Lordship of the Eyrie Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Lordship of the Eyrie

A petty kingdom in The Westlands founded by Cassius Noxheart, a member of the Falcons adventuring party.  The Eyrie is a realm that has slid into evil and oppression over the last century under the rule of Mantrik Rathmore.


With the decline of the Western Arkenian Empire the lands to the north of the Sheermounts had slipped beyond the empire's control by 4380 as it's internal problems and challenges mount.  With the petty Kingdom of Drakehold consumed with problems to it's north and the early stages of the Freerange raids on ports, the small town is beleaguered; it's wealth and power drained in defending itself from ever bolder goblinoid attacks and the marauding ships of the Freerange.   4402: Cassius Noxheart arrives in the region at Ebenholm with his band of loyal followers (numbering 25 including Mournimal Rathmore). The villages of the region however were being preyed upon by goblins of the mountains above the fields. In the fall the goblins came to raid after the harvest. Cassius Noxheart rallies the villages together, beating the goblins in a pitched battle outside outside Ebenholm.   4403 Spring: Cassius Noxheart is named the Lord Protector of the region and marries Elania, daughter and only child of the mayor of Ebenholm.   4403 Summer: Cassius takes 100 men and assaults the goblin stronghold, killing the goblin king and driving the goblins out of the region forever.   4405: Norvin Noxheart is born.   4407: Cassius begins a campaign against local bandits, bringing many more villages under the protection of Ebenholm. Cassius begins building Eyrielight Castle with the fortune amassed as a member of the Falcons.   4411: The keep of Eyrielight Castle is completed, the Noxheart family moves into the castle.   4415: The main structures of Eyrielight Castle are completed. The realm is named The Eyrie and Ebenholm is referred to as Eyrieholm in a nod to the castle perched in the mountains. The mayor and sheriff present Cassius Noxheart with a crown for kingship of the region, Cassius accepts.  Without any official authority from the emperor or the church appointing him as king however, the title is meaningless outside of the realm.  Hence, the "Kingdom of the Eyrie" remains the "Lordship of the Eyrie" by the wider world and it's sovereign is received generally as a Grand Duke in courts.   4420:  The Sack of Dawtarr's Temple.  A raiding party from the Freerange destroys the vulnerable Temple of Dawtarr near the mouth of Stonebrook in response to Cassius' refusal to pay tribute the the raiders as the town had done before.  This begins a two centuries period of clashes between the seaborne raiders and the fledgling realm.   4438: Crown prince Alfred is killed in battle defending Smoothwick against a raiding party of the Freerange.   4446: Cassius Noxheart dies. Is succeeded by his second son Aeris   4452: Construction of Ironmeadow Castle begins to garrison a force of men on the west bank of Stonebrook to protect the region from further raids.  A hillfort north of Smoothwick is also constructed for this means (this hill fort will eventually become Harmont Manor).   4458: The original wooden keep of Ironmeadow Castle is completed and garrisoned.   4620: Battle of Sheermount Meadows. A combined Drakehold and Eyrie army defeats the invasion force of the Freerange marauders.   4862: The Eyrie crisis begins with the death of king Salvotore Noxheart and the ascension of Dommick Noxheart to the throne. Being little more than a child and without regent, Dommick gives many orders nearly ruining the land. He orders many evil deeds done in his name and they are enforced by the marshall and right hand to the throne Mantrik Rathmore as part of his oath to the Noxheart line.   4863: After ordering the execution of Mantrik Rathmore's family while he was away on campaign, Mantrik kills Dommick on the highest tower of the castle, breaking his oath the Dommick. In his grief he throws himself off the tower, however awakens as a death knight. Mantrik Rathmore takes the throne.   In the 137 years of Rathmore's reign the prosperous realm declines as the evil spirit from the castle spreads and takes hold.  The crop yields, birth rates and economic activity slowly drop.  The alliance with Drakehold is no longer maintained.

Demography and Population

Population:  25,000


Eyrieholm is a deepwater port that is an important trading point for the realm as most imports and exports go through the port.   Eyrielight Castle:  A small castle, however is in a nearly unassailable position as there is only a single narrow winding road with several fortified gatehouses along the route to it, where a bridge connects the road to the castle sitting atop a separate rock peak.  The storage rooms under the castle contain room for years of supplies.  The relatively small garrison of 50 men is still enough to hold the castle nearly indefinitely.  In the over 500 years it has stood, it has not fallen once.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Lordship
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute

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