate climate most of the architecture has wooden or tone structures with peaked roofs, however many older structures with domes roofs can be identified as throwbacks to the time of the occupation under the Ammattar Sultanate.   Being of the Tradesea, The Long Road and The Eastway provides immense transportation infrastructure with virtually no substantive maintenance costs.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state

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