
While Goblins are most densely concentrated inĀ Balor, you may find a handful of them in the outskirts of society in the major cities of Nemed, and fewer still integrated into the cities proper. Within Balor, they are often in societies with their cousins, the bugbears and hobgoblins. Within these sub-societies that they form together, Goblins are at the bottom of the pecking order.   Goblins are known for their skin color, ranging from muddy to bright green, and their smaller physique. They tend to have wiry frames with knobby joints. Their facial features run the gamut from terrifying to humorous. They can have smaller pointed ears or comically large ones, small or long hooked noses. The longer the goblin's bloodline has been integrated into society the less feral features they have, tending to have more homogenous features.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Uncommon
Average Height: 3'4" - 3'8"
Average Weight: 40 lb. - 55 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Dex, +2 Wis or Cha
Size Small
Speed 6 squares
Vision Low-light
Languages Common, Goblin
Related Locations


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