
Bugbears are almost exclusively found in Balor. Although they are relatively well adjusted to society in Nemed. They tend to live in closed off communities with their closely related goblin and hobgoblin cousins. Generally speaking, bugbears are not known to venture outside of these communities at all, so seeing one would be quite the spectacle. Though they were driven to modern society by The Ending, many hundreds of years ago, they still carry a heavy stigma of being dangerous and wild.   Bugbears resemble taller, more feral goblins, getting their name from their noses and claws which resemble a bear's. They tend to be more humanoid than goblins, but less than hobgoblins. They are often much stronger and taller than humans, while maintaining a somewhat lanky build. They're covered head to toe in hair that's brown, black or even orange-red hair.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Uncommon
Average Height: 6'10" - 7'2"
Average Weight: 250 lb. - 300 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Dex, +2 Str
Size Medium
Speed 6 squares
Vision Low-light
Languages Common, Goblin
Related Locations


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